Stealing Home

Suddenly, Archer’s face flattened like he was remembering something, and he bounded across the room. He pulled his wallet out of his coat pocket and shook it. Black shiny credit cards and large bills tumbled to the ground right before his face lit up. He pulled something from a small pocket.

“Fuck yes, I have one. I forgot all about it.” His wallet dropped to the floor, his hand clutching the condom like it was a priceless artifact thrust into the air. A moment later, his forehead creased. “These things come with an expiration date though, right?” He lowered the condom so it was in front of his eyes, the skin between his brows creasing.

“Yeah,” I said slowly. “So if you bought them in the Cretaceous Period, you might want to toss it out.”

“Okay, no, we’re good.” His eyes squinted a little more as he read something on the wrapper. “At least for another month.”

At the same time my body relaxed with relief knowing we’d be able to have sex soon, it tensed with nervousness at the same realization. “Why is the only condom Luke Archer has on him is about to expire?”

“It’s been a while.” The torn wrapper was already on the floor as he moved back toward the bed, the condom rolling into place down his hard length.

I had to swallow back the flames licking up my throat. “It’s been a while since what? You had to supply your own form of birth control?”

Archer stopped at the edge of the bed again, gently nudging my legs apart before stepping between them. “Since I’ve been with a woman.”

“How long?”

“A while.”

“In quantitative terms?” My eyes closed when he lowered his body over me, pressing my back into the mattress with his wide chest.

“I’d rather not confess that for fear of it ruining the mood,” he whispered then kissed my neck. “How long’s it been for you?”

Just feeling his naked body against mine, kissing me, my body ready to lose itself in the throes of pleasure, was enough of an answer to that question. “A while.”

Archer’s arm wound around me, sliding me back on the mattress until my head fell into the pillows. Every part of my body was connected to some part of his: our mouths as they explored each other again, our arms as he lifted mine above my head, his fingers knitting through mine and holding me there. The rest of our bodies were pressed together, wound together, moving together . . . Luke Archer was everywhere.

Everywhere but where I needed him to be right then.

When my hips tipped against him, pressing down when I felt him in place, he groaned against my mouth, shaking his head. “Not yet . . .” His tongue dove back into my mouth, stroking mine before his mouth left mine. “I make sure to hit every base before sliding into home plate.”

I shook my head. “Still with the baseball references?”

I felt his smile curve against my mouth. “Always,” he whispered, before his mouth moved lower. My breath caught in my throat when his mouth latched onto my nipple, sucking it. His tongue teased me, circling it a few times in such a way it made me wonder if I was going to orgasm from Luke Archer doing this and nothing more, before he released me.

“First base,” he whispered, his tongue drawing a line across my chest before his lips formed around my other breast. This one he sucked harder, lashing it with his tongue until I was writhing below him in bed. He released it a minute later with a wet pop. “Second base.”

When he glanced up at me beneath the frame of hair covering his forehead, the look in his eyes had a direct line to my sex. I moaned from that look, my head falling back on the pillows as his mouth trailed lower.

His tongue painted a wet line down my stomach, drawing every nerve I’d never known I had out of hibernation. Drawing every nerve to the surface of my skin where he was touching me.

My back arched as he traveled lower, and just when his tongue reached my belly button, his finger moved inside me. As his tongue circled my belly button a few times, his finger moved in and out, curling into me when it could go no deeper, and he found that spot that made me almost scream his name every time.

“I can’t wait any longer. I’m sorry. I wanted to take my time, but fuck, I’m about to come right now, and there’s no way we’ll be twice lucky finding a condom.” He kissed the sensitive area winding down my hip, pulling his finger out before crawling up my body. “I want to be inside you when I come. I need to be.”

All I could do was nod, because I’d lost the capacity for speech one finger screwing ago.

At least I had right up until I saw his face form something of a wince when he made a sudden movement getting his legs between mine.

“You need to be careful,” I said, still panting beneath him. I had to close my eyes to concentrate when I felt him move into position. “No leg movement. You need to keep the muscle stationary. In fact, I should be on top to make sure you listen.”

Archer’s arms fell into the pillows on either side of my head, pinning me beneath him. “Sorry. There is no way I’m going to just lay there during our first time.”

Nicole Williams's books