The Closer You Come

Also, the guy she ended up with had to be reliable in every way. Like, say, being emotionally accessible, willing to share his past and his secrets. She had to be able to trust him with her heart, mind and body, and had to know he would be there for her every step of the way.

With a sigh, she picked at her food. She really needed to do as planned and ask out Brad Lintz. He fit all of her criteria. And he wouldn’t treat his former lovers this way—refusing to acknowledge their very existence.

Stop thinking about having fun and actually have some. For once.

“By the way,” Jase said. “It was good.”

Her brow wrinkled with confusion. “What was?”

“The casserole.”

Well, duh. “Obviously.” He’d eaten half the pan. “You should taste my sandwiches.”

“If the sandwiches are better than your casseroles, I’m officially putting in an order for tomorrow’s dinner.”

“Done. Hey,” she said. “Would you mind if I take some of the casserole to Jessie Kay?”

“Why would I mind?”

“Because you paid for the food,” she said then yawned. The trials of the day had finally caught up to her...and the itching in her ears had worsened with the movement of her jaw. She dropped her fork to gently scratch.

“Take as much as you’d like. Always.” Jase leaned over and pinched a lock of her hair, rubbing the ends between his fingers. “You’ve had a long day. You should go home.”

She really should...but for the first time in a very long time she didn’t think she’d fall asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. Her blood suddenly ran too hot, and her heartbeat came too strong. She wanted to be here, talking with Jase—being touched by him. For Jessie Kay. Of course.

“Do you have a new list of chores for me?” she asked.

One of his brows winged up. “You finished the other one?”

“Just like Cinderella before the ball.” Well, well. Something else to check off the list she’d made with Kenna. Be Cinderella for a day. Although, actually attending the ball and meeting Prince Charming would have been more fun than the chores part of her day.

Another undeniable twitch at the corners of his mouth. “How?”

He sounded shocked. Had he deliberately set out to make her fail? “I may or may not have enlisted the aid of the women who came over looking for Beck.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, saying, “Cinderella did not have help.”

“I beg to differ. She had mice.”

His dark eyes sparkled. Was he fighting a laugh? Go me!

Beck stormed into the kitchen, his charming facade utterly gone. He waved a stack of papers and photos in Jase’s face. “There were phone numbers and printed selfies taped to my bedroom walls.”

The laugh Jase had been holding back finally burst out, and Brook Lynn marveled. He wasn’t as rugged-looking when he laughed, but he was just as appealing. Maybe even more so. His entire face lit up, his features softening, making him appear years younger. Almost...boyish.

“Blame Brook Lynn,” he said, hiking his thumb in her direction.

She offered Beck a sugar-sweet smile as he focused all of his anger on her.

“There’s a line,” he growled. “A line you just don’t cross.”

“Got it,” she said with a nod. “But, uh, I’m not actually the one who put the photos there.”

“You let someone else in my room?”

She nibbled on her bottom lip. “It’s not like you haven’t had a parade of women march through it already.”

“By choice—while I was there. Who did you allow into my room? I want a name.”

“I could give you a name, but I’d have to give you six to be accurate, and to be honest, I—”

“Six,” he echoed hollowly.

“Yes.” She’d barred those same women from stepping one foot inside Jase’s room, choosing to take care of his space on her own. “The girls were clearly interested in being with you again,” she said with a blush. “I figured you’d enjoy another go. Who wouldn’t? They were hot little totties.”

Beck opened his mouth to blast her, she was sure, but Jase moved in front of her.

Gena Showalter's books