Sinful Empire (Mount Trilogy #3)

He doesn’t realize yet that he doesn’t need hope. He already has me.

“You didn’t terrorize me. I might’ve been a little terrified of you, but I wanted you just as badly, if not more. Magnolia was right about a few things, including the fact that you’d f*ck with my head and make it go to war with my body. But she was wrong about what matters most. She told me I couldn’t afford to let you get to my heart. The truth is, I can’t afford not to, because it would be my biggest regret. It’s already yours whether you want it or not.”

Lachlan’s eyes close for a single beat. When they open again, it’s like I’m staring at a different man. “Thank Christ, because I have no f*cking clue how I could force myself to let you go.”

“I wouldn’t let you.”

“I don’t deserve you.”

He believes what he says. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to change his mind, but I’m going to do everything I can to show him he’s wrong.

I lean in closer to him. “Luckily, that’s not up to you. It’s up to me, and I’ve already made my decision.”

His arms slide around me. Carefully, mindful of our injuries, he guides me back into bed beside him and holds me against his battle-scarred body. My cheek to his chest. His chin resting on the top of my head.

Lachlan Mount may think he’s a cold-blooded monster, but I hear and feel the steady rhythm of his heart beating against my ear as I drift off into sleep.


As Keira’s breathing slows to an even pace, her words play on repeat in my head. For all the sins I’ve committed, I don’t deserve this woman, but I’m not giving her up. I’m not that honorable, even though she seems to see something in me I don’t. Hell, after the story I told her, there’s no way she should be sleeping peacefully in my arms. But here she is. Maybe, just maybe, there’s some truth to what she believes.

The lives I’ve taken are many. And before mine ends, I know I’ll take even more.

But something she said resonates with me.

“You’re the most real person I’ve ever met in my life. You don’t hold back a single one of your sins. What you do hold back is the motivations behind your actions, and those motivations make all the difference in the world.”

I’m not going to lie and say that all my actions have noble motives, but most of them have reasons that I consider completely justifiable, not that I’ve ever felt the need to justify them to anyone, including myself. Remorse isn’t something I feel. Some people need killing, and I have no problem being the man for the job.

For Keira, I should wish I’ve been a better man, but I can’t put any power behind that thought. If I were anyone other than exactly who I am, I wouldn’t be holding her in my arms right now.

I’ve walked through the shitstorm life threw at me, and I’m beginning to believe she’s the reason. She’s my reward. I may have forced her into this, but she just gave herself to me willingly, and that’s not something I’ll ever forget. I’ll protect her with my life and all the power I have at my disposal.

No one touches her. Ever.

I drift off, but like usual, I sleep with one eye open. When the door opens, I have a gun in my hand before I even realize I pulled it from beneath the pillow.


I lower the weapon as my second-in-command enters. Keira continues to snore softly in my arms.

“We got ballistics back on the bullet we pulled from the car.”


J crosses the room and hands me the report. “Five-seven. Subsonic.”

That caliber of bullet is a favorite of the cartels in pistols and rifles because the ammo is armor-penetrating. They’re distinctive weapons. You can’t miss them, and in New Orleans, there’s one particular cartel that flashes those weapons every f*cking chance they get. Subsonic means they were trying to keep it quiet.

“Definitely a five-seven rifle,” I say. “The shot came from the roof. I saw the laser sight. That’s the only f*cking reason I was able to swerve.”

J nods. “Too bad you weren’t able to get the f*ck out of the way quicker, boss. Maybe then they wouldn’t have had to pump so much blood back into you.”

“f*ck my blood. They took Keira’s, and for that, they all die. The streets of New Orleans are going to run red with it. Confirm who took the shot before we retaliate. Then we take them all out.”

J’s eyes widen. “All of them?”

I nod. “Every single f*cking one. Get the confirmation on the shooter before midnight and rally the troops. We meet in the war room at twelve to make a battle plan, and then we roll out. We’re going hunting.”

J’s lips twist into a cruel smile. “You mean, we’re goin’ killing.”

I nod. “Go.”

“On it, boss.”

As soon as the door closes, Keira jerks awake in my arms, her lips pressed together, turning white. “What’s wrong? What’d I miss? Is everything okay?”

I press a kiss to her messy red hair as pain creases her features. “Nothing. Everything’s going to be fine. But you need more drugs. I can see it on your face.”

She opens her mouth to argue with me, but I put a finger to her lips.

“This happened because of me. I brought you into my world. Let me take care of you. Let me make it right.”


I remove my finger and press a kiss to her lips, my side twinging in pain as well, but the adrenaline already rushing through my system suppresses it. I don’t care if I need to duct tape over the stitches. Nothing is stopping me from getting my vengeance.

I meant what I said to J. For spilling a drop of Keira’s blood, all their lives are forfeit. The second they fired on me, they broke the compact they agreed to in order to sell their drugs in my city. If they’re smart, they’ll be ready, but they won’t expect a response this brutal.

They should.

There will be no mercy for the men who made Keira bleed.


Lachlan leaves the room to handle business, promising to be back soon. V’s on guard duty outside the door. I’m left alone with my thoughts, at least until a man brings down a wireless router, a signal-extender thingy, and my laptop bag, which was apparently retrieved from the car. Now I can do actual work.

I should be wondering how Lachlan handled the police about the accident, but let’s be honest—I don’t care. My thoughts are focused on something completely different.

My best friend.

Or maybe ex-best friend?

What was in Magnolia’s head when she decided to give Lachlan the note instead of Brett?

I want to think she was protecting me again, doing what she thought was best. But being lied to by your best friend calls a lot of things into question.

She told me his mistresses went missing. How could she have wanted me to be one of them? I realize that’s one question I forgot to ask, but in all truthfulness, I don’t need to ask it. Lachlan wouldn’t kill an innocent woman, and I know down to my bones that he would never hurt me. Ever.