The Atlantis Plague (The Origin Mystery, #2)

Is that my fear: losing her? Letting her go? Not seeing her again? He wondered what he would do in London. He was likely a wanted fugitive, but he could probably sort that out.

But… if Shaw had killed Martin, if he had cut the fuel line to set this up, David would be delivering Kate to him.

“Let me think about it,” David said, still not looking at Kate.

“David, what’s there to think about? Come with us.”

“Just… give me a few hours, Kate. Let us fix the boat.”

David thought Kate was going to press him, but she eyed him for a moment, then nodded. “While you do that, I want to work with Chang and Janus. I want to show them Martin’s notes. They’re written in a code I haven’t been able to break.”

David had to smile. In Jakarta, Martin had sent him a coded message that had set the entire chain of events of the past few months in motion. The old man had been trying to warn David, but he and his team hadn’t unraveled the message fast enough. “Martin did love his codes.” David considered the implications. It certainly helped his cause: Kate could be making progress on a cure while he stewed on what to do.

“Just make sure they don’t make any phone calls,” he said.

Kate had spent the last hour discussing Martin’s notes with Doctors Chang and Janus. Both men had listened intently, occasionally raising their hands and asking a question.

When Kate finished, they presented their own research, beginning with a bit of their personal backgrounds. Both men stood when they presented to the group.

Kate thought that Dr. Chang’s story was very much like Martin’s. Shen Chang was sixty-one and had joined Immari Research right out of medical school. He had been enamored with the research, with the possibilities, but had soon learned the truth about the Immari. He had spent his career trying to prevent the Immari’s worst atrocities, but ultimately, like Martin, he was trapped and had failed.

“There’s something I need to tell you, Dr. Warner. And I will completely understand if you no longer wish to work with me. I was the chief scientist as the Qino Immari facility. I was on site the day they put you in the Bell room.”

A long silence passed and finally Kate said, “We’re working on the same side now. Let’s focus on the work at hand. On finding the cure.”

“I’d like that very much. There is one other thing. You look… very familiar to me. I wonder if we’ve met.”

Kate studied his face. “I… don’t think so.”

“Ah, well, my memory isn’t what it used to be, Dr. Warner.”

“Call me Kate. Both of you.”

When Chang finished, Janus shared his story. Dr. Arthur Janus was an evolutionary biologist and virologist with an interest in viral evolution—the study of how viruses mutate and adapt.

“I was on assignment for the World Health Organization in Algiers when the plague hit,” Janus said. “I barely got out. I made my way to Ceuta. The Immari sorted me there, and I was placed on the plague barge, assigned to be Dr. Chang’s assistant.”

Dr. Chang laughed. “But it was I who has done the assisting since then. Dr. Janus is the genius on our team. He’s responsible for the breakthroughs.”

Each man tried to deflect the credit.

After that they described their research and their approach. Kate was blown away. The men had tackled the plague from another angle—looking for similarities to past outbreaks and trying to find someone with natural disease resistance who might have a genetic anomaly that provided immunity to the plague.

Janus made some tea and handed it out, and now they sat, sipping their tea and talking in turn. After each person spoke, they paused to consider the others’ assertions.

Disagreements were never direct. It was so nice, Kate thought. The relaxed environment and collegiality made it so much easier to focus on the work, the theories.

All their civility aside, the group was, however, making no progress on Martin’s notes.

Their work had now focused on one particular page that contained some sort of code:

PIE = Immaru?

535…1257 = Second Toba? New Delivery System?

Adam => Flood/A$ Falls => Toba 2 => KBW

Alpha => Missed Delta? => Delta => Omega

70K YA => 12.5K YA => 535…1257 => 1918…1979

Missing Alpha Leads to Treasure of Atlantis?

Theories had been thrown around, and collectively shot down. Kate had begun to fear they were out of ideas.

Periodically, she heard banging from the engine room below, which was inevitably followed by a bout of cursing, always Shaw and David at each other. It only ended when Kamau spoke up in his deep baritone voice, always the same refrain interrupting the chorus of cursing and clanging: “Gentlemen, please!”

Kate wondered if there would be anything of the engine left when they were done.

Overall it sounded like a bar brawl belowdecks and a book club up above.

After yet another bout of intense banging and a final “Gentlemen, please!” from Kamau, David emerged from below, covered in grease.