The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7)

Once I washed my hands and returned to the rest of the group, Galloway was still jabbering about all the different women he felt he could score with before the night was over while Holden quietly listened to him. Asher sat sprawled on the sofa with his head back against the cushions, his eyes closed, and his fingers and toes tapping to a beat only he could hear. His lips moved as he silently sang to himself.

When I shut the door behind me, his lashes came open and green eyes assessed me. “How’re you holding up? Your playing’s been great.”

“Gracias.” I shrugged and settled into a side chair. “And I’m good. Definitely feeling the vibe and ready to get back out there.”

The excitement seeped from my voice, causing him to grin like an experienced professional smiling indulgently at a greenhorn and possibly remembering his first time out.

“Well, take my word for it; get all the rest you can now. We’re only halfway through.”

We were already halfway through? No! We couldn’t be that close to being done. I had so much energy still left in me. I wanted to do this for days. And I was so done with this break that seemed to last for days.

Asher went back to his quiet meditation, or whatever he was doing, while Gally just kept talking about his dick and whom he thought he could shove it into before the night was over. Disgusting. Next to him, Holden listened silently to his bragging. I shifted impatiently in my chair, unable to sit still.

Finally, Asher said, with his eyes still closed. “Okay, Sticks. We’ll head back out now.”

Wondering why he was addressing me and no one else, I glanced his way, frowning. “Huh?”

He unfolded himself from the couch, standing in a sexy way only a hot guy could manage, and sent me a grin. “I swear your eagerness is louder than Gally’s chirping.”

Galloway stopped talking to glance our way. “What’d you call me?”

“Nothing.” Asher spun his finger in a circle over his head. “Let’s roll out.”

The second half of our performance seemed to go even faster than the first. And at about a quarter until one in the morning, when Asher wished everyone a good night, I was still too psyched to calm down.

I loved this.

I’d always craved the opportunity, watched other bands on stage and wished I could do that someday, but I still had no idea, no clue it’d give me this kind of rush. Plus, the fans really loved us, which

And damn, it made me love all of them right back.

As soon as we alighted from the stage, they swarmed in, most of them centering around Asher, but some swooped down on Galloway and Holden too. I screamed out a surprised yelp when a pair of arms wrapped around me and squeezed hard.

“Oh, my God, Remy!” Jodi shrieked in my ear. “I can’t believe you actually did it! You were so great.”

“Gracias.” I laughed, and we hugged again. When I pulled away, I saw she was wearing a skintight yellow shirt with swooping cleavage.

Dios, I should’ve known she was the flasher Galloway had been talking about.

“Oh, shit. You’re the one who flashed me? I can’t believe you flashed me. Really? That’s like buying a pack of bottle rockets at a used firework stand. You know you’re not getting a boom-boom out of me.”

Jodi laughed. “I know, but I couldn’t help it. I got caught up in the heat of the moment.”

“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” Galloway butted his way between the two of us to throw an arm around Jodi’s shoulder and grin down at her. “Us hetero members of the band sure as hell appreciated the show. Nice tits, by the way.”

Jodi lifted her finely trimmed eyebrows. “Why, thank you.”

“You bet.” He gave her a slow grin. “The name’s Billy. Billy Galloway.”

When Jodi lifted her hand to shake with him, I pushed her fingers down. “No.” Glaring at Galloway, I growled, “She doesn’t want to meet you.”

“Yes, I do,” Jodi said.

I ignored her and continued to glare at the bassist. “Jodi is my friend. You stay away. Got it?”

“Whaaat?” Gally’s innocent smile wouldn’t have fooled a six-month-old. “I was just introducing myself to your friend.”

“And guessing her bra size,” I muttered.

“36 DD,” he rattled off, and Jodi’s mouth fell open.

“Wow, he’s good.”

“I know, right?” Gally preened and asked, “Want me to show you how good?” just as Asher joined us.

“Hey, Sticks. Good job tonight.”

Forgetting Gally, Jodi gaped at him, her eyes bulging as she slugged me on the arm.

“Holy...shit,” she whispered. “Asher Hart is standing right there.”

“Oh, my God,” I whispered back. “You see him too?”

Asher chuckled. “Hey,” he said, holding out his hand to Jodi. “You must be Remy’s friend.”

Jodi whimpered as she shook with him. When she continued to stare and pump his hand up and down without saying anything, I rolled my eyes.

“This is Jodi,” I said. “She’s my friend who...typically has better communication skills than I do.”

“Quiero sentarme en tu cara,” Jodi blurted.

Though Asher blinked in confusion, obviously not understanding, I screeched, “Jodi!” Unable to believe she’d just asked to sit on his face, or that she actually remembered how to pronounce the phrase right, I gaped at her in horror.

Linda Kage's books