The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7)

Besides, guy-me had made him promise to leave girl-me alone. He was respecting his friend’s wishes by stepping back.

Mumbling a goodbye to him, I bowed my head and started to move away, except since I wasn’t looking where I was going, I plowed into some other guy who looked as if he’d been headed toward the bathrooms.

“Disculpa,” I told him, making sure to speak in Spanish.

But when I tried to step out of his way, he only grinned and moved with me. “Wait, what’s your hurry, se?orita? I’ve been craving a little Mexican lately.”

I scowled at the disgusting bastard and began to step the other way around him. But yeah, he went that way too. So I drew in a deep, calming breath to keep from cussing him out right then and there and maybe kneeing him in the family jewels. Except…since Asher was watching, I wanted to handle this diplomatically.

Until the jerk-ass touched me, running his hand down the side of my bare arm so I threw up just a little in my mouth. “Why don’t you come to the bathroom with me, honey? I’ll show you what real white meat tastes like.”

Eww. I filled my lungs to give him a piece of my mind, not even caring that I was about to give away my knowledge of English, but Asher stepped between us.

“Or you could just get out of her fucking way, asswipe.”

He was shorter and not as wide as the other guy, but whatever expression he flashed the jerk, it had the asshole backing away and lifting his hands. “Hey, sorry. I didn’t know she was here with someone. You know, a woman out and about, dressed like that, is just asking to be— “

“Treated with the same proper courtesy and respect as every other woman on the planet,” Asher growled, his fingers curling into fists at his side.

“Look, I get it,” the jackass conceded, his hands still lifted in surrender. “She’s yours. I’m backing off.” Ignoring me, he veered a wide berth around Asher and escaped into the men’s room.

Asher turned to me, but I couldn’t...not right now. His coming to my aid so sweetly was more than I could take. As soon as his pity-filled green eyes met mine, I whirled away and raced off. I wasn’t even sure where I was going. Jodi and Caroline were both gone to who-knew-where, while poor Asher was probably confused as hell by my reaction. And I just wanted to bawl.

Not because the bully had bothered me. I so could’ve taught him a lesson. But because Asher just completely overwhelmed me in that moment. I hated, hated, hated lying to him.

When I burst through a nearby doorway, I found myself in a small outdoor nook where smokers could come out and have a cigarette before rejoining their parties inside. Except no one was out here smoking. Relieved to find a moment to myself, I rubbed my arms in the chilly night and then unzipped my purse to find my phone and discover what the hell had happened to Caroline and my roommate.

Before I could pull it free, however, the door opened, and yep, Asher stepped outside.

She was so goddamn beautiful. And in that dress, those heels, mouth watered as soon as I followed her outside. But even as I called myself ten kinds of stupid for racing after her like a lovesick idiot, I asked, “Are you okay?”

Then I remembered she didn’t know English. So I said, “?Bien?” and lifted my eyebrows with the question.

She dropped the purse she’d been digging in back to her shoulder and nodded, then rubbed her hands up the sides of her arms.

She didn’t look okay. She looked rattled. Cold. Distressed. Which made me glad I’d stopped by the bar before following her out here.

I lifted the bottle of water I’d bought for her and offered it to her. “?Agua?”

She took it with a quiet, “Gracias.” As she unscrewed the cap and swallowed a long drink, I stepped back, giving her space. But holy hell, she even looked good drinking. As I watched her throat work through each gulp, I just wanted to crowd close and lick that long, graceful neck.

Except I’d sworn Sticks I would keep my distance. So I took another step back.

“Well...I’m sure you came out here to be alone and just get some air. So I’ll just...” With another backpedal, I rammed my spine into the doorway to return inside. “Adiós.”

She leapt toward me, lifting her hand as if begging me to stay. “Espera.”

I froze. “Yeah?”

She fell to a stop too. Then she dropped her hand, and an oddly guilty expression crossed her face, as if she hadn’t meant to stop me.

I blew out a breath. “God, you are so lovely.”

I was glad she couldn’t understand my pathetic confession, even though her eyes changed as if she did.

“Solo un beso,” she said and stepped toward me. Her eyes were full of longing, which made the nerves in my stomach jump with hope.

“What—?” I started to ask, but she grasped my shirt and tugged me forward. Then her arms were wrapping around me and she was…shit, she was hugging me.

Linda Kage's books