
“I can’t move.”

He said nothing, just walked over and grabbed onto my ankle, pulling my legs off before bending over and tossing me over his shoulder.

“Shit!” I let out a little laugh that turned into a moan as I stared down at his firm ass. I wanted to smack it or pinch it, but before I could he set me down in the tub and turned on the shower.

A scream rocketed out of me as the cold water sprayed down on me and I tried to jump out, but he held out his arms and blocked me. Even in my freaking out state, I heard the little chuckle he made.

“You think this is funny?” I asked, my arms folding over my chest as I shook in the starting-to-warm water.

He didn’t say anything, just nodded as he climbed in. It was tight in the small space, but we managed.

“Did you have to make such a mess?” I asked as I cleaned between my legs.


I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Of course he would answer with that.

It took a little longer to wash off sharing the shower, but a few minutes later we were getting dressed and heading out the door.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we pulled away.

Due to his antics, I’d forgotten to ask who was on the phone.

“We’re going to meet Nine.”

“Nine? He’s here?”

Six nodded.

“How? Why?”

“He knew I was coming here and by the news, thought I might still be in the area.”

Instead of another outlying shit-tel, I was surprised when the strip view became larger and larger until we were pulling into the parking garage of the Venetian.

“Boy, he stays in nice hotels,” I said as I climbed out of the car.

“He’s always been a bit flamboyant.”

Hand in hand we weaved through the casino floor. His steps were confident like he knew exactly where he was going, which was good, because the place was a maze and I swore at one point we’d gone in a circle.

Sitting in a central bar was a man who hadn’t changed a bit in the weeks since I’d last seen him. In fact, he looked the same as when I first met him almost two months ago. Unlike Six, the only difference I saw in Nine was the green eyes I’d seen in Paris versus the brown of Tennessee.

“There you are!” Nine gave a broad smile and held out his hand. “So good to see you again.”

Six smiled back and took his hand. “How are you doing?”

The change in demeanor surprised me. Friendly was not a word I associated with Nine, but then again, Six was very friendly when I met him. The Cleaners were all great actors.

“Let’s go sit over there,” Nine said as he picked up his drink and started walking.

We followed, the two of them sitting in the corner a low wall created while I had my back to the casino.

“What happened here?” Nine asked, his voice changing to the hardened killer voice I knew so well.

In vague terms, Six gave him a brief overview of the wetwork team we encountered, and what happened with Seven.

“Wait… Neither of you set it up?” Nine’s eyes grew almost imperceptibly wider at the knowledge that someone else set the coroner’s office to explode. “And Jason sent Seven?”

Six nodded. “Gave him the access key, too.”

Nine shook his head. “No.” He sat back and crossed his arms in front of him. “I can’t believe he would betray us.”

“I can’t either, but we can’t ignore the signs.”

Nodding in agreement, Nine downed the rest of his glass and slammed it down on the table.

“I’m going to help One search for Two since Four and Seven are now accounted for.”

Six gave a nod. “I’ll find Five and help him locate Jason. See if we can get some answers.”

Nine glanced to me. “Why do you keep her around?” Nine’s voice no longer resembled a hardened Killing Corp member, but more like a friend.

Granted, I was certain they all knew each other and some of them probably for a long time and were once friends before they were nothing but government killing machines.

“I have my reasons.”

“Do you care about her?”

My heart stopped, and I waited. If he did, would he admit it to Nine? Or would that be seen as a weakness?

“Lacey isn’t a topic of discussion.”

Shot down.

I might never know the answer. Things weren’t the same as when he took me months prior. He was still Six, still a killer, but on more than one occasion, he showed me the man beneath. The one who could care for me. The one who maybe could love me.

They stood, and I realized that was the abrupt end.

“Have you ever thought about just walking away?” Nine asked.

Six’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”

I stared at Nine as he studied Six’s face like he was searching for something. He glanced down to Six’s left hand, then to mine and the rings that were for show but were never taken off.

“Nothing. Forget it.” He held out his hand and shook Six’s. “Hopefully I’ll see you soon.”

K.I. Lynn's books