The Forbidden Wish

Chapter Twenty-Five

I’M ON MY FEET IN A TRICE, throwing an arm out protectively across the princess, who lowers the lamp and stares.

Zhian stands just feet away, deceptively calm and well disguised in a human form, tall and darkly handsome, dressed in brilliant red robes that fade to black at the hems. They swirl around him, likely more his own doing than the wind’s. Zhian has always been fond of dramatic entrances.

“Who are you?” Caspida demands, and I can sense the effort she puts into making her voice remain strong.

Without taking my eyes from him, I whisper over my shoulder, “It’s Zhian. The jinn prince.”

She inhales sharply, but doesn’t flinch.

“Why are you here?” I ask Zhian.

He spreads his hands. “I bring good news, Zahra. I have been to Ambadya and back, and am here to tell you that my father is well pleased with you.”

Catching my breath, I feel Caspida’s eyes on me, narrow with suspicion. This isn’t helping my case, to have the King of the Jinn bestowing his favor on me in front of her.

“Well?” I ask softly.

Zhian’s mouth splits into a draconian smile. “He has agreed to grant you your freedom.”

My spirit leaps. I take a half step forward, hardly believing the words. There may be a chance to save Aladdin yet.

“You’re to come with me,” Zhian continues. “Back to Ambadya. You’ll receive your freedom before Nardukha’s throne.”

“No. It has to be here. It has to be now.” I look to the horizon, where a brilliant line of gold burns ever brighter. We have minutes left, maybe seconds, before Aladdin’s sentence is carried out.

“Don’t be ungrateful,” he growls. “Or you might inspire the Shaitan to have a change of heart.”

“He has no heart,” I spit. “Zhian, you must do it, this moment.”

“You know I can’t. You’re being invited home, to freedom and to me!” He scowls, his eyes darkening.

I am pulled in two directions, my soul quailing in the face of the choice in front of me. How long have I waited for this moment, these words? Freedom is mine for the taking—but if I take it, I will lose Aladdin forever.

“I—I can’t go yet. I have business to finish here.”

His gaze flickers to the princess. “With her?”

I know then that he didn’t overhear our conversation and that he still doesn’t know about Aladdin. I turn slightly to whisper to Caspida, “Princess, I know you don’t trust me, but you must believe me when I tell you this jinni will kill you. You have to make a wish. It’s the only way I can protect you. Take us back to the palace before—”

“What’s wrong with you?” interrupts Zhian, baring his teeth. He steps closer. “Zahra, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for. If you won’t come willingly, I’ll make you come. Give me the lamp, human!”

He makes a move toward Caspida, and the princess sucks in a breath and steps back, drawing her small blade. This only makes Zhian grin.

“And what will you do with that?” he says. “Prick me? I will crunch your bones and cast you to the ghuls for their sport.”

“No,” I murmur, stepping between them. “You won’t touch her, or the lamp.”

Zhian stiffens, his eyes flashing angrily. He looks from me to the princess, calculating, until at last a dark fury descends on his features.

“The boy,” he murmurs. “The boy who had the lamp, the boy you argued with the night you found me in that jar.”

He rushes forward suddenly and grabs my wrist, twisting my arm savagely. I grit my teeth and hiss at him but don’t cry out. “Didn’t you learn your lesson? Or will my father have to make you kill this one too?”

He wraps a hand around my jaw, lowering his face until his breath is hot on my cheeks. “You little fool. You could have been free, you could have been with me, but instead you betray your own nature for another human. How many of them will you destroy with these whims of yours? How many cities must burn? I recall the last human you thought to call friend, and I recall how my father had you strike her down.” I feel Caspida gasp beside me as Zhian continues. “Yet you would commit the same crime again?”

I shift to smoke, and his hand closes on nothing, as I swirl around him and take shape again when I am out of reach. He turns away from Caspida. She still holds the lamp, and I throw her a pleading look. Come on, Caspida. You must make a wish!

“Do you realize what you’ll lose,” Zhian says, “if you do this?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

Zhian holds out a hand, suddenly quiet. “Forget this boy, Zahra, and come with me. All will be made right. This doesn’t have to end like last time.”

Swallowing, I shut my eyes, my skin clammy. A part of me yearns to take his hand, to give in to him, to finally, finally seize my freedom. I can almost picture it, the greatest prize, the deepest desire of my phantom heart. It tempts me more than anything ever could.

I think of all the places I could go, the things I could do, with no one to command me. No one to shut me up in my lamp. What it would feel like to finally be in control of my own power.

Jessica Khoury's books