The Closer You Come

Fun. Again. And at her expense. Well, not anymore.

It’s my turn, she thought, mentally adding an item to her own list. She’d turn the tables on him. Starting now.

“Personal lubricant?” she said, eyeing him up and down without shivering. Surely I deserve some type of reward. “Yes, I can see how you might need that. Or is it for a friend?” She used air quotes, letting him know she wouldn’t believe him if he tried to take that path.

He set his elbows on the counter and leaned closer to her. “Some women need an extra boost. None of mine ever have, but there’s a first time for everything.”

The blush redoubled. “Why lice shampoo?”

He shrugged. “There could be an outbreak.”

“What about the yeast-infection ointment? The feminine cleansing pads? The vajazzle tattoos?” Never even heard of that. “The peekaboo mirror for personal inspection?” She gazed at him and rested a hand over her heart. “Wait. Do you have a hoo-ha fetish?” She batted her lashes at him, hoping he heard the unspoken bless your heart.

“Doesn’t every man?”

“Well, you can still count on me. I’ll take care of everything. You and your hemorrhoids will be feeling better in no time. One day soon you’ll even be able to sit in a chair without a cushion.”

He rocked back on his heels. “You are not handling this the way I expected.”

“Tears? Refusal? Please. I’d buy laxatives, suppositories for constipation, pills to stop diarrhea, an entire box of pregnancy tests and a tube of antifungal cream without a single moment of humiliation.”

“Great. Add those to the list. And don’t forget you promised to make sandwiches tonight.”

The bell tinkled, signaling the arrival of another customer, saving her from having to reply.

Though Brook Lynn stood on her tiptoes, she couldn’t see over the wide expanse of Jase’s shoulders. When she motioned for him to move, he simply crossed his arms over his massive chest, stubborn to his core.

Fine. She stepped to the side and peeked around him, her gaze locking on Brad. As he removed his sunglasses, she waited for tingles and heat, wanted to experience them, but...nothing.

Peachy. She smoothed her clothes in place and forced a smile. “You came.”

“Of course,” Brad said, returning her smile with one of his own. “You texted.”

Jase tensed, as if the store had just been invaded by zombies.

“Jase,” Brook Lynn said, “this is Brad Lintz. He owns Lintz Automotive, and he’s a true master of his craft. He’s kept Rusty, my car, running for years. Brad, this is Jase. My boss. My other boss, I mean.”

Brad held out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Jase bristled like a porcupine before he pressed his palm against Brad’s—and he must have squeezed too hard, because Brad flinched. Jase released him and stuffed his hands in his pockets, as if he didn’t trust them, and returned his gaze to her. His pupils had expanded, black completely overshadowing green. A sign of heightened emotion; one she’d seen every time she’d caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror after a fight with Jessie Kay.

He was...angry?

His body language answered the question, shouting yes! He grew stiffer by the second and even braced his legs apart, as if he meant to pounce.

“I should go,” he said. “Don’t forget the list.”

As if she would be thinking of anything else.

He stalked out of the shop before she had time to form a reply, acting as if his feet were on fire.

“Interesting guy,” Brad said.

“Yes.” But he wasn’t dating material. Brad, on the other hand...

He was a handsome man, with well-defined features, tidy dark hair and navy eyes. A combination she hadn’t seen often. He stood just over six feet—though at six-four, Jase towered over him. He was lean and when not wearing his work overalls, always well dressed.

“What kind of list?” Brad asked.

“Oh, uh, something for work.” She tucked Jase’s note into her pocket. And now it was time to nut up or shut up and ask Brad out.

Gena Showalter's books