The Atlantis Plague (The Origin Mystery, #2)

“Seriously?” Kate asked.

“Hey, it was pretty ingenious for the times. Call it medieval biological warfare. After Caffa, the plague quickly spread across Europe. Historians have assumed that migration from Asia is the reason for the one-hundred-year time difference, but it could have been—”

“The mutation,” Kate said.

“Possibly.” David wanted to get back to what he knew, away from speculation. “In the following years, thirty to sixty percent of the entire population of Europe died from the Black Death. One third of everyone in China died. In fact, it took a hundred and fifty years for the global population to recover to the level it was before the Black Death. But I’m afraid that’s where my knowledge ends. In general, I don’t know what the chronology is leading up to. I just knew what the references were, and I knew the dates.”

“I can shed light there,” Dr. Chang said. “As Dr. Janus mentioned before, our working theory has been that the current plague is simply activating past outbreaks, trying to complete some genetic transformation that was half-finished. We’ve been trying to isolate those past outbreaks to better understand how the human genome changed.” He motioned toward David. “Mr. Vale, you had it right about the link between the plagues. A few years ago, a group of researchers discovered that the Plague of Justinian was caused by Yersinia pestis, or Y. pestis—the bacteria that causes bubonic plague. The discovery was very intriguing: the two worst pandemics in recorded history—the Plague of Justinian and the Black Death—were both instances of bubonic plague. We believe in both cases there was a genetic mutation of the Y. pestis bacteria. We’ve been using the Immari to gather evidence. They procured samples from plague victims from both outbreaks. We sequenced those genomes, as well as samples of Y. pestis, from both eras. We also have samples from the Spanish flu of 1918. We found some common genetic sequences. We think they are connected to the Atlantis Plague. Based on Dr. Grey’s notes and our discussion here, I believe our data is a key piece of the puzzle, the key to finding a cure. Unfortunately, it was lost when the plague barge went down.”

Janus sat up on the couch. “Dr. Chang, I owe you an apology.”

Chang’s face glanced over, confused.

“I never fully trusted you,” Janus said. “I was assigned to you. You went along with our research, but until now I thought that you might have been an Immari loyalist, someone working to obtain my research. I withheld much of what I learned from you.” He took out a memory stick. “But I saved it on this device. Along with the research we did together. It’s all here, and I believe it will reveal the genome changes Dr. Grey was searching for—this Delta-2—the root genetic structure of the Atlantis Plague.”

Chang glanced at the memory stick. “What matters is that you have the data. In your place, I think… perhaps I would have done the same thing. However, there seems to be one final piece—the Omega. To me, that signifies the endpoint—the eventuality of this genetic change. The notation ‘1918…1979’ seems to indicate that Dr. Grey believed it could have happened in one of those years. The ‘KBW’ in the first line is unfamiliar. Mr. Vale, is this another historical reference?”

David had been turning “KBW” over in his mind since he had first seen the code. He didn’t even have a guess. “No. I’m not sure what it means.”

“I know what it means,” Kate said. “‘KBW’ are my initials. Katherine Barton Warner. I think I’m the Omega.”


Somewhere off the coast of Ceuta

Mediterranean Sea

Through the window of the helicopter, Dorian watched the water fly by below. The sun glistened on the black expanse like a beacon leading him to his destiny.

He thought about the white door of light in Germany. Where would it lead? To another world? Another time?

He activated the microphone in his helmet. “What’s our ETA?”

“Three, maybe three and a half hours.”

Would they beat Kate and her entourage there? It would be close.

“Get the outpost on the line.”

A minute later Dorian was speaking with Isla de Alborán’s commanding officer.

The Immari lieutenant at Isla de Alborán ended the call and looked back at the four other soldiers playing cards and smoking. “Put some coffee on. We need to sober up. We’re going to have company.”

David tried to process what Kate had said: “I’m the Omega.”

Shaw glided into the room. “I’m putting coffee on—” He looked around. “What’s all this? You lot look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“We’re working,” David snapped.

Kate broke the tension. “I’d love some coffee. Thank you, Adam.”

“Sure,” Shaw said. “Dr. Chang? Dr. Janus?”

David noticed that he hadn’t made the coffee roll call. He was fine with that.