The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3)

“Cazzo.” Tino dropped his head back against the wall. “Oh fuck, Bri. Shit.” He wrapped his other arm around her waist, before he used his hold on her hair to pull her mouth back to his. “You still fit me. Only me.”

“Only you,” she promised, even if to others it might sound like a lie.

To them it made perfect sense.

This splintering, consuming ecstasy as the slide of Tino’s cock made every nerve ending in her dance with desire. It was like they were made to be with each other, to click back into place like two lost puzzle pieces finally finding their way home.

Brianna was breathless with the rising need, the fragments of pleasure spearing through her as she sat over him. It was so overwhelming; the two of them had to just sit there, connected and shaking.

They didn’t quickly try to dismiss the ache. They clung to it, prolonging it for as long as they could, yet neither of them could deny it completely. She arched against him instinctively, with her face buried in the curve of his neck and Tino’s fingers still fisted tightly in her hair. He used his hold on the small of her back to push her into the next short, shallow thrust, forcing her clit against him just right. She bit him on impulse, muffling her gasp.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.” Tino’s hips jerked up, still nothing more than a small grab for pleasure rather than greedily snatching the whole thing. “Fuck, Bri, you feel good.”

God, he felt good too.

But words were already past her. All she could do was feel him in her, filling her out to the point that every breath was a shimmer of bliss, every movement a ripple of satisfaction.

It was like that for a long time, enough to have both of them panting with the need to come as the steam welled up around them. It gave Tino’s skin a salty, masculine tang she’d missed so profoundly she ended up licking and sucking at his neck, listening to him, tasting him, soaking in the sensory overload of being with him again.

She wanted to stay like this forever, trapped between heaven and hell in this fiery, sensual purgatory paved with good intentions and drowning in sin.

But then Tino slipped his hand between their bodies, sliding his fingers down to feel the friction of him going in and out of her as she moved over him with the same shallow, teasing movements she’d been doing since they started. He traced his fingers over the lips of her * that were stretched around him, and then found her clit.

She moaned as the need coiled stronger, making the throb for release impossible to deny. He kept touching her, and she couldn’t help but get greedy, moving over him faster with soft, broken gasps. He was moaning too, pushing his hips up to meet her halfway, and sensing the crack in his steely self-control only fueled the flames.

There was something about hearing Tino’s pleasure that always set her on fire. Maybe because she wanted it for him so desperately, a little peace, a moment of pure joy, no matter how short-lived.

She bit at the curve of his neck again. Her nails were sharp in his shoulders, because Tino never minded war wounds like that.

In fact, she was fairly certain they turned him on.

She just tried not to think about why.

She didn’t think about anything but the rising tide of ecstasy that swept them up, until they were both fighting for the release instead of trying to prolong it.

When it happened, she was shocked by the sheer ferocity of it. It slammed into her hard enough to steal her breath, pulling the world out from under her until all she knew was the throbbing, blinding release that spiraled into her veins and consumed her.

She was still shaking, gasping into the curve of Tino’s neck, when he jerked under her with a choked curse in Italian. The way he held on to her and pushed his hips against hers so tightly she could feel the warm pulse of his climax inside her had Brianna hitting a second high she wasn’t expecting.

They stayed there in their steamy purgatory for a while, swept up in pleasure, clinging to each other like no one else existed, but eventually the world righted itself under her again. Making her feel the tile against her knees and the hot water against her back.

“Fuck,” Tino whispered once the two of them started to catch their breath. “Jesus, Bri. I forgot. I forgot what this was like.”

“Yeah,” she whispered against his ear, still wrapped around him. “I forgot too.” It’d been so long since sex was something nice. Since she felt loved and protected and adored in a man’s arms. She clung to him tighter, afraid he would somehow get away from her again. “I just wanna stay here forever. Let me stay here, Tino,” she pleaded, not caring if she sounded needy. “Promise me I can stay here.”

Tino forced her back, until she was staring at him, his image blurred from the tears and hazed in steam like a mirage.

“How about we finish this shower, and then I spend all night making up for lost time?” He ran a thumb over her bottom lip softly, in a caress that had her parting to him on instinct. “Sound good?”

It did sound good, so she nodded, not noticing until it was too late that he didn’t agree to forever.

He never did.

Chapter Seven

Kele Moon's books