The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7)

“Did you?”

I blew out a deep breath and quietly told him the truth. “Yes.” When I glanced over at him, his eyes were glossy with alcohol but he seemed strangely lucid. “I meant it.”

Air hissed from between his gritted teeth. Then he reached out and barely grazed my bare leg with his fingertips. “I want to spend the rest of the night inside you.”

“Asher.” I groaned and slapped my hands over my face. “Don’t do this to me. You’re drunk.”

He shrugged. “So?”

“So, you’ve obviously forgotten how you feel about me. I’m you’re least favorite person on the planet right now, remember? You’ll regret it in the morning.”

“I know exactly how I feel about you, Remy. I’m still pissed as hell over what you did, and I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive you, but I still want you.” His hand stroked up higher on my thigh, slipping between my legs. “And I miss you.”

I shuddered and closed my eyes, trying to fight off the temptation.

But he just kept talking, just kept tempting. “I’ve wanted you all night, under me on a bed where I could run my hands and mouth over this body.” Suddenly his touch was no longer teasing and soft. He went bold and slid his fingers under my dress, finding my panties immediately. “I mean to have you, too.”

“Dios,” I gasped, gripping the steering wheel as he rubbed the spot that ached the most through the silk cloth of my panties.

I groaned a split second before he did.

“Jesus, and you’re already wet for me.” Moving past the barrier my underwear provided, he pushed a thick digit inside me.

“Asher, wait.” I grasped his wrist and squeezed my legs together, trapping his hand where it was but also preventing him from pleasuring me further.

But the damn man curled his finger inside me. “Why? You want this as much as I do.” Finding my G-spot, he rubbed his finger against it, over and over again.

Throwing my skull back against the headrest of my seat, I clenched my teeth against the rising pleasure. But, God. He knew just where to touch.

Cursing him openly in Spanish, I opened my legs and bucked up my hips, meeting his pleasurable assault with greedy abandon. When the euphoria struck, I realized vaguely somewhere in my head that he was getting me off with nothing but his index finger. But I was still too high on happy endorphins to really care how embarrassing that fact was.

Every muscle in my body loosened as I slumped limp in my seat, utterly drained.

“You still spout off a shitload of Spanish when you come,” Asher said from beside me. He sounded curious about his claim, as if realizing a new fact. “I guess that part wasn’t a lie after all.”

Still panting from my orgasm, I glanced over at him from what could only be wild, dazed eyes. “You’d be amazed by all the things that happened between us that were actually true.”

His gaze was intense and expression a little feral on its own. “Come inside with me, Remy.”

He was no longer asking. It was a command, and heaven help me, I followed it.

Taking his hand when he reached for mine, I went with him to his door and kissed the back of his shoulder as I waited behind him to unlock all the deadbolts. When he led me inside, he stuck close on the stairs, glancing back at me when we were halfway down the flight.

“Remember when I couldn’t wait to have you and took you right here?”

God, how could I forget? It was one of the reasons I was here with him again, when I knew good and well I shouldn’t be. Gripping his hand harder, I warned, “Don’t you dare try that tonight. You’re way too drunk to manage it now.”

Asher chuckled. “Don’t worry. I want you on a bed for all the things I have planned.”

I shuddered and clutched his hand harder.

He took me straight to the bed and paused at the footboard to turn to me and kiss me, all the while working my dress off my shoulders. As soon as he had me down to my bra and panties, he stepped back to take in the whole picture.

“Fucking breathtaking,” he breathed, grasping my fingers again to help me onto the bed. After getting me comfortable on my back, my head nestled into his pillow and my body stretched out before him, he placed a staying hand on my hip. “Lie here, just like that while I feast on you.” Then taking my arms, he moved them above my head until he’d placed one hand upon the other. “Pretend you’re bound here.”

I grinned. “What? No handcuffs?”

He shook his head, not smiling back. “I threw them out.” His green eyes seared into mine. “They kept me from chasing after you.”

Linda Kage's books