The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3)

“Gimme a fucking break,” Nova snapped and then pointed out the door when Tino lit one of the cigarettes with the lighter that was stuffed in the pack. “Don’t smoke in my closet.”

Tino pushed past him and smoked the cigarette as he went. He coughed and choked and winced at the same time. “I hate these.” He made a gagging sound again, but he kept doing it because he felt like if he was going to be Nova, he should probably know how to smoke a cigarette.

“You’re doing it like you’re smoking weed,” Carlo coached. “Just blow it out.”

Tino did it, but it was in a harsh, quick motion to get the smoke out of his lungs as fast as possible.

“No, you have to be cool when you do it. Like James Dean,” Carlo went on. “Act like you’re gracing the fucking room with your presence just by being here.”

“Okay.” Tino stood in Nova’s living room and shrugged his shoulders to capture that casual intensity Nova always had. Then he took a long drag off the cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly like Nova would and arched one eyebrow at Carlo. He made sure to wipe off any semblance of amusement and said, “So you think you two can just go to the school and be me. You think it’s that fucking easy.” He let out a sardonic laugh. “Really?”

Carlo was on the floor. Literally, he just cracked up and fell to the floor.

Tino laughed with him and then turned to look at Nova, who was arching an annoyed eyebrow at him, likely without realizing he was doing it the same way Tino just imitated.

Tino sobered instantly and said, “It’s not funny.”

“It’s really not,” Nova agreed.

“I know.” Tino took another long drag off the cigarette and blew the smoke in Nova’s direction like Nova did when he was pissed off at someone. Tino was about to say something snarky and smart-ass, but he was having a hard time keeping a straight face, and the world felt a tiny bit fuzzy all of a sudden. He looked at the cigarette in his hand and then sniffed it, but all he smelled was tobacco. So he took another drag, holding in the smoke, even if it made him want to cough. When he finally let it out, he did cough. Loudly. Then he shouted at Nova, “These motherfuckers have weed in them!”

“No shit?” Carlo jumped up and stole the pack from Tino. He pulled one cigarette out and sniffed it. “I don’t smell anything.”

“It’s like a nonexistent amount,” Nova assured them. “The dogs didn’t even pick them up the last time they raided me.”

“How long have you been lacing them?” Tino asked in disbelief.

“I just thought, you know, if Romeo found them, he’d freak a little less if it was cigarettes.” Nova winced. “And I kept doing it outta habit.”

“You’ve been smoking laced cigarettes every day since you were thirteen?” Tino was stunned cold sober—despite the weed. “Casanova!”

“My life is fucking stressful,” Nova explained like it was obvious. “I know it’s a bad habit, but it keeps me chill, makes me less of a stronzo.”

“Jesus, remind me to be on vacation if he decides to quit.” Carlo lit another cigarette from the pack. He took a long drag off it and then coughed like Tino did. “This is more than a nonexistent amount.”

Since Tino and Carlo were smoking them, Nova went ahead and had one too, and the three of them sat around the dining room table getting a little bit lit. Sure enough, Nova mellowed like he always did after he had a cigarette and asked, “Do I really sound like that much of a condescending asshole when I talk?”

“You are a condescending asshole.” Tino put out his second cigarette, feeling his lungs burn. “If you don’t know that, I can’t help you.” He coughed again. “You really should quit this shit.”

Tino leaned back in the chair after he said it, and stretched out his legs. Then he ran a hand down his chest and gave Nova a displeased look the same way Nova always did to him.

“Is there a reason why I couldn’t just go and talk to the school officials instead of having to deal with the fucking identify crisis you two are giving me?” Nova held up his hands as he said it. “Why didn’t you ask me?”

“I dunno.” Tino looked away from him. “I thought you’d freak about me hooking up with Bri again.”

“Is she why you’ve been in such a good mood?”

“Yeah.” Tino nodded, but he couldn’t look at his brother. “She just—” He shrugged. “She loves me for being me. I even told her some of my shit after you said I needed to talk about it. Some horrible shit. She’s not grossed out or anything. Just…loves me.” He lifted his head and gave Nova a smile, even though his eyes were glassy, and he knew it showed. “She makes me feel normal.”

Nova was quiet for a second, before he said, “Then let’s go fuck up some school officials.”

Chapter Forty-Two

“Valentino Moretti!” Brianna shouted as she slammed the front door, because she knew he was here like he’d promised. Carina had a gig in the morning, and the two of them usually hung out the rest of the day. “I know it was you!”

She stormed into the living room and stopped, staring dumbfounded at what she saw.

“I’ve been here all day,” Tino said before she could find her voice.

Kele Moon's books