The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court, #1)

The blacksmith was surprised to see me—even more surprised that I was a woman. He read the letter and handed it back with a shrug. “I guess Walter employs all types now. Come with me.”

He led me to a locked shed in the back that, when opened, revealed mostly a lot of junk. I worried what shape my painting would be in. He moved things aside and finally pulled out a cloth-wrapped, rectangular object. I unwrapped it and examined it by the light of my lantern. It was my painting, in exactly the same condition as I’d last seen it in Wisteria Hollow’s cellar.

“Satisfied?” he asked.

“Very. Thank you.”

I wrapped it back up in its padding, and he helped me tie it to the back of Beth’s saddle. It wasn’t ideal for transportation, but I felt confident the canvas wouldn’t tear. A little bouncing wouldn’t hurt it much.

Beth and I rode off back on the black road to Cape Triumph. A quarter moon offered little guidance, and I was glad this was a well-worn and traveled road. When I reached the edge of the city, I ended up circling around it. Taking the extra time seemed like a better choice than being recognized.

The road north was narrower than the one south, surrounded by thick woods that made the way even darker. I knew I should go slowly in case of unseen obstacles, but I was growing uneasy about the passing time. It had to be after midnight, and I still had a lot of traveling to do—not to mention finalizing the paperwork back in Cape Triumph. There were only a few more witnesses in the trial. I didn’t know how soon the tribunal would make a ruling. It was possible the paperwork might overturn a conviction. But I knew sometimes, especially for heretics, punishment was enacted immediately. I couldn’t spare the time.

I urged poor tired Beth into a hard gallop. For all my fine talk about being a great horsewoman, what I was doing was incredibly foolhardy. That was confirmed for me only a few minutes later when Beth suddenly stumbled, nearly throwing me and the painting from her back. She managed to catch herself just in time but came to a quick stop, refusing to go further. I dismounted and tried to see what obstacle she’d tripped on. As it turned out, she’d lost a horseshoe.

“Damn it,” I cried into the night. An owl answered in return. Further examination showed Beth didn’t seem to have damaged her leg or hoof, but there was no way I’d be able to ride her at the earlier rate. And from her exhausted appearance, she probably wouldn’t have let me do it much longer anyway.

I got back on her. Even at an easier trot, every equestrian instructor I’d ever had would chastise me for this. It risked further injury. I hoped that wouldn’t happen—just as I hoped the painting’s buyer would sell me a horse.

But Beth refused to budge. I was finally forced to go on foot, leading her behind me. Each step down the road was agonizing—not because of the physical toll, but the mental. I was weary and frustrated. The moon was traveling farther and farther across the sky, and all I could think about was how each delay put Cedric at risk. At least two hours had passed when I heard a thunder of hoofbeats behind me. I instantly became guarded, not knowing if this would be a help or hindrance. At the rate the riders were coming, there’d be no chance to divert into the woods, so I simply moved to the side and waited for what was to come. I put my hand on my knife.

Five men rode up, slowing when they reached me. One held a lantern. They all had weathered faces, with worn clothing suggestive of a laborious life. I didn’t recognize any of them. But they recognized me.

“Countess,” one said cheerfully. “We’re here to escort you back to Osfrid.”

Chapter 30

I took a step back, trying to calm my rapid breathing and pounding heart.

“You’ve made some mistake, sir,” I said. “I’m a common laborer, making a delivery.”

“A little late for that,” said one of the other men. “Looks more to me like you’re trying to run for it before things blow up in Cape Triumph. Not sure I blame you.”

“We aren’t going to hurt you,” said the first man. He dismounted, and a couple of others followed suit. “Just need to ship you back and collect our payday. Come with us, and make it easy on everyone.”

I tightened my hold on the knife and took another step back. I was almost off the road and wondered how far I’d get if I took off into the brushy woods. Probably not very. The terrain looked rough, and I’d likely fall over some log before getting ten feet away.

“She ain’t going to make it easy.” The first man reached for me, and I swung out with the knife, cutting through his shirt and slashing shallowly across his chest.