Sometimes Moments (Sometimes Moments, #1)

She held the cherry blossoms tighter in her hands as they rested against his back. This, she knew, was a sometimes moment. She knew that she would look back and smile on this memory. But she knew that imminent heartbreak was fast approaching them.

“Being in your arms, after everything… This goes against everything I believe in when it comes to you,” she said. “I’m meant to hate you, but instead, I’m foolishly and hopelessly in love with you.”

Callum held her tighter, like it was the last time he’d hold her. “I know, Peyton. Just know I’m sorry for what comes next. Only because I’m aware of how hard you’ve fought against me. You’ve defied your morals and beliefs…and your pride. I don’t deserve to have you in my arms, but I’m thankful to have you love me in the slightest. I’m so sorry for what happens next, Peyton. I am so sorry.”

He was talking about their end. The thought broke her heart, but she had always known what she was doing when it came to him. She had to prepare for life after him all over again.

I wouldn’t trade our sometimes for forever with anyone else.

“Pey, wake up,” he whispered in her ear.

She groaned and snuggled into something hard. A chuckle and movement occurred under her.

“Come on, Peyton. Time to get up. We’ll miss it,” he tried once more.

“Miss what?” she asked still half asleep, her eyes remained closed.

“What we used to do. Sneak out and watch the morning pass us by from the pier.”

Peyton slowly opened her eyes to see that the something hard she was sleeping on was Callum’s naked chest. She smiled at the sight she thoroughly enjoyed. Hugging the blanket around her naked body, she removed herself from his chest and glared down at him.

“Really?” she asked biting back a smile.

Callum sat properly and kissed her lips. “Yes. Now stay still. Do not move,” he instructed.

Peyton arched an eyebrow at him. Callum smiled, reached over the bed, and rummage through the bag he’d brought over after dinner. Then he turned to face her, and Peyton noticed what he was held.

She let out a laugh. “You still have that?”

“Don’t knock the Polaroid,” he teased. “Now, stay right there. You look breathtakingly beautiful with the sun seeping through the window.”

When she was just about to burst out laughing, a flash stunned her and a Polaroid picture slid out of the camera. Then Callum held it up to her, and she looked at it, astonished. She blinked twice. The Polaroid had captured a genuine smile that made her look beautiful. Even though her hair was all messy from sleep, she appeared happy and free.

“That’s how I see you, Pey. You are undeniably beautiful when you smile.”

Her heart swelled at his compliment and she knew she was blushing.

After setting the picture down, she took the camera from Callum and held it up. Closing one eye and looking through the tiny glass box, she counted to three before she took a picture of him. Before he could take it away from her, she studied it.

A lump formed in her throat as she asked, “Can I keep this?”

Her eyes met Callum’s, and he tilted his head at her. She returned her focus to the picture she had taken of him. It was there—that smile and look in his eyes. She had the old Callum back, even if it were only in a picture. He was still there, the one who had claimed her heart and was free. She’d treasure this one picture since it was all she’d have of him by the end of the month.

“Only if I can keep the one of you,” he countered.

Peyton looked up and smiled. “You have a deal,” she said.

Callum took the camera from her and brought her close to him. After a moment, he positioned the camera in the direction of their faces and took a picture of them. When she turned to face him, his lips found hers, and the sound of the shutter went off.

“I was not ready for that!” Peyton complained once she pulled back.

Callum had a pleased grin on his face as he held up the picture of them kissing. “You look pretty ready here.”

Peyton stood up from the bed, dragging the blanket from him and leaving him exposed. “I can say the same thing about you,” she said, eyeing his lap.

“Doesn’t help that I know you’re completely naked under that blanket,” he said, not bothering to cover himself. Then Callum turned and snapped a shot of the cherry blossoms on the bedside table.

“Why are you taking so many pictures?” she asked as she walked to the bedroom door.

“To reflect on,” he replied. Then he held the camera up, smiled, and took another one of her.

“Do not come into the bathroom with that. I’m warning you, Callum. I would say come join me, but I really need us to get going so we can get to the pier. Otherwise, I’m going to be late for the Swan’s checking in,” Peyton said firmly to demonstrate her seriousness.

If her were to even kiss her longer than with a quick chaste one, they’d wind up in bed. Last night, he’d taken away the pain. Lost in the pleasure, she’d forgotten Jay’s hurtful actions and the future of the hotel. All she’d cared about was keeping her with him for as long as time and Callum would permit her.

Len Webster's books