The Bandit (The Stolen Duet #1)

Just what the fuck was she doing to me and why was I allowing her?

“I know what’s going through your head right now, but she asked for this when she escaped.” Z clapped his hand on my shoulder, and it took everything not to shove it off. I was disgusted with myself, but I wouldn’t show it by snubbing my best friend. I continued to watch Mian, whose breathing turned even and deep. She must have passed out from exhaustion. I hired the whore to fuck with Mian’s head and ended up fucking with my own. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Bound and gagged, she still found a way to fight. It made my dick harder than any live show. Each time I saw her body was like the first time, but seeing her naked and bound made me want to convince her to forget we were enemies for just one night. She still wanted me even though she didn’t want to. How hard could it be to convince her? I’ve owned her desire since the moment she first knew what it felt like coursing through her veins.

“What are you going to do now?” Z questioned when I didn’t respond. I scrubbed my hand down my face and forced my gaze away from her.

“I’m going to go to sleep.”

“Next to her?”

I answered by stripping off my clothes. Mian wasn’t the only one who deserved punishment.


I woke up just as she was slipping from the bed, and I grinned. It seemed we were starting early. Reaching out, I caught her ankle and held on when she kicked out to dislodge my hand.

“Let me go,” she growled.

“Not a chance.”

She gave up trying to kick my hand away and snatched the lamp from the night table. Her swing was swift and missed my head by a hair. Wildly, she swung again, but I lunged and took her down.

“You have a lot of anger toward me even though it’s my bed you slept in last night.”

“Which is exactly why I’m going to kill you.” We tore up the bed fighting for dominance. I won, of course, but she made winning fun. I pinned her arms to the bed and fit my hips between thighs. She was still trying to catch her breath, and I enjoyed the sight of her chest heaving up and down as she panted.

“You done yet?”

“You dead yet?”

I thrust my hips against her and lowered my head. “Does it feel like I’m dead?” My dick was hard enough to break a brick and was only getting harder. I shifted my grip to one hand and brought the other to her face, but the sight of blood stopped me. A quick glance over her revealed it wasn’t her bleeding. My hand was bleeding at the juncture between my pointer and thumb. Without thinking, I sucked at the wound and looked down to see her watching me bleed without even a hint of remorse.

“This is the second time you’ve made me bleed.”

She quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t expect me to feel sorry, do you?”

Normally, her defiance amused me, but this time, I needed to see her yield. “You like my blood then?” Wisely, she chose to remain silent probably from the change in my tone, but it was too late to back down. I pulled the torn skin between my teeth until I tasted blood, and without warning, I closed the distance between us and stole her lips with mine.

She squealed and fought to dislodge me so I deepened the kiss until I was sure she tasted nothing but me… and my blood. Only when I had no choice but to let her up for air did I end the kiss.

She stared up at me in shock, but it was her dilated pupils that stole my interest, and I was willing to put my legacy and life on the wager that her pussy was wet. Even with my blood smeared at the corner of her lip…

“I want you.”

She looked as shocked as I felt but recovered quickly.

“Good luck with that,” she panted.

I smiled, but I could tell she didn’t trust it by the suspicious look in her eyes. “I could have you if I wanted.”

“Your stomach’s too weak for rape. Pussy.”

“For once, those sweet lips speak the truth.” I ran my nose down her neck and inhaled as much of her as I could. “When I have you, I want you willing and eager.”

She froze. “When?”

Her tone said there would never be a when, but her eyes said she was past ready. A knock on my door saved me from responding. I rolled off her just as Lucas and Z rushed through the door. They looked prepared to do battle as their gazes flitted from me to Mian to the bed.

“Gentlemen,” she said when the silence stretched too long.

“What the hell happened in here?” Z gestured to the lamp tossed on the floor.

“I tried to bash his head in.”

Their faces showed surprise and then they burst out laughing. Mian flinched, and quickly, her entire body stiffened when Lucas said, “Damn, girl. I bet you’re a firecracker in the sack.”

“You’ll never know.”

“You know better than to make promises you can’t keep,” he flirted.

She scoffed and turned away, but her entire body flushed red. She should have learned she couldn’t hide from us when she was naked. Lucas and Z snickered while I stood from the bed. “Return our guest to her room. She’s overstayed her welcome here.”
