The Bandit (The Stolen Duet #1)

“It’s good my grandson does not share your sentiments.”

Lucas didn’t react, but I was willing to bet if he wasn’t Angel’s grandfather, and we weren’t standing in a room full of people, that he would have been a dead man. “Always a pleasure, Alon.”

Alon didn’t seem to appreciate either one of our presence, but Lucas was still my enemy so I didn’t want to laugh, but a smile snuck up on me anyway. I ducked my head, but when I lifted it again, Lucas caught my eyes. There was a twinkle in his as he winked.

“Mian, may I have this dance?”

He didn’t wait for me to deny him. He took my hand and guided me onto the dance floor away from Angel and Alon. When we reached the center of the room, he tugged me close and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I looked back in time to see Angel and Alon leaving the ballroom. “So I take it he’s not your favorite person?”

He snorted and twirled me before bringing me close again. “He’s a prick, girl. Stay away from him.”

My eyebrows shot for my hairline. “You’re warning me?”

His face settled into a blank mask, and we continued to dance. Suddenly, he pulled me even closer. His arm tightened until I gasped.

“Why are you doing this?”

I frowned. “I’m not doing anything. I haven’t done anything.

“Just tell him where the book is. No amount of money is worth your life, girl.”

“I don’t. Have. The book. I don’t even know what the book is.”

His face said he didn’t believe me as his eyes searched mine. He seemed to decide something and relaxed his arm.

“No shit?”

“Why is this book so important to him? What makes it a legacy?”

“Because it’s not just a book. It’s a contract.”

“A contract,” I repeated. “How’s that?”

“The book contains a record of every job, client, and contact since Alexander Knight.”

“The first Knight,” I guessed. He nodded. “Why would they keep something like that? It’s a criminal justice wet dream.”

“That’s one way of looking at it, but the book has been untouched by anyone who wasn’t the Knight for almost two-hundred years. Until you.”

“That still doesn’t tell me why his family would keep something so incriminating.”

“Because it’s power. It can start wars, break allegiances, and cripple empires. The entries will incriminate anyone who’s every laid in bed with a Knight.”

“It imprisons them.”

“Yeah, girl. It does.”

“But that includes you, doesn’t it?” He shrugged and moved his hand down to cup my ass. I didn’t welcome his touch, but I didn’t fight it either. He ran his lips down my neck until it reached my shoulder. “You’ll never be able to walk away.”

“I have no intentions of walking away. I owe Art my life.”

“But not Angel?”

He lifted his head and pinned me with his stare. “He’s my best friend. His father gave me a job when everyone else overlooked Z and me like trash. I’d die for him .”

“It doesn’t sound like friendship. It sounds like servitude to me.”

“I’m no one’s slave, girl. If I ever wanted to walk away, Angel couldn’t stop me, and I know for a fact that he wouldn’t try. That is why I’m loyal.”

We danced some more in silence and by the end of the third song, I’d had enough. “Where’s the bathroom?” I asked as an excuse to get away.

“I’ll escort you.”

“So I’m still in shackles,” I said as he guided me through the dancing crowd.

“Afraid so.” His hand didn’t leave the small of my back until we reached a quiet corner. There was a single door, and I assumed it led to a bathroom. “Sure you don’t need any help?”

I started to respond, but the words were caught in my throat. Three men dressed in black suits rushed for Lucas. He couldn’t see them, but he could see me. His grin disappeared just as I went to shout a warning. Two of them jumped him.

“Don’t!” I screamed as they savagely beat him. I didn’t even see the third lunge for me until my scream was cut off by his hand covering my mouth. I fought him, which loosened my mask until it fell from my face. I stared at the black feathers detailed into the leather and realized I was staring at a replica of Angel’s. I was too stunned to fight and was dragged away. The last thing I saw before being pulled around a corner was Lucas sending the head of one of the attackers into the wall.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

…will she live?


The bad feeling in the pit of my stomach wouldn’t go away. My grandfather insisted on talking to me in his office. I had been reluctant to let Mian out of my sight, but then reminded myself that my protection was not hers to have. She wasn’t leaving this party alive. I needed to remember that.

“What did you need to talk about?”

“I take it you have not recovered the book.”

“She’s not talking.”

“I see. And do you have any other leads?”

“Not even a crumble.”

“Then you’re prepared to do your duty tonight?”