Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

I didn’t offer any other explanation, and they seemed to sense that I wouldn’t, so they didn’t pry.

“What kinds of clothes would you want to sell in your shop?” Nick asked.

“Demin and leather. Maybe a little bit of lace for the ladies. I also want to have an area in the store where people can drop their stuff off to get fixed. Tailored or patched up or whatever,” I said.

“That’s good. That’s a necessity that’s hard to find,” Jacob said.

“Exactly! Thank you! Someone who finally gets it,” I said.

“Of course, we get it,” Adam said.

His voice rushed fire through my veins. All of them turned me on in some way: Jacob with his low voice and his sincerity, and Nick with the childish glint in his eye. Adam was stern and quiet. Adam seemed rough around the edges and no doubt a fucking freak in the sack.

I thought about what it would be like to fuck every one of them. Take them each a different way and watch them as they came. I took a couple of shots with them, and that really loosened me up, and soon my mind was running away from me in ways that made me blush.

“Thinking of anything interesting?” Jacob asked.

“I shouldn’t be drinking at work,” I said, giggling.

“Oh, I like that sound,” Nick said. “Do it again.”

“Do what?” I asked, giggling.

“That. That devilish little giggle. It suits you,” Nick said.

“I’d rather hear other sounds drip from those lips.”

Adam’s words sent shivers down my spine.


Were we thinking about the same thing? It was clear that at least Adam was. And I’d fuck the shit out of him. I’d sit on his beautiful lips and wrap my hands in his hair. I’d ride his face until I came and then let him take me on any surface he fucking wanted.

“Question,” Jacob said.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Since you’re a little loosened up, and I’m a bit curious as to that blush rising in your cheeks, which one of us are you currently thinking about?”

“Good question, brother,” Adam said.

“I’d be interested in hearing, too,” Nick said.

“What?” I asked, my mouth suddenly going dry.

“Come on, now. Don’t hold back on us. You can trust us. We won’t get upset,” Jacob said.

“No, no. It’s not that. It’s just that, well—”

“Oh, I see,” Nick said.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re thinking about all of us. Aren’t you?”

My cheeks blushed furiously as the three of them sat back in their chairs.

“Interesting. I wouldn’t mind sharing someone. Would you, Jacob?” Adam asked.

“Keep your hands off me, and I’d be just fine,” Jacob said.

“Nick?” Adam asked

“Can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I’d risk anything if it meant being with you, Emma,” Nick said.

HOOLLLLY shit. Was this actually happening?

The blush on my cheeks was creeping down my neck. I felt like I was on display, and I was both horrified and aroused. I dipped down behind the bar and took a deep breath, fiddling with the beers in the fridge. This flirting was getting way too intense, and I had no idea if they were being serious or joking. Would they really all fuck me at the same time? Would I really let them?

They stayed until last call and took it as an opportunity to order another beer. I slid their beers toward them and served up all the last drinks for the night. Even though people were leaving, they stayed put. I started wiping down the bar and organizing everything for tomorrow night, but when I looked up, I saw they were gone.

My heart sank to my toes until I heard chairs being tipped up onto tables.

“Hey, Emma? You got a rag?”

I scanned the room and found Nick with his hand up in the air.

“Toss me one. This table’s gross. Fucking pigs.”

They were helping me clean up. These beautifully chiseled men were helping me clean up the bar.


When everything was wiped down, and the glasses were in the dryer, I locked everything up behind me.

“You okay to drive?” Jacob asked.

“Oh, yeah. I’ll roll the windows down, turn on some music. I’ll be good to go,” I said.

“Are you working tomorrow night?” Nick asked.

“Yep. Every night except Sundays and Mondays,” I said.

“Well, I’m going to be the one to step up and say I’m not quite finished with this party yet,” Adam said.

“Oh, really? And what did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Well, there were some fun thoughts you put in my head earlier in the evening,” Adam said, looking straight into my eyes. “I figured we could explore those options.”

I could feel myself pooling into my panties as I stood on the sidewalk with the three brothers.

“I’d be okay with that,” Nick said.

“Yep,” Jacob said. “Where do you stand on it, Emma?”

“I… uh…”

I was taken aback by how tall these men were. Behind the bar, since it was elevated and they were sitting, I was eye level with all of them. But now that I was standing in front of them, I only came up to their chests. I felt my hands trembling as my knees grew weak. I could feel their lips already on my neck as they devoured my body. My holes were aching to be filled, and my mind was spinning with my buzz.

“You guys want to follow me?” I asked.

“Lead the way, beautiful,” Adam said.

The three of them got onto their motorcycles and followed me home. My mother’s car wasn’t even in the driveway, and I sighed with relief. She wasn’t home, which meant I wouldn't have to fight her off or watch her flirt with these guys and, as that stress melted away, I could feel desire thrumming in my veins. My nipples puckered in my bra and my panties were soaked with my lust for them. I led them into the house, shutting the door behind us, but I didn’t even get the light turned on before I heard a hand come down next to my cheek.

I turned around and saw Adam grinning down at me, his ocean blue eyes blown wide with lust.

“You are beautiful, baby girl,” he said.

My knees were about to collapse when his arm snaked around my waist to catch me.

“Just breathtaking.”

Adam’s lips descended into the crook of my neck as the other two brothers appeared at my side. Their hands were everywhere on my body, cupping my ass and rubbing down my thighs. I tilted my head to give Adam access to my neck, and that was when Jacob’s lips captured mine.

Then, I felt Nick’s teeth nip at my earlobe.

“You guys, I can’t—”

The three of them immediately backed away from me the moment I began to protest.

“Are you okay?” Adam asked.

“We’re not going to force you,” Nick said.

“If you want us to leave, just say the word,” Jacob added.

“No, no, no. It’s nothing like that,” I said, snickering.

Holy hell, these men were incredible.

“I just figured we might be more comfortable upstairs,” I said.

Adam grinned as Nick nodded his head. Jacob offered me his hand, and I took it, leading all of them behind me as I made my way to the stairs. We silently climbed up and found my room, then I shut the door behind us and grinned.

“Now. Where were we?” I asked.


Adam’s lips were on my neck in a heartbeat while Nick and Jacob undressed me. Even though Jacob was the oldest, Adam was definitely the ringleader. I was naked before Adam could get his lips wrapped around my nipple, and my knees crumpled underneath me.

“Such a beautiful girl,” Adam said into my skin.

Adam carried me to the bed before his lips made their way to mine. They were soft and gentle. Commanding, but in a delicate way. I knew who was in charge as Adam’s hands spread my legs, and soon Jacob’s fingers were massaging my tits.

Nick’s hand slipped up my leg and parted my dripping folds.

“You’re so fucking wet for us,” Nick said. “I wonder what you feel like.”

I moaned into Adam’s mouth, my hands threading through his hair as Nick began to finger me. He slid one long, dexterous digit in as my legs trembled, then quickly entered another one to stretch me.

Rye Hart's books