Sleeping with the Boss (Anderson Brothers, #1)

He met her eyes. “Nothing. I just… One of them, Phoebe, is getting married soon. I wonder how that’s going to affect him. The three of them have been joined at the hip forever. I’d always expected…” He left the thought unfinished and shrugged. “So that’s it for my family.”

“So, where are your parents?”

He smiled. “They are wherever in the world the mood strikes them to go. Dad loves it, but Mom would much rather be home.” He met her eyes. “World travel and freedom from obligation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

Boom! Subtle like a sledgehammer. Claire sipped her wine, wondering if he meant it as a hint, or if she was reading too much into it. Apartment door make-out session aside, this was only their first date, and, dammit, no matter how much she liked Will Anderson’s hot, minty deliciousness, she was determined to stick to her plan. She’d given up her dreams too many times for other people to consider hanging around longer to see where this went. “Neither is being caged.”

One dark eyebrow arched. “Point well-made.”

Nancy delivered chocolate mousse, Claire’s favorite, and replaced their wineglasses with champagne. “There is also coffee at the bar. Will there be anything else?”

Will took the woman’s hand and gave it a pat. “We’re good. It was great to see you. Tell your family hi for me.”

She stared at him a while, hand still in his. “I read about… I’m sorry you… Well, you’re better off without her.” She blinked rapidly, then took a deep breath. “I’m glad you’re home, Willy. And I’m glad to see you out again.”

Claire noticed him stiffen, but his words were level and warm. “Me, too. Thanks for being here tonight.”

She nodded and scurried out. Claire suspected some tears followed her exit.

“Better off without whom?” She knew this had to do with the broken engagement Heather mentioned. Bringing it up might have been poking a hornet’s nest, and she knew it, but she also wanted to understand him. He fascinated her—everything about him, even this sadness he let slip sometimes.

“I made a mistake and trusted the wrong person. It’s over. Moving on.” He picked up his spoon, gave her a smile, and dug into his mousse.

Okay then. She didn’t get stung by hornets. She did, however, feel like she’d been zapped with a little current when he closed his eyes and made a yummy sound as he enjoyed the mousse.

“Well, that’s an endorsement I can’t resist,” she said picking up her spoon. Oh, yeah. The yummy sound was definitely justified. The mousse was amazing. Fluffy, light, and rich. As he had done, she closed her eyes and enjoyed her heaven on a spoon. The only thing missing was a chorus of angels. When she opened her eyes, she found him leaning closer. The heat in his eyes was unmistakable. His smoldering gaze dropped to her lips and he smiled. It was a cat-that-got-the-canary smile, and it made her squirm.

Everything about this woman appealed and Will intended to maximize their time together and not waste any of it. Starting now. He set his spoon down and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “So, Miss Maddox, I have proposition for you.”

“If it involves jumping you, I try to never do that on the first date.” She grinned at him and took another bite of her mousse.

“How about on the second date?”

“All terms are negotiable, Mr. Anderson.”

The business analogy made him chuckle. What a fucking bitch fate was. Here was a funny, smart, gorgeous woman who was as receptive as he was eager, and she was leaving in two weeks. It was for the best, though. How tangled up could he get in two weeks? Not enough to do any real damage, for sure. But they certainly could have some fun.

He rose from the table and paced the length of the cabin with his hands clasped behind his back as if being completely serious. “Here’s my business proposal…well, it’s more of a pleasure proposal really.”

She giggled and he tried to channel his inner Michael and not laugh along with her.

Keeping his best boardroom exec face, he continued, “I would like a two-week exclusive arrangement with you, during which we explore the limits of how much fun two people can have in that amount of time. I think we both need and deserve it. I propose we call it the Claire Project. What do you think, Miss Maddox?” He stopped pacing and faced her with what he hoped was a businesslike expression.

Her grin broadened and she set her spoon aside. “I’ll have my people send the paperwork over.”

“I’m so glad we are in accord. No paperwork necessary, Miss Maddox. Let’s consider it a binding oral agreement.” He helped her up from her chair and pulled her against him, loving the way her curves fit against him perfectly. Then he lowered his head, and she met him in a kiss that tasted of chocolate and desire. Clever, hot, responsive. Everything he wanted…and he wanted her badly. It was all he could do to not lift up her skirt and…

She broke the kiss. “The boat is moving again,” she said, voice husky and sexy as hell.