Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

Hunter and I turned our heads to see Katie approaching us.

She was fucking radiant, dressed in a yellow and orange summer dress that accentuated her soft curves and played up her warm brown eyes. She had boots on her feet and attitude in her smile. She eyed Hunter curiously before she threw me a cautious smile, her eyes asking questions before her mouth opened.

“Anyone want to explain why my brother’s day-drinking?” she asked.

“Cause you ain’t marryin’ that asshole, that’s why,” Hunter said.

“I’m just glad I made the right decision when I did,” she said with a sigh.

I was shocked at the relief that showed along her features. I figured she’d be sad or crying or screaming mad or something. But she was none of those things.

She was at peace.

And it was a good look on her. In fact, it was sexy as hell.

“You gonna stick around the resort?” I asked. “You got that room as long as you need it.”

“So Dylan tells me. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure he doesn’t find you drinking on the job.”

“I’d ‘preciate it,” I said with a grin.

“Well, I ain’t workin’, so bartender? Get me another one, please,” Hunter said.

“How many is that?” Katie asked.

“This’ll be my third, then I’m done,” Hunter said.

“Then I’m going to stay here and make sure it is,” Katie said.

“Be our guest,” I said.

“And to answer your question, I think I’ll stick around for a few days. But I can’t stay much longer than that. I’ve got an apartment in town I gave a sixty-day notice on. I’ll have to see what begging will get me. Otherwise, I’ll have to find another place to stay,” she said.

“You got an apartment in town?” I asked.

“Courtesy of the asshole,” Hunter said. “Rented it out for her since she was back an’ forth with momma so much. Guess he didn’t want her stayin’ with family.”

“That wasn’t the reason, and you know it,” Katie said. “Michael rented it out when Mom got sick, yes. But after she passed, I took over the rent for it. I thought it’d be a nice place for us to come stay whenever we did come to see family so we could have our own space.”

“Whatever,” Hunter said.

“And when we got closer to the wedding date, there was no need for the apartment any longer. So I put in a sixty-day notice to end the lease. But now, I’ll be needing that lease back,” Katie said.

“If I can help with anythin’, let me know. I’ve been known to give a good stern talkin’ to people,” I said.

“I will, thank you,” Katie said.

“I gotta piss,” Hunter said. “Caleb, watch my beer.”

“You got it,” I said.

“Good man,” Hunter said as he patted my back.

Katie smiled at me as she crawled up onto Hunter’s seat. The weight that seemed to be lifted off her shoulders was grand. Her smile seemed more genuine, and her eyes sparkled more than they had last night. It was like she was breathing for the first time in years, and I was thankful for it. I sipped on my beer as she looked at me, her dazzling eyes drawing me in.

They’d always done that, and I never could help but stare. It was why I enjoyed taking her fishing and hunting.

Wasn’t no one there to call me out on how much I was looking at her now.

“What you guys have built here is beautiful,” she said.

“Glad you like it. It’s growin’ on me,” I said.

Katie’s giggle was music to my ears. Soothing, sweet music I hadn’t heard in years. And the way her nose wrinkled when she laughed was making it damn hard not kiss her.

“So, if you’re stickin’ ‘round for a few days, maybe I’ll see you ‘round town?” I asked.

“Maybe. I think a few days of resting before I try to negotiate things with my landlord will do me some good.”

“Well, I hope I’ll see you. When I’m here, I’m cooped up in my office so I won’t see you much ‘round the resort.”

“Such a shame. It’s a beautiful place.”

“I see it every day. Loses its charm after a while.”

“Well don’t tell your customers that. You need them to turn a profit,” she said.

“Don’t worry. We ain’t got no issues in that department.”

An easy silence fell between us, like it always did on our fishing trips. My mind ventured back to one of the last ones we took together. Hunter had been gone with Andrew camping or some shit, so it was one of the rare moments where I had Katie to myself. Even in simple basketball shorts and a t-shirt, she was delectable. I could remember the way her eyes always fell to my lips whenever they got the chance. She had wanted me to kiss her so badly that morning, and to this day I don’t know why the hell I didn’t.

“Been fishing lately?” Katie asked, almost as if she’d been reading my mind.

“A bit. I go with Andrew sometimes. But he ain’t as pretty to look at,” I said.

“Haha! Caught anything like that one fish?” she asked.

“I still can’t believe how big that thing was,” I said with a snicker. “Thing took up half the damn bucket. To answer your question, I’ve yet to catch one near that size.”

“Well, maybe we could go fishing while I’m in town and see if we can’t catch one even bigger.”

“I’ll take you fishin’ whenever you want.”

“Is that creek still running strong?” she asked.

“It is. Not much has changed around the ol’ homestead. Crickets are still chirpin’, deer are still gettin’ in the way, and the fish are still jumpin’.”

“I miss the beauty of that place. Don’t get me wrong, the city was wonderful. Full of life and loud with sounds of hustle and bustle. But there’s nothing like the peacefulness of the countryside.”

“Got that right,” I said.

I grabbed Hunter’s beer and tipped it up, feeling Katie’s eyes on me. I tossed back a couple of swigs before I handed it to her, watching as her eyes fell to the long-necked bottle.

She plucked it from the bar and wrapped her lips around the top. Her first few sips were tentative, but when she closed her eyes, I knew that bottle was a goner. I watched her neck bob as she swallowed it down, moaning lightly as the skin on her body puckered.


She had missed drinking beer so much that her skin crawled at the taste of it.

Something told me the old Katie was making her way back.

One step at a time.

“You owe me another one,” Hunter said, coming back to the bar.

“Don’t worry. I think I’ll have one with you,” Katie said. “Man, that tasted good.”

“Bartender, set ‘em up. I gotta get back to work,” I said.

“See you around?” Katie asked.

I slid from my seat and turned my eyes toward her, throwing her a tiny smile before I nodded my head.

“Sure hope so,” I said.

“See you ‘round, Caleb,” Hunter said.

“Don’t drink too much. I ain’t draggin’ your ass back to your room,” I said.

“Don’t worry. I got him,” Katie said.

“No, Katie. You let someone get you for once,” I said.

It was the look in her eye that made my blood boil. Like I’d spoken some foreign language to her. The thought of someone taking care of her was now a foreign concept.

I turned my back and made quick work getting back to my office so Katie couldn't see the anger bubbling behind my eyes. Then I punched my metal filing cabinet, denting the side of it as I let out the breath I was holding. The whole time I was picturing Michael in front of me.

What had that man done to her?



“This hot tub is phenomenal,” Whitney said.

“You got yourself backed up to some jets, don’t ya?” Lizzie asked. “If you turn ‘round, it’ll really feel good.”

“Seriously, Lizzie?” I asked. “Masturbating with the jets in a hot tub?”

“Wait, who in the world said anything about masturbating?” Whitney asked.

“You never done it? Girl, y’all missin’ out. Here, I’ll show you how—”

“Noo!” Whitney and I said in unison.

“Fine. But y’all two are the ones who’re too wound up. Maybe y’all could use some relaxation,” Lizzie said.

“Which is what I’m getting with having my back massaged with these jets,” I said.

“Okay, can I just say something?” Whitney asked.

Rye Hart's books