The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3)

And was only a month younger than him.

“I should decorate your cast,” Carina announced as she reached into her box of supplies and pulled out a handful of pens. “I grabbed metallic, so they’ll show up on the black. I wonder what would happen if we put temporary tattoos on it. You think we could get them to stick? Would you let me try?”

“Sure. I got no friends here. The only one who’s signing it is you, so I guess it doesn’t matter.”

Carina pulled out a big plastic container of temporary tattoos. “Two thousand.” She held it out to Tino. “My record is five hundred.”

Tino took the container, seeing that they were all butterflies and flowers. “Record for what?”

“Most tattoos at one time.”

“You put five hundred tattoos on at one time?” Tino laughed, his eyes wide. “No wonder your ma hates them.”

“Sarah Rapoli dared me once in second grade. I had a whole pack. She said I wouldn’t do it.” Carina gave him a smug smile. “I did it.”

“You got stugots,” Tino whispered, remembering his father saying it outside.

“Gross.” Carina uncapped a shiny pink pen. “You sure I can decorate it? Any way I want?”

“What do I care?” Tino shrugged. “Basically stuck in the house for eight weeks anyway. Do your worst.”

“You got it.” Carina leaned down to draw a big pink flower on his cast.

The problem was, there was no television in this room.

Nova was missing in action.

Carina’s mother was clearly too drunk to notice she was gone.

Their father didn’t give a shit…about either of them.

And they had a box of two thousand temporary tattoos.

When Nova finally decided to show back up, he just paused at the open door, looking to where they were sitting, now surrounded by hundreds of strips of paper, wet towels, and bowls of water.

Carina pulled back the paper she’d been pressing against her forehead and then whispered to Tino, “Is he gonna freak out?”

Tino nodded. “Probably.”

“He dared me,” Carina offered to Nova, as if hoping he spoke the same language they did.

“And she had a record to break,” Tino added, though he knew Nova didn’t speak their language at all.

Nova still hadn’t moved, hadn’t closed the door, but he did put a hand to his mouth as he stood there staring at them.

“They’re temporary,” Tino pointed out.

“I have to be seen in public with you.” Nova sounded a little manic, as if he was on the verge of losing his lunch again. “We have to go back to Harlem and get our shit.”

“They come off after a few showers,” Carina said with the authority of a girl who knew.

“Oh, great.” Nova laughed, though there was no humor in it as he jerked the door closed so hard the frame shook. “That’s gonna be so easy with a cast.” He stormed over to the two of them, the anger pulsing off him so potently Carina shrank back. “What part of stay the fuck out did you not get, baby guinea?”

Carina lifted her chin, her dark eyes narrowed, and she did a damn good job of hiding the hurt.

Tino still grabbed the crutch resting against the couch and swung it like a bo staff. It was awkward, but the bo staff was one of his stronger skill sets. Nova crashed like a ton of bricks between them, the papers under his arm flying everywhere.

Then, just because Tino had his own reasons to be pissed off at Nova, he kicked him in the head.

With his cast.

Holy shit!

Tino nearly blacked out from the pain. Then Nova jerked his good foot, forcing Tino onto his back so fast it knocked the air out of him. Carina grabbed a bowl of water and threw it at Nova to stop him.

“Cazzo!” Nova forgot about Tino and jumped to save his papers, most of which were dripping wet. He held one up, staring at it with wide eyes. “This was a power of attorney.”

Carina looked at it in horror. “That sounds important.”

“Do you know what I went through today?” Nova screamed at her. “Do you know what I had to do to get this? Do you have any concept how hard it was to get in to see my brother in lockup without a guardian and have him sign these? GET OUT!”

Carina didn’t have to be told twice. She got up and ran for the door. She left her supplies behind, but Nova made sure she had them when he tossed the entire box after her.

By the time Nova got back, Tino had mostly caught his breath and was about to tell him what a ginormous asshole he was, but then Nova did something Tino hadn’t seen him do since the day they took Ma’s dead body away.

He fell down on his knees in the middle of that storage-filled room. Face in his hands, he let out a sob. Then he just bent in half and pressed his forehead against the floor, his entire body quaking from the pain as if he had waited until right now to let it loose. So Tino did the only thing he could think of. He forgot about his broken foot and Nova being a ginormous asshole and crawled over to his brother.

Kele Moon's books