The Bandit (The Stolen Duet #1)

“Like my father trusted you?”

“You know why he died that night,” he gritted. I wanted to kill him on the spot. He was still excusing himself from blame. “Let my daughter go. She doesn’t deserve your wrath.”

“I’m not sure about that, but it doesn’t matter anymore. Mian is in even bigger trouble, and I’m going to get her out of it. I just came to warn you that once I do, I’ll be keeping her.”

“Trouble? What kind of trouble?”

“Did you know that her son’s father is Aaron Staten?”


“Why not? Your daughter is a beautiful girl.” He looked as if he wanted to kill me for noticing.

“Because she’d never go for that prick, much less—” He stopped and looked away. He was clearly having a hard time accepting the thought of a cock between his daughter’s legs. The thought made me want to put a bullet in someone so I could only imagine how he felt. I decided to change the subject for both of our sakes.

“The senator wants her dead.” I dropped the bomb in his lap but didn’t wait for the explosion. “I’m not going to let that happen.”

His eyes were rimmed with red as he stared at me in disbelief. “You would do that for her? Why?”

“You were supposed to protect her, and at the very least, love her enough to keep her from doing something stupid.”

“I tried .”

“And you failed.” I rubbed my chin as we locked gazes. “But that doesn’t matter now. You had your chance, and you won’t get another one. She’s no longer yours.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He spoke so harshly spit flew from his mouth.

I leaned forward so there was no mistake. “It means, I’m her daddy now,” I growled.

Chapter Forty-Six

Old habits die hard.


I felt like a dog that had been let off the chain for the first time. The first place I went sniffing was after my son. After Angel had scarred me for life, he didn’t bother to lock me up. At first, I figured he was too pissed off to realize his blunder until Z passed me in the hall with a bright smile and one of his chin lifts.

After searching the house from top to bottom, I couldn’t find a trace of my baby or Angel. I did, however, find Lucas lounging in the den.

“Where’s Angel?”

He looked up from drinking milk from the bowl of cereal he had just eaten, and reluctantly, I had to admit to myself how cute he looked with his milk mustache.


“Fine. Where is my son?”

He set the bowl down on the coffee table in front of him and leaned back, resting his arms along the back casually.

“He’s out, too.”

God, I wanted to kill him. “Where did he take my son?”

‘To get some fresh air.”

“You mean, keeping him from me.”

He shrugged. “You can’t be trusted, girl.”

“That is not for any of you to decide. He is my son.”

“And you’re Angel’s prisoner, which means your son belongs to him  unless he lets you both go.”

“You mean when he lets us go,” I corrected with suspicion in my gut.

“Sure.” His lips tilted.

I stalked to the back of the couch and placed my hands on his powerful shoulders. I leaned down to whisper in his ear. “I’m free now,” I reminded him. “You should watch your back.”

I felt the muscles in his shoulders stiffen, but I didn’t stick around for the aftermath. Without Caylen to find or a working phone to call for help, I retreated upstairs in defeat. It was my intention to return to my cell, but somehow, I stood in front of the door to Angel’s old bedroom.

He spent six years of his life babysitting me. This room hadn’t been his space in all that time. There was nothing in here that would give me answers. I accepted that, but it didn’t stop me from being curious. The last time I’d been here, I was preoccupied looking for a place to hide.

I pushed open the door, and the first thing I noticed were the bare walls. There were no posters of buxom beauties or angry rock bands. The floors weren’t littered with discarded white t-shirts and sneakers. The bed wasn’t made, but I had a feeling that was because of Lucas uncovering my hiding spot weeks ago.

I laid down and found the mattress soft. The sheets smelled too clean. They didn’t hold his scent.

“You have no idea how many times I’ve pictured getting you in my bed.”

I jackknifed from his bed and found Angel’s muscular body filling the space in the doorway. His long arms were stretched over his head gripping the frame. The position put his impressive muscles on display under the white t-shirt that was damp with his sweat.

“I was looking for my son. Where did you take him?”

“I thought he might need a change of scenery.”

“You’re lying. You were making sure I couldn’t get to him. Why not just keep me locked up?”

“If that is what you wish, I can make it happen. But this time, it will be to my bed.”