That Thing Between Eli and Gwen

“Yes, Ma’am. And the master is in his study.”

The master? I’m sure Liam enjoyed that one. Without another word to him, I headed up the stairs. Once again because of the goddamn teachers union, I was coming home late. Knowing Ethan, he was still probably trying to stay awake. He never went to bed without seeing me first and I looked forward to it more than anything else in the world…he, all of my children, made my heart ache in the best possible way. I didn’t understand it. I barely recognized myself with them…I was at peace. It felt odd. I’d never felt peace in all of my life.

Since I was child, my father beat into me that I was a Giovanni. I needed to be strong. Be ruthless. As a teenager, I watched as he slowly died in front of me, his legacy fading along with him. I gave my life to the Italian family. As an adult, I fought my mother, my grandfather; the world felt like it was going to crumble around me. And yet I made it to the other side and every time I looked into my children’s, face I saw that victory.

My life had changed drastically over the years and it still felt like a dream.

“Knock, knock.” I whispered softly. I poked my head inside Ethan’s room and saw him shift immediately. Smiling to myself, I dropped my heels by the corner of the door before running towards his bed and jumping next to him to tickle his sides.

“Mommy!” He laughed outright, his body twisting and turning away from me, which only made me tickle him more.

“Someone is up past their bedtime,” I said as I sat up and ran my hands through his messy brown hair.

“You promised to come home early,” he said with a frown.

“Blame the teachers,” I said, cupping his face.

“I w—” He coughed before he could finish his statement. But it wasn’t just one cough. He grabbed on to his chest, his whole body leaning forward.

“Ethan? Sweetheart?” I grabbed on to him, his face slowly turning purple. “ETHAN!” I yelled.

“Momma…” he gasped, blood coming from his nose.

“ETHAN! ETHAN! LIAM! LIAM! HELP ME!” Picking him up, I ran towards the door when—




The gunshots never ending, all of coming from…


“Ma’am, we’re under attack!” Fedel yelled and rushed into the room.

“Attack, who?” Fuck, none of that mattered. “Take him! Take care of him now!” I basically threw Ethan into his arms.

“Ma’am, it’s not safe!”

“SAVE MY SON!” I screamed, spit flying from my lips as I ripped the family photo off the wall beside Ethan’s desk. Behind it, I’d stashed my assault rifle, and Glock along with three magazine clips. Strapping them, I didn’t even hesitate before kicking in the door to Wyatt and Dona’s room.


On the walls, the floor, but worst of all—all over them.

“Urgah…” A sound that didn’t even seem human came from lips—my eyes on fire as I stared at my children. My babies. “No…no. No. No.”

It was the only word I knew as I ran to them. Wyatt’s body over Dona’s, both of them slumped over the bed.

“Wyatt, sweetheart,” I whispered, petting his head. “Come on, this isn’t funny…get off your sister. Dona baby, push your brother off okay?”

They didn’t move.

They didn’t breathe.

They just lay there…like dead things.

“No…No…” Lying on top of them, I hugged tightly. I didn’t understand. What happened? What was happening?




Again the shots rang out. I didn’t even bother to pick up the guns that I’d dropped. But even opening the door felt impossible; my body felt as if it was going numb. I wasn’t sure if I was fainting or crying, but my vision blurred.

“Mel, run!”

It was only because it was him. Liam. His voice made everything clear again and I wished it hadn’t. I didn’t want to see him like that. On his knees, a gun pointed at his head. His green eyes wide with fear, but for himself, not me.

“Mel, go! GO!” he screamed before the man smacked him across the side of the face with the butt of his gun. His lip ripped open, blood dripping down to the Persian carpet I had been forced to buy at one of those damn charity drives with Evelyn.

“Mel—” He never looked away from me, even as he took another hit.

Stop, I thought.

“Stop,” I whispered.

“Please stop!” I finally yelled.

“Please? What have I told you about saying please, Melody?” The man turned around and when he did, all the air in my lungs evaporated.


J.J. McAvoy's books