
I tuck my smile and drop to a high barstool that lines the wall around the pool table. My beer bottle is empty and adrenaline makes my stomach tumble with the knowledge of what that means. I get to order another drink.

I scour the room for Shyann, a fiend looking for my fix. As the night has worn on and the bottles have been replaced with fresh ones, my inhibitions dissolved. I’ve managed to steal a few touches. When she leans against the pool table talking to Cody, I may have picked my next shot based on where she was so that I’d get to hook her around the waist and scoot her down the table. The first time she startled, but those light eyes conveyed something opposite of surprise. Relief. From then on it got easier. I’ve asked her questions about the band, questions I couldn’t care less about but needed an excuse to pull her close and whisper in her ear. At one point Cody went to the bathroom and she must’ve seen me alone, as she came to sit with me. She talked about something I didn’t hear because she sat directly across from me on a stool, close so that our knees were intertwined; her legs were slightly parted and for the briefest of moments I got a flash of black lace between her thighs.

My heart pounded so hard in my chest I’d have sworn she could see it through my shirt.

“Last call, guys.”

My eyelids drop closed at the sound of her voice.

“Hey, you okay?”

I blink open heavy lids and smile. “I’m great.”

She grins and shakes her head. “You’re drunk.”

With one eye closed to bring her beautiful face into focus, I nod. “I am.”

Cody throws an arm around my shoulders, nearly knocking me off my stool. “Come on, lightweight. I’ll take you home.”

I shove his arm off me. “I don’t put out on the first date.”

A laugh that’s half snort, half giggle falls from Shyann’s lips and seems to catch her by surprise.

“After all those beers I bought you?” Cody feigns insult. “You’re a lousy date.”

I laugh, and damn, but it feels so good to just . . . laugh. How long has it been since I’ve been so at ease?

“Hey, baby,” a female voice purrs in my ear.

Shyann’s eyes go wide and move between me and the unknown female.

The heat and softness of a body presses to my side. Arms go around my neck like a python and the pungent scent of her perfume burns my nose. The scent is familiar but my booze-addled mind can’t sort it out. I study the woman’s face as she gazes at me with familiarity. Lust. Yeah, lots of lust, and a greedy need that makes me lean away from her touch. But she straddles my thigh, locking herself to me.

“Sam, back off. He’s drunk.” Shyann’s on my other side, her lips pulled into a tight line as she shoots daggers from her eyes.

So this is Sam.

The woman with overly done eye makeup and bright red lips glares at Shy. “Think I can handle a man who’s had a few drinks.” Her gaze swings to mine and she rubs herself against me. “Handled him just fine the last time we were together.”

“Damn, Lucas.” Cody laughs and smacks my back in manly pride. “Not bad for a guy who never goes out.”

Everything seems to move in slow motion, and my body is heavy along with my mind.

“Did you miss me?” Sam’s hands move up my shirt to my bare chest.

Her fingers feel like bugs against my skin. I go to pull them away, but she’s so close I end up gripping at her waist. “Miss you?” I don’t even know you.

“Sam, leave him alone.” Shyann’s voice is laced with anger and maybe even fear.

“Stop cockblockin’, Shy.” Cody grabs his sister and pulls her away for what looks like a heated conversation.

Sam pulls my chin back to her and with my gaze firmly set on Shy, my eyes are the last to track so I’m helpless to avoid her lips when they swallow mine.

The sticky smear of gloss and taste of cigarettes threatens to empty my stomach. I rip my mouth from hers. Panic flushes the liquor from my veins, replacing it with adrenaline.

I don’t like this. I don’t want this.

She shoves her hand between us and palms the heavy length between my legs. “Mmm . . .”

Nausea curls in my stomach and black flickers in my peripheral. I push back and try to stand but unsteady I fall back. “Please.”

Her mouth moves to my neck and she grips my dick so hard it hurts.

The veil falls.



This bitch again?

I roll my eyes at her ridiculous attempt to jack me off over my jeans. Hell, my cock deflates with every pump of her desperate little hand. As entertaining as her efforts are to seduce me, I don’t have time for this shit.

“Oh my God, Sam! Get off of him!”

The little slut dry-fucking my thigh falls backward with a yelp, and I almost fall forward along with her. Luke’s drinking has my head foggy and my equilibrium all over the damn place.

I blink and focus. Aah, what do we have here but our own little Shy Ann. And from the expression on her face I’d say she’s pissed.

Her chest heaves, drawing my gaze to her full cleavage flushed red with anger.