The Ending I Want

Then, his grandpa’s eyes come over to me. I’m standing by the hood of Liam’s car.

“You must be Taylor.” He leaves Liam and walks over to me, stopping just in front of me. “So, you’re the one who finally got my grandson to take some time off from that business of his.”

“That would be me.” I smile. “It’s really nice to meet you, Lord Hunter.”

He laughs a rich and deep sound. “We don’t stand on formalities here, Taylor. Call me Bernie.”

“Okay”—I smile—“Bernie.”

“You have the most interesting hair color.”

“Oh, thank you.” I touch a hand to my hair. “I just recently had it done.”

“It really suits you.” He smiles. Then, he hugs me.

He actually hugs me.

He wraps his arms around me and squeezes.

I freeze.

I’m not sure what to do. In this moment, I realize that, aside from Liam—who mostly hugs me after he’s screwed my brains out—Bernie is the only other person I’ve hugged since my family died.

I shake off the shock and hug him back so as not to be rude.

Bernie releases me and stares down at me. “Thank you,” he says softly.

I’m not sure if he’s thanking me for the hug or for Liam taking time off work. So, I just shrug and say, “No probs.”

He smiles wide. “I just adore the American accent. My wife was from America—New York. Amazing woman. Far too good for me. So, Liam tells me that you’re from Boston.” Bernie has his arm around me and is now steering me toward the house.

“Um, yes, I’m from Boston,” I answer.

“Leave the bags, Liam,” Bernie says over his shoulder.

I glance back to see Liam opening up the trunk of his car.

“Archie will take them up to your room.” Bernie tells me, “Archie is my butler. More of a friend than an employee though. Been with me for years. Since Liam was a boy.”

“It’ll take me a minute to bring them in,” Liam tells his grandpa.

We’re already through the double front doors and moving through the biggest entrance hall I’ve ever seen in my life. I bet, if I spoke, my voice would echo.

“Well, do as you must,” he calls to Liam.

I was right. Bernie’s voice echoes around the hall.

“Taylor and I will be in the orangery, getting to know one another. Come to us when you’re done.”

Orangery? What the hell is that?

Turns out that an orangery is basically a huge conservatory.

The glass doors leading to the garden are wide open, letting in the warm breeze. It’s a beautiful view. The lake at the far back—further back than I expected—is surrounded by trees. The stone patio has a fire pit and garden furniture and a lot of grass around it. There’s an area filled with beautiful flowers and bushes. I remember Liam saying his grandpa liked to garden. I think of the flower Liam gave me, which is now safe in my bag.

“You have a beautiful home,” I say to Bernie from my seat opposite him.

“Thank you.” He smiles. “So, Liam says you’re here on holiday.”

“I am.” I don’t know what Liam’s told him and whether he knows about my list, so I don’t mention it.

“And he says you met on the flight over.”

I smile at the memory. “We did. Liam sat next to me on the plane. We got to talking.” Well, kissing and then talking, and afterward, going back to his place for wild monkey sex.

I can’t believe I just thought about wild monkey sex while sitting here with his grandpa.

“He hasn’t been able to get rid of me since,” I joke.

Bernie laughs. His laugh is very similar to Liam’s. The kind of laugh that, even if you’re feeling at your lowest, it would make you smile.

“Well, I’m just glad he met you and is taking some time off work. That boy works too hard. This is the first time since he set up that company that he’s taken a holiday.”

Really? I know he said he didn’t vacation much, but I didn’t realize it was never at all. But then again, is it a vacation if you’re not away from home?

“Is it classed as a vacation if you’re still at home?” I ask Bernie the question in my head.

“I have no clue.” He shrugs. “But he’s not working. He looks more relaxed than I’ve seen him in years, so I’m happy.”

“He looks more relaxed than I’ve seen him in years.”

That sets me aglow.

Still, I won’t burst Bernie’s bubble and tell him that Liam has worked a few days in our time together.

An older gentleman in a white suit jacket and black pants comes into the room, carrying a tray.

“Ah, Archie, meet Taylor. Taylor is a friend of Liam’s. She’s staying with us for a few days.”

Archie puts the tray down on the table. It’s filled with cups, a small jug of milk, a sugar bowl, a plate of cookies, a coffee decanter, and a tea pot.

“It’s nice to meet you, Taylor.” He smiles at me. “Where’s Liam?” he asks Bernie.

“Putting their bags away.”

Archie shakes his head and laughs.

“You staying for tea with us?” Bernie asks Archie.