The Closer You Come

As groans of disappointment sounded behind her, thrilling her, she continued on to the office. Inside, she leaned against the closed door and offered the sandwich to Brad. “This is for you.”

“That was sweet of you.” He accepted with a mix of dread and hope gleaming in his eyes. “It does smell wonderful.”

Her nerves kicked up again, obliterating her excitement. Sweat moistened her hands. Use your lady balls and speak! “Brad, well, I’m so sorry to do this, but I can’t go out with you again.” Once she started, she couldn’t stop, the words pouring from her. “You are such a great man, and I wanted you to ask me out for a long, long time, but you didn’t, and then Jase showed up, and I wanted him, though I thought I couldn’t have him, but I also thought I needed to have some fun anyway, so I asked you out, and that wasn’t fair to you and, well...I’m...I’m sorry. I led you on, and that was wrong of me. I’ll understand if you hate me forever, but I’m with Jase now, officially, and we’re exclusive.”

Brad placed the sandwich on the overcrowded desk and scrubbed a hand over his face. He mulled over her long-winded speech before sighing. “I’ve wanted to ask you out for a long time, too.”

“So why didn’t you?” If she had been with him, she would never have allowed herself to notice Jase.

Not notice him? Impossible. But she wouldn’t have acted on it.

“Thought you’d say no,” Brad said. “You never seemed to notice I was a man when I was inside Edna’s store.”

So...he’d let the mere thought of failure stop him from pursuing her, which meant the fear of rejection had meant more to him than she had. He’d been unwilling to fight for her.

The clarity of that caused her guilt to drain. The man she ended up with had to be willing to fight for her—her love, her life. Her happiness. The way she would fight for him and his. Otherwise, the relationship would lack a solid foundation to stand on, and they would be doomed.

Would Jase be willing to fight for her?

In a way, hadn’t he already?

“Had you asked earlier,” she said, “I would have said yes, yes, a thousand times yes.”

Clouds of sadness drifted through his eyes, but they were soon replaced by determination. “I’ll wait,” he said, squaring his shoulders. “I’ll wait for you to be single again.”

“No. Don’t,” she said with a shake of her head, but on some level she wondered if he’d have to wait very long. “I’m going to do everything in my power to make this relationship last a long, long time.” Maybe even the rest of my life.


JASEPACED HIS living room like a caged tiger, waiting for Brook Lynn to arrive. She had ten more minutes, then he was heading to Lintz Automotive, and—

What? The shop was owned by the sheriff’s son.

Hell. Instinct said: let the competition know what will happen if he touches my woman. Self-preservation shouted: Do I want to go back to prison?

But...she’s mine.

His first “mine” since Daphne, and the two couldn’t even compare.

Must take measures to keep Brook Lynn. Can’t let her leave me like I’ve been left in the past.

The ring of the doorbell snapped him out of his daze.

He strode to the door and found a tall, lean man with weathered skin standing outside. The brim of a white Stetson cast shadows over his eyes, and he wore an official SVPD uniform, dark polyester and a bit too tight.

The sheriff, as if Jase’s thoughts had summoned him.

“Well, now. I’m Sheriff Lintz, and you must be Jase Hollister.”

The sheriff must have found out Brook Lynn and Jase were dating, that she’d chosen Jase over Brad, and had come to warn him off. Worse, Sheriff Lintz had to know about Jase’s past. Why else would he be here?

Cold sweat broke out on the back of Jase’s neck at the same time as fire blazed in his blood. How soon before Brook Lynn learned the truth?

“I am,” he said, lifting his chin.

“Good, good. I paid your boys a visit in town earlier today, introduced myself and let them know I’m here if they need me. Wanted you to know the same.”

Gena Showalter's books