The Closer You Come

She stepped inside, closed the door and trudged to her bedroom—where she promptly screamed at the top of her lungs. But she went quiet as soon as she realized the reason for her scream—the strange man standing at the edge of her bed—was Jase.

She threw her purse at him, the heavy bag thumping against his chest. “Jerk! What are you doing here? Where’s your car?”

“You once broke into my room, so I thought it only fair that I break into yours. And my car is parked down the street.” His arms were crossed. “Why do you look so sad?”

“I think you mean scared.” I’m surprised my heart is still beating.

“No, I said what I meant. Sad.”

She didn’t want to discuss her ears right now. “Tell me why you’re here, Jase. The real reason. And it better be a good one.”

A moment ticked by in silence, tension growing between them.

“Did you kiss him at the door?”

The words were a rasp, lacking any type of emotion. But she went still, not daring to hope. Was he jealous? Would he finally admit it? “That’s not any of your business, Jase.”

“Oh, it’s my business all right, and I’ll show you why.” Eyes locked on her, he advanced.


JASE BACKED BROOK LYNN into the door, but still he kept coming toward her until he’d pressed his body flush against hers, her breasts smashed into his chest. He’d been possessed by jealousy for hours, and his control had finally snapped.

Actually, the word jealousy did not accurately describe the frothing monster that had crawled and clawed through his mind.

Brook Lynn peered up at him with those wide baby blues, as if she couldn’t believe what was happening. “I think I’m mad at you,” she said, but she didn’t sound it. She was too breathless. She flattened her palms on his pecs in an effort to push him back and create distance. “So whatever you’re doing, you can just stop.”

He remained firmly in place. “Whatever I’m doing? Honey, I’m going crazy for you, that’s what the hell I’m doing. And if you think I haven’t been trying to stop, you’re crazy. I’ve been trying so damn hard, but I’ve only gotten worse.” As the night had progressed, the thought of her with Brad had made Jase foaming-at-the-mouth wild—like a dog with rabies.

He’d imagined them talking and laughing, Brad rubbing his foot against hers under the cover of the table, holding her hand on the drive home, the guy’s thumb brushing over the hammering pulse in her wrist, and he’d wanted to punch another wall. But when he’d imagined Brad taking Brook Lynn in his arms and kissing her good-night...Jase had jumped in his car and sped over.

When he’d arrived at their house, Jessie Kay had let him inside and lectured him.

You like my sister more than you liked me. I get it. She’s a better person than I am. She’s also endured her fair share of heartache and isn’t out trolling for more, so you better not treat her like trash afterward, or I will personally separate Big Jase from Little Jase.

Then she’d gone out with a friend of hers and all he could do was watch the clock as he used to do in prison, every second a new level of hell. Finally, he’d heard the purr of a car’s engine, seen lights flash through the curtains. When Brad had helped Brook Lynn out and walked her to the porch, Jase had forced himself to move into Brook Lynn’s room. It had been that...or storm outside and attack Brad.

The guy might not have survived.

“Well,” she said now. “Your attitude is shocking, considering you told me to go out with Brad.”

“No. You’re not putting this on me. I told you the choice was yours, and you made it.” Was that bitterness he heard in his tone? Get it together.

“Because I had zero encouragement from you!”

He slapped his hands on the wall on either side of her, caging her in, then rolled his hips forward, brushing his erection between her legs. “Consider this your encouragement.”

“That’s great, wonderful, but let’s just...stop and...and think about this,” she said, panting now. “A lot’s happened today. Taking time to process isn’t a bad idea.”

Gena Showalter's books