The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7)

“Hey, there are a couple of receipts in here too,” Sticks spoke up suddenly, making me glance over to watch him frowning into my box.

“Yeah.” I waved my pen. “I put everything related to the band in there. Like a catchall. It’s simple and helps me keep track of where things are.”

“Really?” His eyebrows rose in disbelief. “Because I don’t know how you could find jack shit in here. This thing is a fucking mess.”

I had to laugh at the horror on his face. “Feel free to organize it however you like,” I said. “Just don’t lose anything.”

Sticks snorted. “You’re worried about me losing something? Increíble.”

“Oh, shut up, smart-ass.” I laughed and reread the last line, finally coming up with a new one.

Holden arrived then. It took Gally another five minutes to show, so while I continued to fiddle with my song, Sticks attempted to drag a conversation out of Holden while he stacked papers on the floor around the box, but he didn’t have any more luck than I’d ever had. Holden only answered him with a couple grunts and a nod or shake of the head.

Once everyone had arrived, I put my pen and paper down, and we spent a good half hour hashing out which songs we wanted to sing for the Chicago gig. For the new drummer’s benefit, I added “Hot for Teacher” to our list of cover songs since we didn’t have enough original compositions yet to last through a full show, and it reminded me of Noel, who’d hooked up with his college professor and married her.

Sticks hooted in pleasure when I mentioned that choice, which made me smile. No one really picked on the song choices I’d selected; it was the order in which I wanted to sing them that set Gally off into a tangent.

“Man, ‘Stone-Hearted’ is our biggest hit. We need to lead with that shit.”

“I disagree,” Sticks spoke up. “No concert I’ve ever been to started with their most popular song. It needs to wait until later, so people have time to show up and then make them stick around a bit waiting for it. About three-fourths of the way into the set is best.”

Which had been exactly where I’d placed it. I sent Sticks an appreciative smile, but Gally sniffed. “Shut up, queer. You don’t have a say in this.”

“Hey!” Glaring at the bass guitarist, I snapped, “Will you stop with the derogatory remarks already? And yes, he does too have a say. Sticks is just as much of a member of Non-Castrato as any of us are now.”

Gally sent us a round of dirty scowls, but at least he shut his trap before he moodily crossed his arms over his chest and muttered, “Whatever.”

“I think it needs to come later, too,” Holden finally said.

“Three against one,” I told Gally with maybe a bit too much glee.

“I said what the fuck ever,” he snapped. “But I think we should start with that Kongos song then. ‘Come with Me Now.’”

“Actually, we should probably start with an original,” Sticks argued.

I knew Gally was going to say something else totally uncalled for, and I was fully prepared to come down on him for it, but at the last second, he closed his mouth and smoothed up his Mohawk, which was green today. “Hell, why doesn’t gay boy here just decide everything?”

“Honestly,” I said. “I already had an order planned, and yeah, the first song I put down was ‘Ceilings.’”

Sending me two thumbs-up, Sticks mouthed, Good one.

I had to glance away to keep from grinning, which I had a feeling would send Gally into an even moodier pout. So I read off the complete list I’d planned. Everyone had their own input, so we tailored it until most everyone was happy. By the time we actually got to practicing any of the songs, I was so ready to drown myself in music I picked the most vocally challenging ones that forced me to put everything into my voice.

By the time we finished, my throat was a little sore from the workout, but I felt better than ever, achieving a high that only came when I sang.

“Shit, man,” Sticks said in awe. “You sure can belt out a melody when you want to.”

I grinned at him, amused with the way he’d phrased his compliment. “Not so shabby yourself, drummer boy. You weren’t lying when you said you did a good rendition of ‘Hot for Teacher.’”

“Oh, Jesus.” Gally groaned. “I’m leaving before you two start complimenting each other’s purses and hair ribbons. Go shopping at the mall together or something, and get it out of your system already. Fuck.”

With that, he flung his guitar strap over his shoulder and stomped from the garage.

“He doesn’t like it when he doesn’t get his way,” Holden said in his deep, quiet voice.

“That or it’s just his time of the month,” Sticks agreed.

I laughed. “Well, I think we have a decent list to play on Saturday, despite his mood.”

Linda Kage's books