
A lot of the rest of his time was spent working out in the room, probably to tease me.

Not that I minded being there, because it was a huge step up from the previous hotels, but I would have loved to see more of the city. The Louvre, Notre Dame, Versailles, along with so many other landmarks and quintessential Parisian architecture. It was a shame to be in such a city and not able to fully take it in.

So I sat there, studying the Eiffel Tower and the buildings around it along with the Seine, and watching people walk around with a freedom I once took for granted. A freedom I would never have again.

Where did being a homebody and workaholic get me? Stuck in one hotel room after the other for what was going to be the rest of my life.

At least I was allowed to indulge in some Parisian cuisine and, an order unbeknownst to my captor, wine. Gotta love room service.

“Are you going to drink that whole bottle yourself?” he asked, looking up from his laptop as I poured my fourth glass.

I stared at him as the last few drops from the bottle landed in my glass. “Yep.” Tipping the glass back I made sure to down the entire thing while he watched.

It burned, but I couldn’t help but love the flash of anger in his eyes. Somehow, some way, I got to the son of a bitch. Probably more than anyone else. I could annoy the fuck out of him, make him lash out.

Sometimes the result was painful, other times pleasurable, but nevertheless, I got a rise, and nothing made me feel as alive as taunting Six.

Who was the fucked up one again? I was beginning to think it was me. Rational humans didn’t react in such a destructive manner. Maybe it was due to my impending death. What did I have to lose that wasn’t already slated for demolition?

Self-respect was long gone. Anger and fear did nothing to help. I accepted. I kept living.

I did whatever the fuck I could get away with.

Getting up from the sofa I’d been occupying for hours, I made a curvy path to the phone.

Time for another bottle.

The stupid phone was across the room, and I had a hard time figuring out the little symbols. I hit the most likely key and let it ring.

“Room service.”


“Hi, can I get another bottle of Cabernet?”


I shivered, then pulled the phone away from my ear and turned to Six, holding my finger up to my lips. “Shh, I’m talking to room service.” Returning my attention back to the call, I couldn’t help give a little giggle.

“We will get that right up to you, madam,” the attendant said.

“Thanks.” I put the phone back on the receiver. “It’ll be here soon.”

When I turned around, I could almost feel his anger from ten feet away. His eyes were dark, and he was beyond pissed. Somehow, probably due to being a bit drunk from the wine, I wasn’t scared at all.

I couldn’t stop the smile that spread on my face as I walked back over to my sofa perch by the window.

A loud bang stopped my weaving. Six stood so fast the chair fell over, and he stomped toward me. My whole body heated, the thrill sending chills down my spine.

The smile never left my face as he fisted my hair, bending my head back to look at his furious face.

“Look, it’s the big, bad wolf.” Another giggle slipped out, but he didn’t laugh with me.

His jaw ticked, and his lip twitched up into a snarl. “Mean it is, because you need to fucking learn a lesson.”

He yanked on my hair, making me cry out in pain as he led me across the room to one of his bags and fished out another damn roll of duct tape.

I poked the bear one too many times, and I had a feeling I was about to pay dearly for it.

We moved to the bed and he let go, shoving me down. I lay there as he spun me around, positioned me where he wanted, then grabbed hold of one wrist. First, he wound the tape around my wrist, then drew it around the bedpost, then spun it around my wrist again in the opposite direction, making sure to loop the strands together.

My heart started pounding, and adrenaline kicked in. A growing fear began to circulate through my veins when he pulled my head just over the edge, then reached for my other hand.

I moved it away from his grip, trying to keep it away, rolling onto my side, but he was faster and stronger. He repeated the same movements, my arms spread wide. When he walked away I tugged at them, but there wasn’t much wiggle room.

He fisted the shirt I was wearing, which was one of his dress shirts, and tore it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. My nipples hardened from the cool air, and when I looked down, he yanked my panties over my hips before throwing them onto the floor.

I couldn’t help but rub my thighs together. My tipsy mind could only come up with cock-in-pussy scenarios, and my tight nipples only encouraged those thoughts.

I whimpered when he pulled one of my legs away and began to tape it to the bedpost just as he had my arms. Soon I was immobile—every limb was attached to a bedpost, and I was completely naked.

K.I. Lynn's books