Taking Connor

I wake up with a new outlook and determination. I’m going to embrace my sexuality. I’m going to stop making sex about love and happily ever after’s, and I’m going to open myself up to the idea of fulfilling my physical needs. Tonight is the night. I’m ready. And I know Vick is too. Tonight I will make love to a man after three years of hardly any physical contact. My stomach is in knots, but that’s normal . . . I think. Right?

I spend the day cleaning my house and going through my closet and drawers, getting rid of old clothes, anything to keep my mind occupied, so I don’t overthink tonight. When the afternoon rolls around, I lay out my sexiest dress and pull out my laciest bra and panties. As I get ready, I take my time, hoping I can make myself look halfway as good as my sister would. Lexi would be ideal to help me with this, but I don’t want her to know I’m planning on going all the way with Vick tonight. She’d probably climb on my roof with a megaphone and announce it to the world. But even without her help, I manage just fine. In the end, my dress fits like a glove, my legs look stellar in heels, and my dark hair is curled perfectly, draping softly over my shoulders and down my back. I’m not sure what to do about the fear in my eyes. More eyeliner maybe? Saying the words, I want to have sex with you, to Vick, seems impossible. I’d probably choke on spit trying to. I’m hoping the outfit will be enough—that it will do all of the talking for me. Vick and I agreed to meet at a little restaurant on the edge of town tonight at 7:00 pm. Around 6:30 pm, I head downstairs and look out my kitchen window to make sure Connor was nowhere in sight.

Coast is clear.

My clutch pressed tightly to me, I scurry out the back porch and down the stairs. I’ve just rounded the corner of the house when I stop in my tracks. Connor is leaning against a white car, arms crossed as he stares at a woman who is flailing her arms and talking animatedly. I don’t know if I should just try to sneak around them or go back inside to give them privacy. She’s a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and a short, but thin figure. Is this an ex of his? Or maybe a woman he hooked up with giving him hell for not calling?

I shake my head and roll my eyes. I thought more of him than this. Is he sleeping with multiple women? What about Roxy? Would I have been another notch on his belt? My heart aches at the thought, but I thank God nothing more happened between us. At least I’m not this woman. With that thought, the blonde’s head whips toward me and her brows rise as she slowly looks to Connor.

“Is this her?” she asks, jabbing her thumb toward me. I narrow my eyes in suspicion. What has Connor gotten me dragged into? A jealous lover’s quarrel?

“Look,” Connor says, sternly, as he stands to his full height causing the woman to step back. “You’ve said your peace. I’m sorry for your troubles, but coming here isn’t the solution to them. I’ll pass along what you’ve told me. You should go.”

I’m standing like a statue, watching them, wondering what I should do. But however direct Connor’s statement to this woman might have been, she’s not taking a hint. She turns on her heel and marches toward me.

“You’re sleeping with my husband, aren’t you?” she asks as she stops in front of me.

“Lady,” Connor warns as he moves to step between us, blocking me from her. “You need to go.”

All I can do is stare wide-eyed, unsure of what I’m being accused of. Sleeping with her husband? Is she talking about Connor? No, there’s no way he’s married.

She raises her left hand modeling a small diamond ring. “Vick,” she says, simply. “He’s my husband, and you’re fucking him.”

My mouth drops open as my stomach flips.


Vick is married?

“Three years,” she adds as she drops her hand. “I’m pregnant with our second child.”

My heart hammers in my chest as I stumble back and catch myself against the side of the house. Connor quickly turns and pulls me up, holding me as I process.

Vick is married.

Vick is married.

Vick has a kid and one on the way.

B.N. Toler's books