The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court, #1)

“All that work gone.” The very thought made me weary, considering how many hours I’d spent standing in the river. Both of us had toughened up considerably in the last couple of weeks. I had calluses on my hands, and when I’d finally found a mirror, I’d discovered the hat had done only so much to keep the sun off me, as I’d feared.

“It’ll be worth it to get what I need,” Cedric said. “Sluices sit in the river and essentially pan for us. We can get more gold in less time.”

“That’s promising,” I admitted. “But sometimes, I feel like this claim has just enough gold to give us false hope but not enough to pay out. And I think Warren knew that.”

“There’s a very real possibility of that.” Cedric’s face started to fall, but then his optimism quickly returned. “But we’re not going to make that call until we’ve exhausted all our options. If he expects us to give up at the first sign of trouble, he’s in for a surprise.”

So, I spent the next day helping around the homestead. There was never any end to the chores needing to be done, something I thought about quite a bit. If Cedric and I were able to settle in Westhaven, life wouldn’t be very different than in Hadisen. We’d be living on the frontier in modest accommodations. There’d be no servants to help. When I’d come to Blue Spring Manor, I’d been na?ve about the labor ordinary people did. Now, I was rapidly becoming proficient in all sorts of tasks I’d never imagined.

I also found that all of my fancy education meant little to my students. These were children who’d grown up without a school of any kind and had been sent to work early. The things I taught them were basic: reading and simple arithmetic. It gave me a new understanding of the world and the variety of people who lived within it.

These thoughts were on my mind when Cedric came for me the day after his White Rock trip. Noticing my thoughtfulness as we rode on old Lizzie, he asked me about it.

“It’s hard out here, harder than I ever imagined,” I said, trying to explain. “But I don’t always mind. I’m coming to love this land. I like the quietness. The openness. And I like the way people have come to better themselves—and not in the way the Glittering Court bettered us. It’s hard to explain, but I realize the ‘common’ people out here aren’t going to be common forever. It’s all survival now, but one day, arts and education could flourish here like they have in Osfro. And . . . I’m excited to be a part of it.”

He leaned forward to kiss me lightly on the neck. “It’ll be even better in Westhaven. The determination they show here is a great thing, but it’s even greater when paired with the freedom of thought and belief Westhaven’ll have. Mind and body have to survive out here. Oh.” He shifted around behind me, reaching into his pocket. “I picked up a letter for you while I was in town.”

I read it as I rode. It was from Tamsin:

Dear Adelaide,

They tell me you can get letters out there, but I’m skeptical. I hope this actually reaches you and doesn’t get eaten by a bear.

Life here is beautiful. I’ve gone to a different party every night. There’ve been a few gentlemen with potential, but I’m still holding out for Warren. His position, both in finances and in power, is exactly what I need. Plus, I’ll be nearer to you! Now, if I could just get him to fall hopelessly, madly in love with me, things would be perfect. It’s a good sign that he told me to wait for him, but I could use a little bit more.

Some of the Grashond settlers are still hanging around, and I wish they would go. I’m tired of seeing them. The only upside of them being here is that it reminds me how nice it is to wear color again.

Mira’s been behaving very strangely. Did she do that while you were here? The last couple of days in particular, she’s been off. Sometimes distracted, sometimes irritable. Since she’s always been the least moody out of all of us, you can imagine how weird that is.

I found out she’s only received one legitimate offer. Did you know that? I guess plenty of men like to dance with her and talk to her, but they leave it at that. The offer is from some ancient plantation owner. And I do mean ancient. He’s at least eighty. I suppose that would make me irritable too, but it’s a very respectable position. He’s well-situated, and she’d have a lot of control of the house, which I think she’d like. And since he is so old, I don’t think he’d ask much of her, if you know what I mean.

I wish I could write more, but that would take time away from doing my hair for tonight’s party. It’s at a shipping magnate’s home. He’s not as good a catch as Warren, but he’s a solid backup—just in case.

I don’t know how you could have given this up for digging in the dirt all day, but I hope you are happy and well.

All my love,
