Stealing Home

My fingers curled into my palms as my release unfurled from deep within. I could feel Luke was on the cusp of his own from the way the breath hissed from his mouth, his strokes slowing in speed but becoming more urgent.

“You drive me mad, Allie. In every single way a woman can drive a man mad.” Releasing my hands, he pulled out of me right when I was on top of my orgasm. My cries of frustration didn’t go unnoticed. His fingers slipped inside me, fucking me hard the way his dick just had been, as I heard him working himself over with his other hand. “Where do you want me?”

His fingers were bringing me close again, sending me down that never-ending spiral of pleasure. “Back there. I want to feel you all over my ass.”

As he let out a drawn-out groan, I felt the warmth of his release spray across my backside, sending me over the edge of my own orgasm.

Crying his name, I rode his fingers like I’d rode his dick, desperate for the feeling of oneness and wholeness I felt when he was buried inside me. The sensation of his orgasm, warm and sticky on my backside, made my own that much more powerful.

“Damn, Allie. Feeling that tight little body of yours strangle the shit out of my fingers is hot as hell.” He kept pumping his fingers in me, not stopping, only slowing, once my body collapsed in a spent heap between the support of his body and the shower wall.

I felt the result of our love making rolling down my thighs and ass, the warmth of the shower soothing my tired muscles.

“Allie?” Luke’s voice was soft and sweet as he slid a sheet of my wet hair from my neck so he could kiss it.

“Hmm?” was all I could respond with.

His large arm wound around my body, cradling me to him. “You can get mad at me whenever you want.”

THE SUN DIDN’T beat me up the next morning. Actually, it was rare when that happened, especially during the season, when there weren’t enough hours in the day to get the job done.

When I opened my hotel door to see about scrounging up some breakfast, I found a surprise waiting for me. Leaning into the wall directly across from my room, Luke stood with his hands stuffed in his pockets, the look on his face making it seem like he’d been expecting me right at that moment.

“Morning.” His mouth pulled into a smile when he saw me.

“Early riser too?” I said, trying to hide my surprise that Luke Archer was standing outside my hotel door at five in the morning.

“Yep. Sleep and I don’t really get along.”

“How long have you been waiting here?” I glanced up and down the hall, just to make sure no one was watching. Luke’s room was on a different floor, and he had no reason to be waiting for me outside my bedroom door . . . except for the reason we were both trying to keep secret.

“Only ten, fifteen minutes, I think.” Luke lifted his wrist to check his watch. “Or a half hour. I don’t know.”

“You’ve been waiting here that long?”

His head tipped. “There wouldn’t be any wait that was too long for you.”

It was too early in the morning for my heart to be firing like this, but keeping it steady when Luke Archer was looking at me the way he was now was impossible.

“Next time you can just knock, okay? I’ve been up for a while.”

“I didn’t want to knock,” he said, shaking his head. “If you invited me into your room, I didn’t trust that my plan for this morning would go according to plan.”

“That’s implying I would have invited you into my room”—my brow lifted at him—“and what plan for this morning?”

“I want to take you on a date.”

“A date.” From my voice, one would think that was a foreign concept to me. “It’s five o’clock in the morning.”

“It’s a breakfast date.” Archer swept his arm down the hall toward the elevators, but I stayed where I was.

“Where is this breakfast date taking place?”

“The restaurant downstairs has your favorite breakfast, and not only that, they have hubcapped-sized pancakes. Sounds like your kind of place.”

When the door a couple down opened, I came close to jumping out of my sneakers. It was just a guy in a suit holding a briefcase though. Archer turned his hat around so the bill was riding low on his face and lowered his head a little as the guy passed.

The businessman didn’t seem to notice Luke—instead his eyes were fixed on me as he wandered by. “Good morning.”

I greeted him back as he passed, almost missing the backward look he gave me. Archer, however, did not miss it. His eyes narrowed at the man’s back until he’d disappeared into an elevator.

“What are you doing?” I asked as his narrowed eyes lingered on the elevator doors the man had disappeared behind.

“Holding back.”

“Holding back from what?”

Nicole Williams's books