The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7)

Blowing out a breath, I ran my hands through my hair and turned to re-enter the apartment. I needed to put more clothes on, maybe take a few painkillers and drink about a gallon of water before I chased her down. But before I could step back inside a strange, animal-like chatter from a nearby dumpster made me pause and glance over.

I expected to see a rat, so when a bedraggled-looking squirrel with hair matted so badly even its tail wasn’t bushy darted out from under the dumpster, I nearly pissed myself.


It must’ve been him because he raced straight for the opened door and sprang inside, leaping down the steps to disappear into my apartment.

“Holy shit,” I gasped. My pet had come home.

Emotion swamped me, and I raked a shaky hand over my face before I hurried downstairs to get him something to eat. Life on the outside must not have treated him kindly because he shook as if cold or scared. I wanted to grab him and cuddle him close, but I knew he wouldn’t like that. So I rushed to my kitchen cabinets and emptied a whole bag of peanuts onto the floor. He didn’t even care that I remained right there next to the pile. He rushed forward and started filling his hands before breaking one open and eating it right there.

“Poor little guy,” I murmured, getting to my feet so I could get him some water. “It was tough out there, wasn’t it?”

A smile lit my face as I watched him for a minute before he decided this was enough bonding, and he disappeared under the bed. Then I blew out a shaky breath and glanced around my apartment before laughing in utter relief. “Welcome home, buddy,” I said aloud, but the place was still lonely enough that my voice echoed around me. It made the empty little hollow part in me pang with need.

The first person I wanted to call was Remy. Hell, she was the only person I wanted to call and tell.

And that told me everything, right there.

So, she’d lied. She’d had a reason and it had never been to hurt me. She’d apologized and was truly sorry. I could get over that. Because, fuck, I loved her.

Accepting that almost instantly sparked this freeing sensation inside me. Joy rippled along my skin, and I tore off my pants to take a quick shower.

I was going to get her back.

After I cleaned myself up, I dressed, pulled on my shoes, and pocketed my phone. Making sure Mozart was still content and under the bed, I straightened from the floor and headed for the door.

Remy Elisa Curran, here I came.

Ten minutes later, I pulled up to her apartment building and killed the engine of my bike as I remained seated, just...staring at her place. I’d kind of run over here without a game plan. She’d gone all epic and put herself out there, singing songs to me in front of hundreds of people to get me back, and all I knew to say to her was, “I don’t regret it.”

Wincing over my own lameness, I was kind of tempted to chicken out, start my Triumph and head back home. I had no experience in love. What if I freaking failed? What if giving her—us—a chance ended up slaying me?

And what if I was so scared of the pain that I missed out on the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me? Clenching my teeth, I leapt off the seat and strode to her building. I had until the second story to boost my resolve, and I spent most of that time breathing like some kind of fighter ready to hop into a ring for his first round of blows.

Things had ended up good between Pick and me. Things could end up good here, too. And strangely, it felt as if I were once again risking everything important in my life just to build a relationship with someone. But this girl was worth it.

When I reached her door, I shook my hands out at my sides before lifting one to knock. Before my knuckles could meet wood, however, the door flew open, inward, making me jump back in surprise.

I expected Remy to be there, so I blinked in confusion when Gally stepped into the hall. He was so busy buckling his belt together, he was almost upon me before he realized I was in his path. Pulling up short, he yanked his head up.

“Oh, hey, man.” A smug, just-got-laid grin spread across his face. “Finally decide to end your dry spell? Right on!” He lifted his fist to bump with me in congratulations just as another band member—Holden—stepped from Remy’s apartment behind him, tugging on his shirt.

My mouth fell open as I gaped between the two. “What...?”

But seriously...what?

Gally laughed while Holden turned a bright red. Finally, my bass guitarist shrugged. “What can I say? The girl can’t get enough cock. She likes it best when every hole is filled.”

Snickering, he slugged the side of his arm against mine as if sharing some kind of inside joke. But all I could taste was acid, and all I could see was a blurry mass of light.

“Don’t worry, Hart,” Gally’s voice irritated my ears. “We got her nice and hollowed out for you. Have fun.”

I didn’t stop to think it through. I don’t think it was possible to even contemplate thinking at the moment. I just wanted to hurt the idiot bastard. Make him bleed and scream and ache deep inside...the way I ached.

Linda Kage's books