Tapping The Billionaire (Bad Boy Billionaires #1)

I wanted a re-do of our first kiss, not the beginning of a porno flick.

Cornflower blue eyes, with the tiniest bit of yellow lining the contrasting black pupils, met mine in the mirror. “Everything okay?”

I nodded, moving toward the sink and plucking his just-used toothbrush from the holder. Without hesitation, I made myself at home, putting a glob of toothpaste on the bristles and going to town on cleaning my teeth.

Kline watched with amusement.

“You don’t mind, do you?” I asked after two circuits on my top teeth.

“Not at all,” he responded, smirking. That perfect ass of his found the edge of the sink as he continued to observe.

“I need a favor,” I stated, turning off the sink and wiping my face with the hand towel.


“Uh-huh. It’s a mighty big favor, but there’s a possibility it will benefit you greatly.”

“I’m all ears, Benny girl.” He winked, amused with my new nickname. Though I was less impressed with his creativity than he was, I still felt a tingle.

“Do you have an iPod dock anywhere in the apartment?”

His gaze turned intrigued. “In my bedroom, on the dresser beside the terrace doors.”

“Perfect,” I said over my shoulder, walking that direction.

He followed me, sitting on the bed, while I set my phone in the dock and found the perfect re-do song.

The Drifters’ “Some Kind of Wonderful” filled the room.

“I know this wasn’t the song we heard after our dance,” I pointed out, shrugging, “but it’s my favorite ‘Some Kind of Wonderful.’”

“Hmm, I don’t know. The first version seemed pretty good to me.” He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I can relate to the lyrics.”

I put a hand on my hip. “Is that so?”

He nodded. “I think most men come to a point in their lives where the concept of one right woman above all other things seems logical—warranted, even.”

I swooned. Head, heart, stomach—my entire body was in on it.

“Well, this is my show, so this is our some kind of wonderful for right now.”

Kline grinned.

My bare feet moved across the soft carpet, stopping once my knees tapped his. “Stand up, please.” I gestured with my hand. “I want a re-do. I want to finish what we started, before you tried to kill me with lime juice.” A teasing smirk crested my lips.

“I did not try to kill you,” he said through a chuckle, getting to his feet. “But, I am saying yes to the favor.”

Blue-tinted tenderness gazed down at me, while strong hands slipped under cotton, finding the curve of my hips.

“I’m sorry I ruined our date last night,” I whispered.

“You didn’t ruin anything.”

I cocked a disagreeing brow.

“Georgie, I had an amazing time.” He touched my cheek, warmth spreading across my skin. “And I’d do it all over again. Allergic reaction and Benny high, I’d still do it all over again. You’re pretty damn adorable when you’re buzzing on antihistamines.”

Good Lord, I can only imagine the kind of crazy things that were coming out of my mouth last night…

Self-doubt could be a real tricky bitch. Even when you thought you had her under control, she found a way to creep back in, making you analyze everything. Despite my earlier confidence, I had reached that moment.

“Please, don’t remind me of anything I said or did. I have enough embarrassment stocked up to last a lifetime.” I groaned, burying my face in his bare chest.

Kline consumed me in a hug. He held me for a long moment, shouldering my mortification. Lips found my ear and whispered, “Do you want to know something?”

“What?” I asked, my voice muffled against his skin.

“I’m glad you’re here.”


“Yeah, Benny girl, and now, I’m ready for our re-do.”

I leaned back, staring up at him. The man I’d come to know as Mr. Brooks, CEO and well-known mogul of the online dating industry, was morphing into someone different. He wasn’t just the serious man whose life solely revolved around business. He was funny and sweet and lived in the moment. He wasn’t the flashy, ostentatious billionaire I pictured living in a million-dollar apartment. He was practical and humble, so damn humble. He was someone I wanted to spend more time with. He was someone I could see myself falling for.

He wasn’t Mr. Brooks anymore. He was Kline, the man I wanted to take a real chance on. It shocked me how little time it took to recognize the difference.

I slid my hands up his back, savoring the feel of his toned and smooth skin. Gripping the nape of his neck, I rocked my feet forward, standing tippy-toed. Desperate to feel his mouth on mine, I made the first move, slowly, softly, pressing my lips to his and coaxing a kiss from him.

Max Monroe's books