The Fourth Friend (DI Jackman & DS Evans #3)

‘No surprise.’ He took a long slug of his wine. ‘So, what about her creepy brother? He was always hanging around her. He could probably tell you more than anyone.’

Robbie looked at him. What brother? How come he wasn’t mentioned anywhere? How many more surprises was he going to uncover about Suzanne Holland?

‘He’s a new one on me, Harv. Who is he?’

Harvey puffed out his cheeks. ‘Ah, well, can’t say I remember. They had different surnames, but she called him . . . Oh, yes, Ralphie. That’s right, Ralph Dolan!’

Robbie scribbled the name into his notebook. ‘Why did you say he was creepy?’

‘Had that pervy look to him. Not the kind of guy you’d leave alone with anyone, not even your dog.’

‘Do you know where he is now?’

‘Rotting in hell with his half-sister, hopefully.’

‘He’s dead?’

Harvey grinned wickedly. ‘Sorry, just wishful thinking. I have no idea where he is.’

‘But you do think she is dead?’

‘I really do hope so.’

Robbie sipped his wine. He was beginning to feel almost mellow, and at least he had a new name to chase up when he got back. ‘I hate to do this to you, mate, but could we talk about why I’ve come here?’

The smile vanished.

‘Okay.’ Harvey sighed. ‘Have another drink, Robbie. Then sit back and I’ll tell you all about the lovely Suzanne . . .’


That night Carter slept until four in the morning. He woke to see the lone figure of Tom, sitting at the foot of his bed. The stench was appalling.

‘Tom?’ He eased himself up and rested on his elbow, trying to focus on his friend. ‘Well, I guess it’s finally your turn, mate.’

The figure slowly faded. Carter stared into the darkness, a single word ringing in his ears.



‘Sir!’ Charlie called across the CID room. ‘I’ve got a man on the line here, who might have some new information about Suzanne Holland!’

Jackman hurried over to Charlie’s desk, and took the receiver. ‘Detective Inspector Jackman here. I believe you have some information regarding the Holland disappearance?’

‘My name is Alan Pitt. I’ve been working away from home for a while, but I’ve had to come back to receive a course of hospital treatment. That’s where I saw the TV appeal for witnesses. I’m due to be discharged tomorrow morning.’ There was a throaty cough, then Pitt said, ‘I think I saw something that night.’

‘We’ll come and talk to you, sir. What hospital are you in?’

‘Lincoln, but I’d appreciate it if I could be allowed to finish my treatment first. It’s pretty exhausting. Isn’t this what you call a “cold case?” Surely it can keep for one more day.’

It sounded like the man was in the oncology unit, so Jackman did not insist. ‘Of course, sir. Shall we see you at your home, or would you prefer to come here?’

‘I’ll come to the station. I’ll make it as early as I can, unless there is any holdup here.’

‘Thank you, sir.’ Jackman paused. ‘Can I just ask, did you actually see something happen?’

‘I saw two men acting strangely on the towpath, at the spot described in the appeal.’

‘I know this is a long shot. It was a long time ago. But do you think you would recognise either of them if you saw them again?’

‘Funnily enough, yes. Well, one of them. He reminded me of my cousin.’ There was another bout of coughing. ‘I need to go, but I’ll come in tomorrow.’

Jackman took his details and thanked him. ‘Charlie, go inform the desk sergeant about this man, and tell him to call CID the moment he arrives.’

Charlie hurried off.

A lead! It sounded like a valid one too. Jackman turned and saw Marie looking at him expectantly. ‘Well, let’s just hope he’s got an eidetic memory, and is a descriptive genius!’

Marie raised her eyebrows. ‘Let’s not get too excited. Most people can’t recall someone they saw two hours ago, let alone eighteen months. I reckon it’s a very long shot indeed. Still, Orac tells me there’s much better software available these days.’

Jackman nodded, and shivered slightly at the mention of Orac.

Orla Cracken, known to everyone simply as Orac, was a computer wizard who ruled her underground domain with a rod of iron.

Jackman was terrified of her.

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Maybe we should pin our hopes on Robbie, and hope he has some luck with Suzanne’s ex in Spain.’

‘He’s a really good copper, isn’t he?’ said Marie. ‘I mean totally dedicated.’

Jackman nodded. ‘Yes, he is. I’m glad we took him on board.’

‘I like him,’ Marie added. ‘I like the whole team, but Robbie’s a one-off, isn’t he?’

‘Sometimes I think he’s trying to prove something. I’m just not sure whether it’s to us or himself.’

Marie nodded. ‘I think he’s trying to be the best he can for his old crewmate. Stella North had to give up the job she lived and breathed for after she was injured, and Robbie, well, I think he’s taken up her baton. He’s doing it for her.’

‘I’d rather he did it for himself. But I’m not complaining! He’s a credit to us, no matter who he’s doing it for.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘He managed to get a ticket for yesterday evening and flew out at eight thirty. He reckoned the bars would just be hotting up when he arrived.’

‘Ah, sun, sea, and sangria! I think Max was right, he is a jammy little git!’

‘If the ex gives him what he’s looking for, he’ll be catching a flight straight back this evening. Not a lot of time for clubbing.’

‘Ah, shame.’

‘Said with feeling, I don’t think.’ Jackman smiled. ‘Why don’t you try to get a holiday sometime, Marie? You look so tired.’

‘Maybe. When the investigation is over, and when . . .’

She left the sentence unfinished, but Jackman knew what she was about to say. When Carter is back on an even keel. ‘Somewhere hot, I suggest.’

‘I was thinking more of spending some time with my mum in Wales.’

Jackman winced. ‘You like rainy holidays?’

‘Not much, but I do like my mum,’ said Marie with feeling. ‘She refuses to take off for sunnier shores, so I guess it’s Cymru or nothing.’

Marie returned to her desk. Jackman wished he could buy her two tickets to the warmest, most beautiful place he could think of. He had seen officers burn out in the past, and he didn’t want it happening to one he cared for, not to mention one that was so damned good at her job. He took a deep breath. They needed to get this case out of the way, then he’d try to ensure that Marie took some badly needed R&R.


It was Carter’s day off. It didn’t feel right, but he knew that if he didn’t back off occasionally, he’d pay for it. He got up late, and after breakfast decided to go down to the Eva May.

Before he went, he rang Marie. ‘Even the slightest hint of anything occurring with Leah, you ring me, okay? I’ll be on the boat, so I can get to you in fifteen minutes.’

Marie told him to forget about everything. Between her and uniform, and the super, Leah was well looked after. She promised faithfully to ring him if anything did happen.

JOY ELLIS's books