Stone Heart: A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

I know he's full of shit. He's not going to tell us a single thing. Nothing that implicates him, anyway. Just standing there in front of him though, and looking into his eyes, I'm more certain than ever that Peter is responsible for what happened to Sydney. I know it deep down in my fucking bones.

Sydney touches my arm, and I turn to look at her. Her eyes are soft as she looks at me and I know that getting to the bottom of things, of hopefully getting some answers is important to her. I remind myself that this is about her, not me.

“Hear him out, Jack,” she says softly. “I want to know what happened.”

“You think he's going to tell you the truth?” I snap.

I'm so angry in the moment that I can't stop the words before they come flying out of my mouth. I don't mean to egg her on or upset her, but I know that Peter is an abusive scumbag. I know that he's responsible for her condition. I fucking know it.

“I don't know who's telling the truth about anything, anymore,” she says.

She stares at me long and hard and I can tell she doesn't believe me about Marianne. Great. Fucking great. I'm frustrated as hell. Marianne couldn't have picked a worse time to pull that bullshit. It's a battle for another time though. Right now, I need to focus on the fight right in front of me. And that fight is Peter.

“Let's all sit down and hear him out,” she says. “Okay?”

Not my idea of a good time, but I grumble. “Fine.”

If that's what she wants to do, I'll do it. But I cast my gaze at Peter who's giving me a smug little smirk.

“But try anything, fucker, anything at all, and I'll see that you're the one with the head injury,” I snap.

“Jack – ” Sydney says in a tone of voice that sounds as if she's scolding me.

Peter just smirks again, and it takes everything in me not to beat it right off his smarmy looking face.


Sydney wants coffee, so I brew up a fresh cup. I lean against the kitchen counter, arms folded over my chest, as the two talk at my dining room table. It takes everything in me not to step into the conversation, but Sydney keeps an eye on me, the look in her eyes telling me to stay out of it. For now.

I'm there as backup, in case she needs me to rescue her. Seems that's all I'm good for these days.

“So, after we left the cafe,” Peter says, keeping his voice neutral, glancing at me now and then, scowling at my presence – good to know the feeling is mutual. “We got into a little fight. You ordered the driver to stop the limo and got out. I tried to stop you, but – well, you wouldn't listen. You walked back toward the cafe and I figured you needed some time to decompress and I let you go. Bad idea as it turns out, I know, but – well, I was angry too. You were headed toward Daisy’s, so I let you go. I didn't realize you left your purse or your phone in the limo until later.”

“And her shoes?” I ask.

He looks back at me. “She had them on when she got out,” he explains. “I don't know what happened to them after that.”

I roll my eyes. Yeah, I doubt that. Sydney looks up at me, then back at Peter.

“Sydney, I swear to God, I've been worried sick about you,” he says. “I've looked everywhere.”

“Except at the hospital or the police station,” I chime in.

“I didn't go to the police, no. I just assumed she was mad at me and staying with someone she knew,” he says. “I even thought you might run into the arms of your ex. Which is why I came here in the first place. After I found the letter in your purse, I thought maybe I'd look for you here. I was hoping I wouldn't find you here though. And certainly not naked.”

It sounds plausible enough, I guess. If you're an idiot. I can tell that every goddamn word falling out of his mouth is bullshit. It all sounds very reasonable, and is expertly crafted. But, it's still bullshit nonetheless. I can only hope that Sydney can see through this prick as easily as I can.

My phone buzzes, and I look at it. Marianne again. Shit. This time apologizing for sending the picture, with a follow-up asking me to dinner tonight.

“Your girlfriend texting again?” Sydney says dryly.

“She's not my girlfriend, Syd.”

Sydney looks unconvinced but doesn't argue with me. Peter pulls something from his pocket and holds it out, and it takes only a second for me to realize what's in the small, black box he's holding.

A ring.


“Sydney, I brought you to Aspen to ask you to marry me,” he says. “I had this entire thing planned from the start. A romantic dinner overlooking the slopes, me down on one knee. Do you really think I'd hurt you?”

“I honestly don't know what to believe,” she says. “Or who.”

The comment seems aimed at me and I can't help but feel the bitter sting of it.

“Come back with me, Sydney,” Peter says. “Come back to my chateau and let's talk, I'll take care of you and when you get your memory back, you'll see. We were happy. Just ask your parents or your best friend, Allison.”

“I don't know, Peter,” she says, shaking her head. “I just don't know anything right now.”

“I understand,” Peter says, closing the ring box. “It's just – I worry about you here. Jack was very unhappy when we ran into him at the cafe, and I wouldn't doubt he's the one who did this to you.”

That's enough. I lunge forward and grab the bastard by the collar, lifting him from the chair. He squirms and tries to break free, as Sydney screams at me to stop.

“Get out of my fucking house,” I hiss.

“Sydney, come with me,” he begs, looking past me.

Sydney looks torn, and I try to reason with her. “Who's been by your side at the hospital and afterward? Who's taken care of you, huh?”

Sydney's eyes soften. “Jack, like I said, I don't know – ”

She holds her head as if it hurts her to think. Her eyes close and her mouth opens in a silent scream. The look on her face makes me drop Peter and go to her, but she pushes me away.

“I feel like everyone is lying to me,” she says. “First, you say you're my husband – ”

“Which I explained,” I tell her.

“Then you don't tell me everything about why we split in the first place – ”

“What do you – ”

“You fucked me and ran away, Jack. You ran away like a chickenshit after taking my virginity,” she screams.

Even Peter stops moving toward her and looks at me like I'm the scum of the Earth. Yeah, as if this prick has any room to cast judgment on me for anything. Tears shimmer in her eyes. “And now, some girl is sending you pictures of her breasts and you claim you don't know her?” she gasps. “What am I supposed to believe, Jack?”

“I can explain everything – ”

“No, you can't. No one can,” she says, walking toward the door, my heart breaking a little more with every step she takes. “At least Peter hasn't lied to me in the last few days.”

“You don't know that.”

“I guess I'll take my chances then,” she says.

Peter gives me a greasy, condescending grin. It's the look of someone who knows he's won. He didn't even have to do anything, not really. I'd lost this battle before it even started. I knew it was only a matter of time before the memories came back to her. Only a matter of time before she realized what I'd done to her. I knew that once she did, she'd hate me for it.

I tried to prepare myself for the blow of losing her again as best as I could. But, it still wasn't enough. As I stand there, the pain of watching her walk out, the hurt from her questioning my honesty and integrity is almost overwhelming.

I'm speechless as the two of them leave. Peter throws his jacket over her shoulders and ushers her to a black limo that's waiting outside for them. The driver opens up the door and they get inside.

I am forced to stand there and watch as the love of my life is driven away by a man I know is only going to hurt her again. It's only a matter of time before he does. I can only hope that next time he does, it's not worse.

I should have done more to stop her.

My fists hits the window without me even realizing I'd thrown a punch. My knuckles strike the glass, shattering it. I curse to myself as blood gushes from my injured hand, but I don't even care anymore. Gunner's nails clack against the hardwood floor as he takes cover. I've even scared my dog.

Fuck. I can't do anything right today.



Rye Hart's books