Sleeping with the Boss (Anderson Brothers, #1)

A sob came from the kitchen, slicing through her chest like a blade to the heart. She understood why Heather had done it, but still… “It was a freaking stupid thing to do.” She was answered with another sob.

What a mess. An absolute, horrible mess. Heather stood to lose everything: the business she’d built, the apartment she’d worked so hard for, her reputation, and she even stood to lose her little nephew if the Andersons found out. Claire simply couldn’t let that happen.

She had none of those things to protect. There was nothing here other than Will. Her heart constricted painfully. Will. She took a deep breath as the decision was made and turned into conviction.

“Okay, Heather, I have a plan.”

Her friend appeared in the kitchen doorway, face blotchy.

Claire took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. “It’ll only work if you promise me you will never, ever tell anyone, especially the Andersons, that you were the spy.”

She nodded and wiped her eyes.

“And you will never interfere with the Andersons’ clients again. You’ll have nothing to do with them from now on.”

“My, God. What are you going to do, Claire?”

“I’m going to confess.”

She ran and grabbed Claire by the shoulders. “No. You can’t.”

“I can and I will. It’s the only way out and you know it. I’m leaving the country and taking the secret with me. Don’t make this any harder than it is.” A traitor tear escaped her eye. “You are my friend, my only girlfriend, and have been for years. Nothing happens to me if I take the blame. You’re ruined if I don’t. There’s simply no other option.”

It wasn’t until Heather left that Claire allowed herself to break down. Saving Heather meant betraying Will and crushing his trust. It wasn’t her time or freedom she was sacrificing, like she had with Sissy. It was her heart…and his, too.

And the worst part was that he would never forgive her for this.

Chapter Seventeen

Will walked into Michael’s office wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt, not giving a fuck about office dress code or anything else for that matter. He was going to find the spy and bury this once and for all, and he wasn’t going home until he did.

“Good morning,” Michael said from behind the desk.

Chance turned to look at him from one wing chair and gestured for him to sit in the other. Without a word, Will sat in the chair indicated.

Michael folded his hands on the desk. “She’s here.”


“Claire Maddox.”

His throat tightened. She was here. He would get to see her and try to figure out what was up last night when he dropped her off. “And?” She’d probably come by to pick up her last paycheck or stuff from her office. What was the fucking point of this nonsense?

The look on Chance’s face indicated it wasn’t nonsense. Serious shit from somewhere had hit the fan. “You don’t know, then.”

“She asked to meet with us,” Michael said, brow furrowed with concern. But it wasn’t worry for Claire. Something deep inside knew his brother’s concern was for him.

Will stood, panic rising, like right before a firefight.

“The three of us,” he continued.

“Where is she?”

Michael’s expression didn’t change. “She’s in the next office with Mildred. She wanted to wait until you were here, too. Sit down, Will.”

Something was seriously wrong here. She’d been so odd when he dropped her off, and now this. “I need to see her.”

Michael pushed his intercom button. “Please bring Miss Maddox in, Mildred.”

Will sank to his seat, knees unable to support him when he saw her. She was dressed in a dark brown business suit with her hair pulled back severely in a bun. Even her eyes were stark. This wasn’t Claire. It was a hollow impersonation of her. She didn’t make eye contact with him or even acknowledge he was in the room.

“Thanks for agreeing to see me, Mr. Anderson,” she said in a flat, lifeless tone. “I’m sure you know why I’m here.”

Will closed his eyes and held his breath. Surely not…surely.

She took a shuddering breath, but her voice came out in a steady, emotionless stream. “I have been contacting uncontracted clients based on information I gathered while working for your company.”

“Claire, no,” Will said.

She acted as if he hadn’t spoken. “I will not reveal with whom I worked, but he was simply going along with what I orchestrated. I was the one who made the decisions and brokered the deals. He was nothing but a front.”

Will stared at her, stunned. He refused to believe it.

“I am leaving the country permanently. I did not break any laws. I’m sorry for any damage I caused.” Her breath hitched and she closed her eyes, composing herself. “To…to anyone. I had a very good reason for doing it.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

She turned and ran from the office.

“Claire, wait!” Will shouted, running after her. He caught up with her at the bank of elevators. “What are you doing?”

She didn’t answer or meet his eyes.