
“Your pussy is squeezing my cock. You aren’t supposed to be enjoying this.” He hissed into my ear as he grabbed on to my throat. His breath was hot against my neck. “Then again, I’m sure your body remembers the other night. I bet you felt me all day long.” He snickered. The lack of air increased the intensity of everything I was feeling, my pussy clenching down tighter around him. “Have you been horny, waiting for me to press my body against you, shove my cock in your pussy?”

My back arched, and I whimpered.

“Tell me, Paisley, do you like my cock in you?” He relaxed his grip on my neck.

I drew in a shuddering breath, my eyes fluttering. “Yes.”

“Are you about to come? Too bad.” His voice was strained at the end, muscles coiled tight as his hips jerked with so much force he had to grab onto my shoulders to keep me still, his cock twitching with each spurt inside me.

I wanted to cry, the conflicting emotions in me tearing me up from the inside. He was trying to rape me, and I’d been so close to coming. I wanted to come. It was the only pleasure I was going to get before I died. Why did he have to deny me?

He pulled out, gaze locked on my pussy, which was practically begging his cock to come back in for another round. Reaching down, he grabbed my hair and twisted my body around.

“Clean me up.”

It wasn’t a request.

The juice covered tip of his cock hovered above my lips. One hand still in my hair, he used the other to angle his dick down and between my lips.

Jizz and my own juices covered the hot head and slipped down into my mouth as my tongue worked circles around his still hard cock.

He pushed his hips forward, forcing past my gag reflex. “Relax, baby. I’ve been down your throat before, you can do it again.”

My gag reflex kicked in, my throat trying to evict his finally-starting-to-soften dick. Little moans from him turned me on, to my own self-disgust. A little slap to my clit, and I moaned around him.

His fingers untangled from my hair as he pulled out and stuffed his dick back in his pants.

“Do you often try to rape women?” I asked, unmoving from my position as I regained my breath.

He stared down at me with a cool gaze. “No. All I have to do is find the nearest bar and look for the most desperate and available one.”

Desperate? Oh, God. Is that how I appeared?

Fluid leaked out, the feel of his come slipping down my skin to the bed. “Why bareback?”

“You’re going to be dead soon, so what does it matter?”

I sprang from the bed and moved into the bathroom in an attempt to get away from him and get the rest of his come out of me.

When had I become the desperate woman men preyed after? Fuck!

On my way back to the bed, my shackles rattling as I weaved around trying not to trip on the wire, I picked up the bottle of water I’d been sucking on before I was sucking on him. What I wouldn’t do for something stronger, or at least a Sprite.

I refused to look at him, pissed at what he’d gotten me in to.

Wanted. I was wanted.

Granted, it was for questioning, but that was just the formal description for a suspect. After all, the evidence pointed to me.

Then again, Six did bleed on the floor after I cut him.

I glanced over to where he was sitting, looking at something on his phone. Wrapped around his left bicep was gauze, covering the slice I’d managed to land.

“Won’t they find your blood and fingerprints?”

He looked up from his phone, his expression blank. “Doesn’t matter.”

My brow scrunched up. “Why?”

“Because they’ll never be able to match them.”

It didn’t make sense. They had to have his blood on file. “You have to have left some evidence of you in some other crime scene.”

He picked up his gun from the table and pointed it in my direction. “Go to sleep.”

I gave him a little huff before slipping under the sheet. There was going to be a period of adjustment as I wasn’t used to sleeping without panties on and I felt exposed.

Shutting off the bedside light, I turned onto my side and stared at the wallpaper. There was a small rip, throwing the pattern off, bugging me. In fact, none of the seams were hiding. They all seemed to be popping out, frayed.

The bed dipped, and I held my breath as Six worked his way under the covers beside me. My only solace was that he wasn’t touching me.

But that brief moment was ruined when his arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me flush with his chest.

I froze, eyes wide. “What are you doing?”

“Making sure you don’t go anywhere.” His breath was hot waves against my neck.

He was warm, and I wasn’t afraid. I felt oddly safe in his arms. There was a comfort I wasn’t supposed to feel, but I did.

Maybe sleeping with a killer was the safest place to be.

Grunting and some curses greeted me in the morning as I fought to either wake or sleep. The pain in my side from a rogue spring told me I wanted to go back to sleep. My back was sore. The shittastic mattress was the most uncomfortable thing I’d ever slept on. But I was no longer pinned down by a body.

K.I. Lynn's books