The Beauty of Us (Fusion #4)

“Maybe there’s more to it than meets the eye,” Kat says. “I mean, maybe you should give him a chance to explain things.”

“No.” I shake my head as we walk out to our cars. “I am not built for a long-distance relationship. I need him to touch me. I need hugs and kisses and sex. Call me shallow, but I do need those things.”

“That’s not shallow at all,” Addie replies. “Hugs and kisses are called affection, and it’s a very important piece of any relationship.”

“Definitely,” Kat says with a nod. “And he hasn’t said whether he’d be willing to move here?”

“He hasn’t said hardly anything at all.” I’m just frustrated again, which is so much better than being sad. “He won’t return my calls, even when I tell him that I really need to talk to him. It’s like, as soon as he went home, the amazing communication just stopped.”

“Yeah, that’s not okay,” Kat says, and gives me a big hug before she gets into her car. “I’m sorry, honey. Let me know if you need me.”

“What are you doing for your birthday?” Addie asks, which is brilliant because while we already know, Kat doesn’t know that we know.

“I think Mac’s just taking me out to dinner,” she says with a smile. “We’re gonna keep it low-key.”

We nod, and wave as she drives away.

“Do you already have a dress?” Addie asks as we both watch Kat drive down the street.

“Yeah, Trevor bought me one.” I scowl. “Maybe I should buy a different one. I don’t know if I want to wear something that he bought me.”

“Now you’re being dramatic,” she says. “Wear the dress. Mac said he’ll have Kat out of the apartment by three so we can sneak in and get set up, and he’ll have her back by eight.”

“Sounds good. Cami said she already bought all of the decorations.”

“She’s so crafty,” Addie says with a grin. “It’ll be a fun party.”

I nod and unlock my car. “I’m going to run home to shower, and then I’m heading into the office for a while.”

“Okay. I’m taking today off. I feel like I haven’t seen Ella much this week.”

“You definitely should go spend some time with her.” I hug Addie and smile when she pulls back. “Give her a kiss from me.”

“I’ll give her lots of kisses from you.” She waves as I get into my car and drive away. I feel better. Still not great, but better than I did this morning. I needed the exercise, and I needed the time with my friends. I’m making the right decision. Now the trick will be to stay busy for a while and focus on something besides my broken heart.

Cami has outdone herself. Since Mac and Kat have been gone, the rooftop garden that Kat loves so much has been transformed. Lights hang from anything standing still, and I’m not sure where Cami rented the jukebox from, but it’s amazing. Rockabilly music is filling the air, and we’re all dressed the part, in fun dresses, our hair in big curls, and bright red lipstick on all our lips.

“You look amazing,” I say to Mia, who’s hurrying by with a tray of appetizers.

“I’m stuffed so tightly into this dress that I can hardly breathe,” she says, but then a smile spreads over her lips. “And I do look amazing.”

Everything is ready for Kat, and they should be here any minute. Anyone not working at Seduction tonight is here, along with Kat’s parents and Mac’s mom and brother, Chase.

Even Mia’s parents are here.

It’s a full house.

“They’re here!” Cami announces, looking down at her phone. We cut off the lights and wait for the door to open, and when it does, the lights are flipped on and we all yell, “Surprise!”

“Holy shit,” Kat says, her hand on her chest. She looks around, taking in the party decor, and all the people here to celebrate her, and then she launches herself into Mac’s embrace, hugging him close. “So much for a low-key birthday.”

He laughs and kisses her soundly. “Happy birthday, my love.”

Kat wanders through the crowd, hugging her parents first.

“We did it,” Cami says, holding her hand up for a high five. “She was surprised.”

“Of course she was,” Mia says, and sips a glass of champagne. “We’re good at keeping secrets.”

“We kept this one for a long time,” Cami says, then frowns. “What else are you guys keeping from me?”

“Nothing,” I say with a laugh. “Don’t be so suspicious.”

“Thank you, ladies,” Mac says as he approaches and offers us each a hug. “You did a beautiful job.”

“She deserves a good birthday,” Addie says as she pats Ella’s back. The baby is in the cutest damn rockabilly dress I’ve ever seen. She even has a matching headband.

“I’m going to make a toast,” Mac says, and wanders off, looking for Kat. “Can I have your attention, please.”

We all quiet as we turn our attention to Mac. He has Kat’s hand in his, and he’s gazing down at her lovingly.

“I just want to thank you all for being here tonight to help me celebrate the birth of the most important person in my life. Kat, you deserve to have the best celebration. You are the most caring, loving, beautiful, funny, and intelligent person I know, and I’m so blessed to call you mine. You make every day better. I’ll never be able to repay you for that. Happy birthday, my love.”

“Thank you,” Kat says, and lets Mac bring her in for a long, close hug.

“I have to go to the restroom,” I murmur to Cami, and make a quick exit before anyone else notices. I can’t stop the tears falling down my face.

I rush into the bathroom and Cami follows me in, worry written all over her face.

“I heard about Trevor,” she says quietly. “Addie filled me in.”

“I don’t know why I’m crying again.” I grab a wad of tissues, then press them to my eyes. “I’ve cried all of the tears in the world already. I can’t turn them off. And I know that Kat deserves this amazing party, and the wonderful man she has. I’m so happy for her, and for you and Addie. I don’t begrudge you your happiness in any way.”

“I know,” Cami says. Her voice is soft and she’s rubbing circles on my back soothingly. “But you thought you’d found that too.”

“I did.” I nod and finally surface from my tissue hell. I finally broke down and bought waterproof mascara, and so far it’s worth its weight in gold.

“It’s okay to be sad.”

“I’m so tired of being sad,” I reply, and blow my nose. “Maybe I shouldn’t stay. I’m kind of a downer.”

“Or you could drink a lot. That usually makes you feel better.”

“Honestly, I don’t feel like drinking either.”

Before she can respond, we both pause as we hear someone shouting.

“Is that Mia?” I ask, and we both hurry out of the bathroom. I stop short when I see Mia yelling at Trevor, whose gaze is on hers. He’s not replying, he’s just listening as she rails at him in my defense.

Landon is standing behind her, arms folded over his chest, legs shoulder width apart.

“Why does Landon look like the Secret Service?” Cami asks. “Damn alpha man.”

“I have to go.” Just then, Trevor looks over to where I’m standing, but I don’t say a word to him. Instead, I walk over to hug Kat and Mac. “Happy birthday.”