The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7)

I squinted because there was no way that sounded as if it were even plausible.

“Dios,” she moaned, clutching the shower curtain closer to her breasts. Then she bit her lip and waved me away with a free hand, sputtering something in Spanish that went way over my head. But the shooing motion and desperation on her face made her plea obvious enough.

“Shit, sorry.” I suddenly realized how badly I’d been gawking. Lifting my hands, I backed up a step toward the half closed bathroom door behind me until I nudged it with my spine. “I’ll...let you finish.” But I couldn’t seem to take my gaze off her. She was just...stunning. “And I swear, I’ll look away...soon. Once the blood stops rushing to my dick and returns to my head and I can think rationally again,”

Ah, hell, I’d just said that aloud, hadn’t I? Thank God she didn’t know English, though I swear she blushed as if she did. But then her eyebrows twitched with irritation and she blasted me with more Spanish, this time most definitely scolding me for being a creeper and still staring at her.

So I blew out a rattled breath and stumbled back into the hotel room, closing the bathroom door all the way to give her privacy.

But Jesus, that had been... Actually, I wasn’t quite sure what that had been, but it had definitely been intense. I wondered if I should be upset or indignant that some stranger was making herself at home in my hotel room, but then I remembered all her gorgeous nakedness, and yeah...I could summon neither emotion.

I paced the floor, running my hands through my hair, wondering what the hell was going on. Where was Remy and why had he let a hot chick into our room so she could shower...alone? Finally, I realized I could just ask him, so yanked my phone from my pocket and dialed his number. Across the room, The Bangles began to sing “Walk Like an Egyptian,” which must be his ringtone, because as I followed the source of the sound with my gaze, I spotted his phone sitting abandoned on his nightstand.

Damn it. He hadn’t taken his phone with him...wherever he’d gone.

Where the hell had he gone?

When the shower water in the bathroom turned off, I spun that way. Then I realized I was probably still being a creeper. So I plopped onto my bed to wait. But I didn’t really have to wait at all.

The bathroom door eased open and big brown eyes peered out.

I waved my fingers at her. “Hi again.”

“Hijo de puta,” she muttered, scowling. Then she seemed to draw in a deep breath before she pushed the door open wide. She’d grabbed a towel and had it wrapped around her, tucking it in tight around her breasts and barely covering the tops of her water-splattered thighs so that she showed off just how long and lean her tanned, gorgeous legs were.

Clutching a bundle of clothes to her, she tiptoed barefoot from the bathroom and murmured, “Gracias,” as she motioned behind her, thanking me for the use of my shower, I guess. Then she waved and added, “Adiós.”

What? No way was she leaving just like that. I swung off the bed and leapt to my feet so quickly she jerked to a halt and eyed me warily.

“You don’t have to leave yet,” I told her, pointing toward her clothes. “You can change into your things first. It’s fine.”

She shook her head and pointed toward the door, rattling off a whole string of shit I didn’t understand.

When she started to flee again, I eased into her path and set my hand on the door. Skidding to a halt, she gaped at my fingers with wide eyes before sliding her skittish gaze to me.

I knew I was freaking her out, but I kind of liked that. She’d definitely freaked me out when I’d discovered her in my shower.

“I’m Asher,” I said, leaning mildly against the door and effectively barricading her way out.

She drew in a deep breath, stared at the floor a moment, then looked up, meeting my gaze head-on, without fear as she gestured toward the door. “Por favor,” she murmured, requesting I let her out.

I only grinned and shook my head. “I don’t think so, beautiful. It’s your turn. What’s your name? ?Nombre? ?Cómo te llamas?”

Her eyes flared. Then she shook her head adamantly and whispered, “No.”

I leaned closer, my grin only stretching wider. “No, what? No is your name, or no, you can’t give me your name?”

“N-no,” she repeated, her breathing picking up as I dipped my face closer to hers. She definitely no longer appeared afraid of me. Her eyes glossed with heat and she didn’t even try to pull away. From the entranced way she studied me, I wondered if she was going to kiss me. I kind of really hoped she did.

Raw, hot lust stirred inside me, prickling my skin and hardening my cock.

Unable to stop smiling, I eased closer, halting only when I was a mere inch from pressing my mouth to hers. “Yes,” I argued softly, playfully.

Linda Kage's books