The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court, #1)

I found that unlikely. I’d watched almost all, and when I didn’t, there was always some girl more than willing to rehash every single detail of the conversation. Before I could protest, Mistress Culpepper came hurrying into the dining room.

“Mister Thorn, there’s a gentleman here to speak with you.” It was the first time I’d seen her look unsettled.

Cedric raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t think we had any appointments this afternoon.”

“We don’t, but sir, it’s—it’s the governor’s son. Warren Doyle.”

That caught even Cedric off guard. “Well, then. I guess you’d better show him to the sitting room.” She hurried off, and he glanced at me. “And I suppose you’d better scurry off to your spy post.”

I flashed him a grin and left the room. As I went upstairs, I caught sight of Jasper nearly running into the house. Apparently, word of the governor’s son’s visit had reached him. He might normally have no problem letting Cedric handle meetings alone, but this was clearly one Jasper wanted to be at.

All the girls gathered on the walkway above, even Mira, who tended to skip these covert viewings. We craned our necks, hoping to get a glimpse of the suitor who had caused both Cedric and Jasper to take notice.

“Not bad,” murmured Clara. I had to agree. Warren Doyle was only a few years older than us—something of a relief, since many gray-haired gentlemen had graced our door. Even from this height, I could see a face with strong, handsome features and jet-black hair pulled back into the short fashionable tail popular on both sides of the Sunset Sea.

“Mister Doyle,” said Jasper, taking the newcomer’s hand. “It is an honor.”

“Call me Warren, please. We might as well drop formalities since I plan on being quite straightforward here. It’s how I am—and, well, I hope you’ll forgive me. I’m no good with small talk.”

Jasper exchanged the briefest of looks with his son and then returned his smile to Warren. “Of course. Please—sit down.”

Warren did, clasping his hands in his lap. A daytime visit would have allowed more casual attire, but he was dressed formally in a russet coat and a vest of gold brocade. He could have attended our ball right now.

“I’m here about one of your girls. The top one—the one who led your procession, in the gray dress.”

I tensed.

“Do you mean Adelaide?” asked Cedric uncertainly.

“Is that her name?” asked Warren, brightening. “She is the best one, right? Isn’t that how your ranking works? She had brown hair—well, a golden brown. Very lovely.”

Mira grinned beside me. “He got your hair right. That should make you happy.”

“‘Best’ is a subjective term,” said Jasper delicately. “All of our girls are—”

Warren smiled kindly. “You don’t need to use your usual tactics on me. You don’t need to try to sell them all to me. I’m already sold. I want her. I need her. You see, I’ve been given governorship of the new colony of Hadisen.”

Jasper beamed, but I knew how he must be calculating. “Congratulations. That’s an incredible accomplishment for a man of your age, if you don’t mind me saying so.”

“Thank you,” said Warren, nodding eagerly. “I’m very, very fortunate. And that’s why it’s imperative I have an exemplary wife. She will be the first lady of the colony. Even in its rough stages, all will look to her as an example. And once we’re truly established, she’ll be the one in charge of all social affairs in my household. I need someone who excels in all areas—someone intelligent, cultured, and worthy of admiration. I assume, as your top girl—”

“Our diamond,” corrected Jasper. “We call her our diamond.”

“Your diamond then. I assume she must have surpassed all the others in every test. If I am to succeed in this venture, I must have an incomparable lady.”

I could feel the eyes of my companions upon me, trying to gauge my reaction. Mostly, I was stunned. After never hearing my name come up, I was shocked at this turn of events. There could be no greater position than a governor’s wife. And it hadn’t escaped my notice that it had been my inner qualities and aptitude that caught his attention as much as my looks. Most of the men who’d come through here had made beauty a top priority.

“She is certainly incomparable,” said Jasper. He managed to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. “And I’ll tell you a secret—our opening ball is coming soon, so you only have to wait a few days to meet her.”

“I don’t really need to meet her,” said Warren. “I’m sure she’s exceptional. And I’d like to seal a marriage contract now.”

“That’s not . . . how it works,” said Cedric stiffly. “The girls meet all potential suitors in our social season. Then they choose.”

Warren was undaunted. “I don’t want to risk losing her to someone who might woo her with a lot of flash and no substance. I’ll put out a price to make it worth your while for removing her early—one I might not be willing to match if I have to wait. One thousand gold if you do the deal right now.”

Some of the girls near me gasped. There’d never been a sum like that offered in the Glittering Court’s history. It was double my starting fee.