Taking Connor

“Is there really a difference?”

“Of course there is,” she exclaims like I’m an imbecile.

“Lexi,” I groan.

“Okay, instant chub it is. Let’s take things slow. No need to rush these things. I’ll be there at four.”

“Thanks, Lex,” I grumble.

We hang up, and I set the alarm on my phone to wake me in a few hours. I need my beauty sleep after the long night I had. Taking a deep breath, I try to relax. I’d hoped making this plan, putting out the vibes of trying to be a normal woman, would make me feel better, but as my subconscious lurks and begins to drag me into the depths of sleep, I know no matter how much I laugh with Vick tonight, no matter how many time he makes me feel beautiful and special, all I’ll think about all night is how it felt to kiss Connor Stevens.

“God, I’m good,” Lexi praises herself. And egotistical or not, I have to give her credit. I look damn good. The place I’m taking Vick is outside, and a short dress or revealing top wouldn’t have worked. I’m wearing a knee-length flowy skirt that will allow me to sit on the ground if need be, and a white blouse that hangs off my shoulder. Lexi tied my hair up in a ponytail adding that little bump on the crown and my makeup is flawless.

“I must say, you really are,” I agree. “Thank you, for once again, coming to help me.”

“This help isn’t free,” she warns. “I’ll accept payment in the form of explicit details about the first time you two bump uglies.”

I shake my head. “You are so . . . wrong.”

“I’m kidding,” she pauses, “I mean I want to know, but maybe only minor explicit details.”

“I’m not having sex with him tonight.”

She looks away and shrugs. “What happened with Connor last night?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, heat flushing my face. Does she know something? That’s impossible. There’s no way.

“You two were mighty cozy on the dance floor.”

“Nothing happened, Lexi,” I grumble as I toss the contents of my purse into another one that matches my outfit.

“I hope . . .” she pauses, “I hope you’re not trying to rush things with Vick in an attempt to maybe . . . I don’t know . . . stop feelings you might be having for Connor.”

Her words hit me hard because maybe that is what I’m doing, but I deny it anyway. “That’s not what I’m doing,” I assure her. “I really like Vick.”

“Whatever you say,” she huffs, pointing a not so convinced look my way. Heading toward my doorway, she calls over her shoulder, “I’ll be calling in the morning for those explicit details.”

“Wow,” he seems stunned as we stare out over the Red Rocks Amphitheatre. I was worried it might be pretty busy, but we got lucky; I only see a few other people milling about.

“I know. It’s pretty cool,” I add. “You like it?”

His brows rise. “Like it? It’s beautiful.”

“Good.” I smile and take his free hand that isn’t holding the cooler I packed. “I thought maybe you should see a bit of this great state. I point and tell him, “The amphitheatre’s rocks are named; “Creation Rock” on the north, “Ship Rock” on the south, and “Stage Rock” to the east.”

“You’ve got this place memorized, eh?”

I shrug. “It was one of the only places I remember coming with my father when he was still around. My mother would pack a picnic, and we’d all spend the day out here.”

He nods in understanding, and I realize I might have overshared with the dad thing, so I move on. “It’s been called The Garden of Angels, The Garden of Titans, and finally . . . Red Rocks.” I stick my tongue out, and Vick laughs.

“I guess Red Rocks is your least favorite?”

B.N. Toler's books