Sleeping with the Boss (Anderson Brothers, #1)

“Turn up the volume,” Chance said.

Will hit the volume console button for screen seven, and both men leaned closer. There was no background noise, so it was easy to make out the conversation.

“Okay. Why are you asking about Will?” Claire asked in a harsh tone.

Beth crossed her arms over her chest. “How did you know my name out there?”

“Newspaper articles,” Claire said, gripping the back of a leather chair pushed under the slick cherrywood table. “And you didn’t answer my question.”

It was a smile Will had seen at least a thousand times—Beth’s preening smile. She loved attention and being singled out as important or special. Most people did, probably, but it was what Beth lived for. “Well, yes, I am a bit of a celebrity in some circles.”

“Not in mine. What do you want with Will Anderson?”

“I don’t see that it’s any of your business.”

“You need to leave him alone.”

“And you are?”


Beth’s expression darkened to a condescending smirk and she gave Claire a theatrical perusal from head to toe. “That much is obvious.”

“Look,” Claire said, shoulders back, head held high. “I’m asking you as a friend to step back and leave him alone. You’ve done enough damage.”

“You are not my friend,” Beth answered.

“Nor do I want to be.”

Beth flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and took a step closer to Claire. “That means you think you’re Will’s friend. Is that it? Are you his lover? I heard he had one now. I just never expected him to pick up an office girl.”

“Uh-oh,” Chance said, eyes glued to the screen.

Will’s gut churned as he watched his ex take another step closer to his…what exactly was Claire? Whatever she was, she was no match for Beth and he didn’t need intervention on his behalf. He could handle Beth himself. He stood. “I’m going down there.”

“Nuh-uh.” Chance grabbed his arm and jerked him back. “Let Claire handle it for now. Look.”

Will turned his attention back to the monitor. Claire had stepped out from behind the chair and was moving closer to Beth. “You listen to me, and listen closely, Bethanne Carmichael. I am not Will’s lover, nor will I ever be. We’re not really even friends, but let me tell you what I am. I’m someone who hates bitches. And while I’m a ‘nothing’ as you say, I’m not a bitch.”

“How dare you!” Beth sputtered.

“No. How dare you!” Claire circled to the other side, standing between Beth and the door, which Beth was eyeing. Will held his breath, having no clue what would happen next.

Beth tried to saunter past her, but failed when Claire stepped sideways to block her.

Claire was facing away from the camera over the door, but her voice was loud and clear. “You dare to come back here to contact him after you dumped him like that? Really?” The look on Beth’s face was almost comical with her eyes huge and mouth drawn tight. It was probably the first time in her adult life that Beth had been challenged.

Claire stepped aside and pointed to the door under the camera. “Go home. Go home and leave him alone.”

Will had expected Beth to bolt out the door when given the opportunity. Instead, she balled her hands into fists at her sides. “You have no idea what it was like. He came home that first time wanting to put me in a tiny house isolated from everything I loved.”

“What about him?”

“What do you mean?”

“You said he was isolating you from everything you loved. You wouldn’t have been isolated from him. Didn’t you love him? Isn’t that why you’re here now, so you can get back together with him? That’s what Mallory said you told her when you made your rounds in the auction area.”

“I don’t even know who Mallory is,” Beth said, shifting a couple of steps toward the door.

Claire moved in even closer. “Did you ever love him, or did you only love what his money and power could do for your social life?” She backed Beth into the corner of the conference room. “Did your new guy not get you in the papers enough? Did you miss out on some premieres, or God forbid, have to wait for a table at a restaurant?”

Chance chuckled. “I hope this is being recorded.”

Beth’s brow furrowed. “What do you want from me?”