The Closer You Come

A wave of relief washed over his features.

“What’s this?” he asked, plucking the list from the bed.

Oh, crap. The list! She’d been tweaking some of the finer details while she’d waited for the nurse. When she tried to grab it, Jase leaned back, moving out of reach.

“That is none of your business,” she said. “That’s what it is.”

He smiled, saying, “A fun list?” He scanned it and smiled again—only to look up at her with a glower. “These are things you’ve never done before, I’m assuming.”

She squirmed on the gurney. When his stare remained steady, she crossed her arms over her middle and said, “No, I haven’t done them.”

He relaxed. “Honey, if you flash someone in public, you’re likely to start a riot.”

Was that a compliment or an insult? “I’ll make sure it’s private.”

“Good.” A diabolical gleam entered his eyes. “We’re private right now.”

Oh, no. The ice around him had begun to melt again. A warning sign appeared in her mind, reading Danger! Danger! You’ll end up right back where you started. Craving him, but unable to have him.

“I’m here for you,” he continued, gripping the notebook with so much force, the center bowed. “I will allow you to flash me.”

“Oh, you’ll allow me?” Her stomach twisted even while desire pooled deep inside her. “Thanks, but I’m going to decline.”

“It’s not like you have to worry about being groped.”

“You think you can resist me?” Jerk!

“You think I’ll pounce on you the moment I see your breasts?” he countered.

She glared at him. “Maybe I think you’ll be disappointed.” Maybe? Ha!

“That isn’t even a possibility,” he said, confident. “But challenge accepted. Now you have to flash me.”

“I don’t have to do anything.”

“Oh, I get it.” His smile was all about projecting sympathy. “You’re scared.”

“I am not!”

He held up his hands, palms out. “If you say so, angel. But I believe you’re the one who told me actions mean more than words.”

Using her own statement against her? She was going to make him so sorry he’d gone there. She grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, her hands trembling. “I’m going to do it. You can’t stop me.”

“Do you see me trying?”

“Once I do it, it can never be undone. You can never go back to wondering.” Not that he’d wondered.

Had he wondered?

“I think I can handle it,” he said drily and waved his hand impatiently.

Could he? Could she?

What if he hated what he saw?

What if he liked it?

What if indecision was the path to insanity?

Either nut up or shut up. I’m not the girl I’ve always been: reserved, maybe even timid. I’m fun. And now it’s time to prove it.

With a deep breath, she flipped up the shirt. Between one blink and the next, Jase had a full-frontal view of her chest. Cold air stroked her skin, making her shiver. Definitely the cold and not his gaze...which was laser-beamed on her...staring so openly, so hungrily, as if he’d been starved for years and she’d just offered him a feast.

He liked.

It unnerved her—thrilled her. Moisture flooded her mouth. Her breasts suddenly felt heavier, the apex of her thighs warming and aching.

“There,” she said shakily and returned the shirt to its proper place. “We can now check that off the list.”

Jase gripped the arms of the chair. Sweat beaded on his brow. His gaze lingered...lingered...finally lifted and met hers. Slowly he unfolded from the chair. He stood there for several long moments. She waited, tense and eager to find out what he’d do next. What did she want him to do? Kiss her again?

No. Bad!

Touch her—

No! Really, really bad.

But if he tried, would she really be able to resist?

“Leave,” she rasped. “You have to leave. Now. Please.”

Gena Showalter's books