The Ending I Want

We follow Paul over to a flashy black Mercedes. Paul opens the back door. Liam ushers me in first and then climbs in next to me. I put on my seat belt. Paul gets in and turns on the engine.

“So, where are we going?” I ask as Paul pulls out into airport traffic.

“My place…if you still want to?”

I turn my face to find his closer than I expected.

God, he’s gorgeous. I really want to kiss him again.

We haven’t kissed since that one time when I surprise kissed him.

“I want to,” I say softly.

His eyes darken, and the look in them makes my insides clench. He cups my cheek with his hand, brushing his thumb over my lips.

For a moment, I think he’s going to kiss me, but he doesn’t. He just sits back and puts his arm around me. I snuggle into his warm, hard body and close my eyes. I should be looking at London as it’s the first time I’d be seeing it, but Liam’s body is just so inviting.

I must have fallen asleep because Liam is gently shaking me awake.

“We’re here,” he says.

I blink open my eyes to see his staring back at me.

“Hey.” I smile.

“Hey.” He smiles back. “We’re at my place.”

“Oh, right.” I sit up. Grabbing my bag, I hang it on my shoulder.

Liam gets out of the car and then holds a hand out for me. I take his hand, and he helps me out of the car.

“I need to get my suitcase.” I gesture to the trunk of the car.

“Paul will bring it up for you.”

With my hand still in his, Liam leads me into a fancy-looking building.

“Good evening, Mr. Hunter,” a guy behind the security desk greets him.

“Evening, John.” Liam lifts his hand.

We stop at a bank of elevators, and Liam presses the button. The door opens immediately, and I follow him inside. He presses the button marked Penthouse and then inputs a code into the keypad. The doors close, and we’re alone.

And it hits me that I’m here, alone with him, and we’re going to quite possibly have sex—or, at the very least, have oral sex.

My body starts to vibrate with nerves and excitement.

I can’t believe this is actually happening.

I’m in England, in an elevator with the sexiest guy I’ve ever met, whom I’ve known for exactly seven hours, and I’m going up to his place to partake in a round of oral sex.

England is awesome.

“You nervous?” Liam says from beside me, his voice sounding low and deep in the silence.

I glance up at him. “I’m a little nervous,” I admit.

“Don’t be.” He brushes his knuckles over my cheek, sending shivers hurtling through me.

The elevator comes to a stop. We get out, and I follow Liam to his front door. He flips open a keypad and punches in another code, and then I hear a lock click open.

“Don’t you have keys in England?”

He grins at me and then swings open the door, letting me through first. I step inside his apartment.

Wow. Big and fancy.

But I don’t get a chance to properly look around because Liam shuts the door, and then I’m yanked back and pushed up against it. His mouth is on mine a split second later.

He’s kissing me.

And it feels amazing. He’s amazing.

My bag slips off my shoulder, but I barely register it hitting the floor because I’m too caught up in him, caught up in his kiss.

His hands are in my hair, his tongue in my mouth. “I’ve waited seven long fucking hours to taste that mouth again,” he rumbles against my lips. “Even better than I remembered.”

Then, he’s kissing me again.

Harder, more intense.

And it’s awesome.

I wind my arms around his neck, my fingers sliding into his hair. It’s softer than I expected.

Liam’s hands leave my hair and move down my body. Finding my ass, he grabs it and lifts me. My legs come up around his waist.

And, now, his impressive erection is pressed right up against my aching clit. Only our stupid clothes are in the way.

I want more. I want all of him.

There’s a solid knock on the door behind me, frightening the shit out of me.

“Jesus Christ!” I jump.

Liam chuckles. His mouth still against mine, his lips brush over mine as he speaks, “It’ll be Paul with our luggage.”

“I’m guessing he needs to come in?” I stare into his eyes.

“Yeah.” That’s all he says, but he doesn’t move.

I don’t want to move either, but we can’t leave Paul out there all night.

“Okay, well, you let Paul in, and I’ll go freshen up.”

With some reluctance, I notice, he lets me down to my feet. “Guest bathroom is down the hall, second door on your left,” he tells me.

I slip off my shoes, not wanting to walk across his nice hardwood floors in them, and then I retrieve my bag from the floor. Hanging my bag off my shoulder, I pad barefoot across the living room and down the hallway to the bathroom, my legs shaking the whole time.

I let myself into a plush bathroom and lock the door behind me. I put my bag on the vanity counter and stare at myself in the mirror.

My hair is all mussed up from Liam’s hands being in it, and my cheeks are flushed.

Laughter bubbles up inside me, and I have to cover my hands over my mouth to curb the noise.

I can’t believe I’m here, doing this.