The Ending I Want

I’m surprised when I see that we’re near where he lives.

I’m even more surprised when he pulls into the underground parking garage at his apartment building.

“Did you forget something at your place?” I ask him.

With ease, he reverse-parks his car into his parking space, turns the engine off, and puts the emergency brake on. His eyes meet mine. “No. This is where we’re spending our evening.”

“Oh. Okay.”

I’m not disappointed that we’re at Liam’s apartment. I love being at his place. I just thought we were going out somewhere, as he’d told me to dress up and he’s wearing a fancy suit.

Liam gets out of the car. I climb out my side, and I meet him at the front of the car.

He takes my hand in his and leads me to the elevator. Calling the elevator, the door opens. We walk in, and he punches in the code to his apartment. The door closes, and we ride up in silence.

When we reach his apartment, he keys in the code and opens the door, letting us in. The lighting is low.

He closes the door behind us. Then, he takes my hand again and leads me through the apartment, heading through the kitchen.

He stops by the door to his roof terrace. He smiles at me and then pushes it open. “Your romantic movie moment, Boston.”

I give him a curious look and then step through the door. The air is surprisingly warmer up here than it was downstairs.

In all my time spent at Liam’s place, I’ve never been out here before.

It’s gorgeous. There’s a seating area to the left of me. To my right is a table with two chairs, all set up with plates and silverware, and champagne is in a bucket standing by the table.

And fairy lights are hanging everywhere—literally everywhere you could put them. They’re entwined along the railings that edge the whole area. They’re draped over the small shrubs and trees that sit in planters. They’re hanging from the trellis.

They’re just everywhere, and it looks so pretty.

Music is softly playing in the background. London is receding into dusk. The sky is a soft dusty pink.

And I’m in heaven.

I walk further out, looking around in awe. “This is amazing.” I turn to face him. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

Well, I can. Because he’s done so much already.

His hands are in his pants pockets, his head slightly tilted to the side, his eyes watching me. “There isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you, Boston.”

A smile touches my lips. “Like getting your ass tattooed?”

A heartbreaking smile glides onto his mouth, and I have this feeling of fullness in my chest.

“That would be at the top of the list,” he says.

Liam walks toward me. My heart is dancing in my chest. My eyes follow him up until he reaches me.

“Dance with me,” he says.

“You dance, too?”

“I do a lot of things, Boston. You just have to let me show you.”

I wish I had the time to let you show me everything.

Liam takes ahold of my hand, bringing it up with his, and his other hand goes around my waist. He starts moving me with him in time to the music.

The song playing in the background is the Daniel Bedingfield’s “If You’re Not the One.” It was playing when I stepped through the door.

Has it come on again?

“You’re a Daniel Bedingfield fan?” I tease, looking up at him.

“So many things you don’t know about me, Boston.” He shakes his head. Then, a teasing smile slides onto his lips. “Actually, no. But I don’t mind this song. It’s the only one of his I know.” He chuckles.

“Me, too.” I giggle. “But it is a beautiful song.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“So smooth,” I tease.

“I do try.”

A moment later, he starts softly singing along to the words.

“This another one of your smooth moves, Hunter? I thought you only pulled out the serenading to girls who’ve dumped you?” I bite down on the smile pushing up my lips.

“Oh, I totally sing to girls whose knickers I want to get into as well,” he deadpans.

“Well, you don’t have to sing to me to get into my knickers.” I aim for an English accent on the word knickers. It doesn’t come off so well.

But it makes Liam laugh.

“Hunter, when will you learn? I’m always a sure thing when it comes to you.”

He stops dancing, letting go of my hand. “Well, seeing as though you’re a sure thing, guess I didn’t need to buy you this then.” He puts his hand inside his jacket and pulls out something from his inside pocket.

A jewelry box. One that’s exactly the size of a ring box.

Oh, fuck.

My heart stops in my chest.

“Don’t worry; it’s not a ring.”

My heart restarts.

I stare up into his eyes. My lip lifts at the corner, and I bite down on it. “Was I that obvious?”

“You had the fear of God in your eyes.” He laughs softly.

Not because I wouldn’t marry you, Hunter. I swear, if I could, I would marry you a hundred times over.
