The Cunning Thief (Stolen Hearts #6)

The other odd one out was the other woman in the room. She was really pretty, with long, straight black hair and piercing blue eyes. But what was odd about her was that she wasn’t intimidating. She was the only other person in the room who seemed somewhat normal. The woman gave her a soft smile that Shae returned hesitantly.

“Morning, sunshine,” said Toni. Shae turned around to see the blonde approaching, rolling forward in the main computer chair. “I suppose it’s time for introductions.”

“I’m terrible with names,” said Shae with an awkward laugh.

“Trust me, you won’t forget any of these people.” Shae had a feeling she was right about that. Toni pointed at Tristan and got started. “Tristan, our lovable, huggable con man, you met already. Gage is the second best computer hacker in this room.” The blonde nodded at her and smiled. Judging by all the computers around Toni, she didn’t have to ask who the first best computer hacker in the room was.

“You can tell yourself that, Toni. One of these days, you and I are gonna have it out.”

Toni let out a laugh. “Please. I’m so far ahead of you, I’d beat you before you knew we were competing. Moving on, the strapping ginger over there is Hunter. He could kill you with his pinky finger, but don’t worry. He’s also funny and watches way too many movies.”

Hunter winked at her, and she tried to figure out whether Toni was joking about the pinky finger thing or not. Judging from the size of the man, she was guessing not.

“I, as you know, am Toni. I handle the computer technology side of things, but if you call me IT support, I will make you pay. The strapping man next to me is Scott Hart. Me and him lead all operations. He’s in charge of strategies, but doesn’t talk as much as I do, thankfully. Then you’d never get a minute of silence,” she said with a little grin.

Scott walked across the room and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Shae reached forward and met his hand with a firm handshake. She was used to working with men, and a handshake was the first chance to show off that she wasn’t going to be easy to handle. She liked that he’d walked forward to introduce himself. A sign of character, as though he actually cared whether she was comfortable or not. More than she could say for Tristan. She winced. Why did her mind always go back to him?

“And this model-looking girl is Melissa Slade. She is here to help out with you. She’s the newest member of our little group here and we’re working on getting her oriented. I figured you two could hang out together while we figure our next steps.”

“My new babysitter?”

Toni rolled her eyes. “What is it with you guys and babysitting? You do know we’re working a dangerous job, right? You do know there was a shootout at your home yesterday, right? Do you really want to be alone right now?”

“I don’t want to be alone, but I also don’t want to pretend this is only for my own good. You’re keeping an eye on me.”

“I’m keeping a protective eye on you. I’m not saying it’s only for your good, but don’t pretend like I’m making you do this. If you want to leave, you know where the door is.”

Shae was quiet. They both knew she would never call Toni’s bluff. As much as she hated to miss work, she was in no hurry to go back home. She folded her arms in front of her chest and tightened her lips.

“That’s what I thought,” said Toni. “Now, if you want to give us a few minutes, we were in the middle of something.”

Well, that wouldn’t work. “What were you guys talking about?”

“Things you don’t need to hear.”

“What’s the harm in me hearing it? You have cameras all over the place making sure I don’t squeal, and I know more about Blackthorne or Damask than any of you do. Isn’t that why you sent Tristan to spy on me in the first place?”

“I sent Tristan to spy on you because he fucked up and that was his punishment.”

“Thanks, that makes me feel so much better,” Shae muttered.

“That’s not true,” said Tristan. “We do want to figure out what Damask wants with you.”

“I told you, he wants me to sell the property. I never did anything to piss him off. He’s just crazy.”

“Unfortunately, he’s not crazy,” said Scott. “He’s very smart and ruthless. So if he wants a mediocre property on the ocean, there’s probably good reason. If there’s a good reason, that means we can exploit it.”

“Mediocre property?”

“You know what he means,” said Toni. “Damask isn’t going to be building any skyscrapers or condos on that plot of land. There’s some other reason he wants that land. Something worth killing for. And, judging from the bullets I was picking off the beach yesterday, it’s something he’d kill recklessly for. That’s a warning sign. Are you telling me you don’t have any idea what he wants?”

Shae threw her hands up in exasperation. “Why would I lie to you?”

“Why would you tell me the truth? In my world, people lie.” Toni’s eyes drifted over to Tristan. “In my line of work, people lie frequently. Excuse me if I just don’t believe everything you say, especially when it makes no sense to me.”

“Fine. Assuming I’m not a dirty liar, we still have no idea what Damask wants with my house. What’s the next plan? I’m assuming you do have a plan, right?”

“We do,” said Scott. “Damask has done a lot of questionable things lately. He sent some inexperienced guys to your house this morning and there was a very public shootout on the beach last night. He’s doing things he’s never done before. He’s shaky—he’s on edge. And that means we can use that. I want to rattle him a little bit and see what falls out.”

“Why bother rattling him? Why don’t we just, you know, take care of him?”

Hunter smiled, and everyone else stared at her questioningly. Melissa seemed shocked while everyone else seemed rather amused.

“What? Isn’t that what you do? You take care of bad guys?”

“We’re not killers,” said Tristan.

Shae pointed to Hunter. “He was introduced to me as a guy who can kill people with his pinky. So don’t tell me you’re not killers.”

Melissa raised her hand. “I’m not a killer,” she said with a soft voice.

“You ain’t an angel either,” said Gage.

Melissa glared at him. “That’s rich coming from a guy who broke someone’s wrist the first time I met you. Go ahead. List all the ways you’re a saint.”

“Quiet, all of you,” said Scott with an authoritative voice. “The point is, we help people, not hurt them. If it comes down to it, Damask will get what’s his. But I want to focus on a legal way to get him his comeuppance.”

“The guy sent people to my house with guns last night. Ask me how worried I am about doing this legally.”

“Well, you’re not our client,” said Scott harshly. “For all we know, you’re working with him.”

Shae’s mouth dropped. “I’m not.”

“The things we do are harsh measures. We don’t do any of this lightly. We vet our clients, thoroughly, to make sure they deserve all the help they get.”

Shae couldn’t take this anymore. “Fine. If you want to figure out why he’s after me, then let me help.”

Mallory Crowe's books