Some Kind of Perfect (Calloway Sisters #4.5)

Only Daisy and Connor knew the extent of what happened. To ease my brother’s anti-gun stance, Connor bought the shotgun with me, plus another Glock.

Lo views Connor as the most levelheaded, intelligent human being on this fucking planet, so he trusted his judgment and stopped arguing. I’m at a place with Connor where he actively chooses to side with me over Lo. It makes my life fucking easier. Except he won’t divulge his passcodes over text, email, or phone, so I have to wait for him.

And he has reason to be cautious. Daisy, Lily, and even Rose have had their email hacked about three or four times, even when they change their passwords weekly. Tomorrow I’m leaving to climb alone in a desert again, and I want the fucking shotgun.

Maria speaks in between laughter. “And then he said, ‘Eighteen is the new twenty-five’—and I was like, ‘no, eighteen is still eighteen. Twenty-five is still twenty-five. And idiocy is still you.’”

I tense at this story since Maria’s eighteen. Janie is just eleven. I remember where they’re going tomorrow, and it suddenly puts me on fucking edge.

“And what’d he do?” Janie asks, her laughter fading.

Maria says like it’s nothing, “He called me a bitch and then walked away.”

My jaw hardens. “Is this the fucking actor you’re dating?”

Maria and Janie spin towards me, humor coating their faces again. Maria Stokes is nominated for a Critic’s Choice Award, and out of all people, she chose Janie as her plus-one. They fly out to California tomorrow, but I know why they’re in robes now. Maria asked if she could wear something from Calloway Couture for the red carpet. Rose calls them “haute couture gowns”—a fashion line that she unveiled in a December runway show.

It earned more praise than I think Rose even imagined. A model wore her dress on the cover of Vogue. I’ve seen Connor look proud of his wife, but when she stepped out on the runway as the designer acknowledging the audience, his pride for Rose was overwhelming and unmistakable.

“Uncle Ryke,” Maria tells me, “you should talk to Uncle Lo more or at least ask him why you’re always the last one to get information.”

I roll my eyes. That’s not completely fucking accurate all the time, but she can think I’m out of the loop if she wants. I motion to Janie. “I could text your mom, and she’ll just come down here and fucking tell me what’s up.” I’ve already texted Rose: where the fuck are you?

In my home office, making a couple adjustments. I’ll be down soon. – Rose Her home office upstairs has a sewing machine, so I figure she’s fixing something for their dresses.

She also sent one more text.

And Ryke? Do NOT let them convince you to make coffee. They’ve already had more caffeine than they’re allowed – Rose All the girls, in every family, come to me first if they want something. Because nine times out of ten, I give in. I can’t fucking help it.

In my fucking defense, they asked for coffee before I received that text, so I made them a pot. Their mugs sit on the fireplace mantel.

Maria raises her hands. “No need to text Aunt Rose. I have all the details.” She shrugs. “So that story wasn’t about the same actor you’re thinking of. I’m not dating him or anyone. The one you are thinking of—he’s seriously just a friend.”

I can’t remember his fucking name, but he’s twenty-one and just became really fucking famous for playing Sorin-X in The Fourth Degree movie.

Janie rises on the tips of her toes. “I’m dreadfully biased, but I think I’m a better date than her other options.”

Maria hooks her arms with her cousin. “No contest.”

The ceiling rattles with a flurry of fucking footsteps. The Cobalt boys must be on the second floor. I vaguely hear Janie suggest taking photos of their outfits but no social media. Maria agrees and they both slip off their robes, dressed in Calloway Couture gowns.

“That’s what you’re fucking wearing?” I ask Janie, my brows scrunch hard.

“Yes, isn’t it magnificent?” Janie twirls but trips all over the fucking fabric, too long. The deep red gown plunges in the back, half sequined with long draping sleeves.

She’s eleven.

Not eighteen like Maria, who wears a black long-sleeve gown, embroidered and sequined as fucking intricately as Janie’s dress. Look, Janie doesn’t even resemble herself, not only because it’s too old for her frame but because it’s not her fucking style.

I shake my head a couple times. Isn’t it magnificent? “Fuck no,” I say flatly.

Maria laughs.

Janie smiles kindly. “Mom said she’d hem the gown before tomorrow. I know it appears long.”

It appears more than just fucking long. “Has your dad seen the fucking gown yet?”

“No, but he won’t mind…will he?”

His first-born. His daughter. The baby he delivered in the back of a fucking limo. Without question, he’ll care.

[ 53 ]

January 2027

The Cobalt Estate



“This is yours.” I pass a small slip of paper with my storage passcodes to Ryke. He met me by the front door, which means he’s ready to leave my house quickly.

Ryke nods once in appreciation and steps around me, hand on the door frame. He hesitates.

“Yes?” I arch a brow.

“You’ll see it in a fucking second.”

Wonderful. It’s vague enough that it could imply anything. I don’t jump to irrational conclusions. I just file his comment away and say in Italian, “Fai attenzione, amico mio.”

Be careful, my friend.

He nods again. “It’s an easy fucking climb.”

“It’s the hike to the climb that carries more risks.”

He raises the slip of paper between his fingers. “Which is why I fucking have this.”

“Paper is a useless weapon against an animal,” I quip. “You should already know this since you commune with them.”

Ryke glowers. “You’re such a fucking smartass.”

“I don’t disagree.” I begin to smile.

“At this…” Ryke flips me off and then shuts the front door on his way out.

As I head further into the house, I unknot my tie and roll up the cuffs of my black button-down. I hear footsteps from upstairs, children racing back and forth, and the boisterous sound of my sons chatting to one another.

My grin expands at one thought.

My life is never boring.

I crest the archway to the living room, and my stride slows. I shove my emotions aside and just pick apart the facts. Maria and Jane planned to try on their gowns today, so Rose can make minimal alterations before the award’s ceremony. Rose also has a surprise in store for Jane, one that’ll change our daughter’s mind about the red dress she wears now.

It’s foolish to be anything other than impassive, I remind myself. Her current gown is temporary, so my feelings should be even more fleeting.

I rub my lips once and then unclip my watch.

“What do you think?” Jane asks, twirling in a circle. She trips on the excess fabric, and Maria catches her with a laugh.

I think the gown suits a grown woman. Instead of chastising Jane and wailing on like a hyena about appropriate attire, I simply ask, “What are your intentions with this gown?” I near the girls, walking past the couch.

Jane adjusts the excess fabric. “Well, I hope to display a Calloway Couture garment for Mom.”

I pocket my watch. “She’d prefer you wore a dress in your own style. Try again.”

Jane smiles in thought, and she sways back and forth, hands clasped in front of her. “And what if my intentions are altruistic? What if I prefer to support Calloway Couture?”

Maria drinks from her mug of coffee, staring merrily back and forth between Jane and me.

“Then you’d sacrifice your personal self in favor of someone else. What does that sound like to you?” I question.

Jane looks to the ceiling. “Dispiriting, I suppose, but the benefit for Calloway Couture outweighs the personal cost.”

Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie's books