The Accidental Familiar (Accidentals #14)

They all talked often. Marty and Wanda called to invite her to shop or stroll the park with a crabby Nina, and Darnell made regular appearances to have lunch and be sure she was learning how to cast out demons, should the need ever arise.

January played a huge role in helping her to learn everything there was to learn about the white witch way and being the best, most informed familiar. But mostly, she taught her to embrace her intuition with open arms as they chatted over cups of tea.

She’d gone to bat for Poppy with Familiar Central, ensuring she could remain Rick’s familiar, citing all sorts of assignments that had turned romantic, and the powers that be had consented.

The words Nina had spoken that night were true. Once you were a part of the family, you were a part of it forever. No one escaped the clingy fucking claws of OOPS—ever.

And no one was more grateful that was true than Poppy. As she looked around the table, she grinned. Thanksgiving had never been filled with so much chaotic gratitude.

“So, can I have everyone’s attention? We have an announcement!” Wanda chirped from the other end of the table, her hand entwined with her husband Heath’s.

Poppy tapped her glass with her fork to gain everyone’s attention, smiling at the abundance of food Arch had prepared for their Accidental Thanksgiving. “Hear-hear to announcements!”

As the group quieted, Wanda and Heath gave each other knowing glances, their eyes warm and bright with love. Then they grinned as though they had a secret.

“So, what’s the big news?” Marty asked with a smile as she leaned into her husband Keegan, dropping a forkful of fluffy mashed potatoes into her mouth.

Poppy gripped Rick’s hand and sighed a happy sigh. She had a pretty good idea what Wanda and Heath were about to share, and she almost couldn’t wait until the words were out in the universe.

“C’mon, Wanda!” Nina cheered, cutting up small pieces of turkey for Calamity and Charlie. “Do it! Do it!”

Inhaling a deep breath, Wanda gazed out over the crowd of her dearest friends and family and said, “We’ve decided to adopt!”

There was a small silence while everyone absorbed the news, each member of the large group grinning as realization struck.

Then a roar went up from the room, a roar of so much joy, Poppy’s throat tightened. Everyone jumped up at once, rushing to congratulate them.

“Does this mean you’ll be so busy with a kid, you’ll quit riding my ass now?” Nina asked, hugging Carl close to her side.

“Nope. It means I’ll be practicing my mothering skills on you with even more intensity,” Wanda teased, letting Nina envelope her in a hug.

Marty threw her arms around both the women and squeezed. “Oh my God! If it’s a girl, think about the shopping we can do. We’ll be like a force of nature! Yay to girl power!”

“Yeah, yippee and skippee,” Nina groaned her displeasure. “I can’t wait to teach the little bugger how to buy scarves in discount fucking bulk.”

Calamity skipped down the length of the table and launched herself at Wanda, landing on her chest as Wanda’s hands wound around her and cuddled her close. “Does this mean you’re going to forget about me, Auntie Boo? Will I be like the redheaded stepchild? Is all that delish tuna a thing of my past?”

Wanda’s head fell back on her shoulders, laughter, free and easy, spilling from her throat. “It just means I’ll set two places at the table from here on out.”

Nina scratched Calamity’s ears, a smile on her face. She and Calamity had come a long way since Poppy had met them. After Calamity saved Nina that night with Avis, knocking her out of harm’s way, and Nina realized Calamity could have died, their dynamic shifted from full-time antagonistic to part-time, and it was wonderful to watch.

Poppy hovered in the background, waiting her turn to congratulate the happy couple, and when that chance came, Wanda reached for her hand and squeezed it hard, pulling her into a tight hug. “You’re one smart lady, you know that?”

She grinned, so wide she thought her face would split. “Nah. You figured it all out on your own. You’re going to make the best mom ever, Wanda Schwartz-Jefferson, and I’m going to smile as the universe unfolds just the way it should.”

Wanda squeezed her even harder, her soft sweater brushing comfortingly against her cheek. “Thank you, Poppy,” she whispered, her words laced with tears. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Rick pulled her away from the crowd, his eyes warm. “She’s right you know.”

Snuggling up against his hard length, she asked, “Who?”

“Wanda. You’re one smart lady. I think I like you. I think I like you a lot.”

“Well, I should hope so. I let you use my toothbrush.”

“In the interest of liking you a lot, I have a question. I just don’t want to flub it.”

She leaned back in his arms with a chuckle. “You? Flub something? You’re the master of words. How can you even say such a thing?”

“You‘re mocking me.”

“I totally am, but let me give you a piece of advice. It is only those who never do anything who never make mistakes.”

Dakota Cassidy's books