The Exception

“I won’t be.”

Heading back to the hotel, I gave a lot of thought about what Ano said. My whole life had been spent being around people who controlled me, and now that I was alone, what I thought I knew I didn’t really know at all.

Chapter Thirteen


“Thanks, Randall. I’ll see you in the morning,” I spoke as I climbed out of the Bentley.

Walking up the steps of my townhouse, I saw my next door neighbor and friend, Liam Wyatt.

“Hey, you’re back. How was Hawaii?” he asked.

“It was eventful.” I smirked.

“In a bad way or a good way?”

“Both. I broke up with Jess and made her leave early.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

I gave him a small smile. “No you’re not. You never liked her.”

He shrugged. “True. But still. You’re better off without her. She reminded me too much of Oliver’s ex.”

“Yeah. I should have listened to you on that one. Stop by this week and we’ll have a drink.”

“Sure will, Drew. Welcome home.” He waved.

Stepping into the house, I took my suitcase upstairs and then headed to the kitchen for something to eat. I smiled when I opened the refrigerator and there were a couple of stacked containers sitting there with a note from my housekeeper, Jane.

“Welcome home, Drew. I slaved all day to make these meals, so you better eat them.”

Taking one of the containers out, I threw it in the microwave and walked over to the bar to pour myself a scotch. I already missed her. The moment I walked out of her hotel room, a feeling overcame me. A feeling that something was missing from my life. The time I spent with her on the plane. and the few times in Hawaii, made me feel like a different person, and now, I didn’t think I’d ever felt so lonely.

Opening my eyes to the sound of my alarm, I stumbled out of bed, showered, and headed down to the kitchen for some coffee.

“Morning, Jane.”

“Good morning, Drew.” She smiled as she poured me a cup of coffee. “How was your trip?”

I sighed. “Let’s just say that Jess won’t be coming over here anymore. I ended things with her.”

She made the sign of the cross and then placed her hands together.

“Thank you, lord.”

I lightly chuckled. “I know you weren’t a fan of hers.”

“No. No, I wasn’t. What did she do this time?”

“Just her usual shit. She basically told me that I was a bad boyfriend because I wouldn’t buy her something.”

Jane rolled her eyes. “Well, maybe if she wasn’t such a bad girlfriend, you would have bought her what she wanted. You’re a good man, Drew. Don’t let that little hussy tell you any different.”

“Trust me. I’m not giving her a second thought. Thanks for the coffee and now I have to head to the office.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Have a good day.”

Jane had worked for me for the last four years. She was a godsend. Not only did I love her, but my parents and friends did as well. She did everything for me and had quickly become a part of my family.


“Good morning, Lia,” I spoke as I walked past my secretary’s desk.

“Welcome back, Drew. How was Hawaii?”

“It was nice. Thank you. If Jess calls, don’t put her through. We’re over,” I spoke as she followed me into my office.

“Oh. Okay. I left some papers on your desk that you need to sign and you have a meeting in thirty minutes to look over the new software proposal.”

I sighed. “I know.”

“Anything else?” she asked.

“No. That’s all.”

Taking a seat at my desk, I leaned back in my chair and picked up the papers that needed to be signed. After looking them over, I threw them back down. The only thing on my mind was Jillian and our night together. God, she was by far the best woman I’d ever had sex with. Everything she did aroused me. Her soft moans, her gentle touch, her smell, and the way her body moved with mine was undeniable. How long was this going to last? Me thinking about her non-stop? Fuck. I should have asked for her number or at least asked where she was headed to next. I was worried, something I generally didn’t do with women. As I was deep in thought, my friend and VP, Lance, walked in.

“Hey, buddy. Welcome back.” He smiled.


“So did you get things resolved with Jess?” he asked as he took a seat across from my desk.

“Actually, I did. I broke up with her and sent her home.”

He chuckled. “In Hawaii?”


“Classic and so deserved. It was about time, man. She was toxic.”

“But now that I got rid of that problem, I have another.”

“What’s that?” He leaned back in his chair.

“I met someone and I can’t stop thinking about her.”

“In Hawaii?”

“Actually, she sat next to me on the plane to Hawaii and we stayed at the same hotel. Jess invited her to dinner one night to try and prove to me that she changed.”

“And I can see that worked out really well.” He laughed. “So now you have me curious. Who is this mystery girl?”